
U.S. officials say the intermediary is revealed in a classified report to President Obama.


Thursday afternoon on CNN, reporters from several networks surrounded Republican Senator John McCain and attempted to get him to call Donald Trump’s election illegitimate. McCain spoke to the reporters in the hallway immediately following a Senate hearing where Intelligence officials testified about the Russian hacking of the DNC this past Summer. Ever since Clinton lost the election, the media has been desperately trying to pin her loss on Russian influence. While the only thing that has been made evident is that Russia was able to access private DNC e-mails after DNC officials clicked on a phishing e-mail, somehow that means that Russia hacked the U.S. election, at least according to the media.


It's just different, okay


Last year, the horse American Pharaoh became the first since 1978 to achieve the Triple Crown, winning in the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness, and the Belmont Stakes. Having a single political party …


'Repeal and Replace' Obamacare -- With the Free Market - Larry Elder: One of President-elect Donald Trump's major campaign promises is to .01/05/2017 20:57:37PM EST.


Guest essay by Leo Goldstein My essay The Command & Control Center of Climate Alarmism discussed the centralized structure of climate alarmism, and introduced the term Climate Alarmism Governan…


“Oh my goodness, poor white people! Please! Oh my– stop."


AUSTRIA’S New Year’s celebrations were plagued by violence and a series of sex assaults in further signs the horror situation has not changed since the mass attacks in neighbouring Germany.


Total: 0 0 0 0President-elect Donald Trump has fired,effective Inauguration Day January 20, every U.S. ambassador politically appointed by President ...


Israel: EU drone spying on Jewish towns crashes near Mt. Hevron Germany: Muslim migrant arrested over jihad car bomb plot


The well-connected Chinese are sending their kids to study in the United States at younger and younger ages.


Proponents have defended the move as a way of protecting businesses from having to comply with additional regulations.


As Thursday's CNN New Day covered the horrendous story of a white special needs man being tortured by four black teens in Chicago while they made anti-white and anti-Donald Trump taunts and live streamed the assault on Facebook, CNN co-host Alisyn Camerota fretted that "right-wing websites" like Breitbart, The Blaze, and Townhall are going too far in making the story "political."


A U.S. representative has introduced a bill to block Title IV funds to colleges that refuse to cooperate with immigration authorities.


President-elect Donald Trump's transition team has signaled to congressional Republican leaders that his preference is to fund the border wall through the appropriations process as soon as April, according to House Republican officials.


New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is proposing to make all state and city colleges tuition-free for students with household incomes below $125,000.


The state senator blasted “the national liberal effort to rid male students of their ‘toxic masculinity.'”


Further evidence pointing to the fact that Russia was indeed involved in the presidential election has emerged: they were congratulating themselves when Donald Trump pulled off his upset victory over Hillary Clinton.


Former UN Ambassador John Bolton, who sees foreign affairs with steely-eyed reality glasses, told radio host Mark Levin that conservatives who are suddenly embracing Russia's Vladimir Putin as an ally are making a big mistake, commenting that Putin is only concerned about his national interests, and they often conflict with American interests.
Levin began by asking, “Don’t you find this affection for Putin among many conservatives as bizarre?”
Bolton replied:


What a brilliant, strong-willed voice for conservatism in America. Kellyanne Conway walks into the MSNBC lions den and proceeds to decimate their collective attacks against her and Team Trump. Note how at the 7:50 mark how the MSNBC panelist makes clear how impressed he is by Conway’s ability to verbally counter-punch their decidedly twisted version …


Wednesday evening, CNN's Don Lemon hosted a panel discussion regarding the horrific kidnapping and torture of a white, mentally challenged teenager by four black assailants. Before dissecting the segment, some details are necessary.


The List of Countries on the UN's 2017 Human Rights Council Is Unreal - Leah Barkoukis: Death sentences for apostasy, arbitrary detentions, extrajudicial killings, and systematic .01/04/2017 22:59:45PM EST.


Virginia Congressman says the left today has no answer for the question of what is good and what is bad.