
During a Veterans Week episode of "Wheel of Fortune,", Nura Fountano threw out nonsense letters in an effort to deploy winnings to her fellow veteran.


A blockbuster new documentary asserts there is a master plan to create a permanent liberal majority in American by flooding it with millions of voters hostile to conservatism. But “The Enemies Within” also claims forces dedicated to the destruction of this country have even penetrated the national security bureaucracy, endangering Americans and the entire system […]


Every election has its defining moments where the flow takes swift turns and everything changes. This year had a number of those moments and they were especially important, given how critical of a cycle we had this year. The successor to President Barack Obama is critical, because it comes down to upholding his legacy or undoing it. Hillary Clinton, a one-time election opponent of the President, would represent a continuation of the liberal agenda. Donald Trump, a political newcomer and lifelong businessman, would represent a departure from many of the President’s key policy points. For this reason, many argued that the Federal Bureau of Investigation should have stayed out of the election. Just weeks before the election, FBI Director James Comey dropped a bombshell revealing that the e-mail investigation involving the Democratic nominee and former Secretary of State was back on. Outrage burst out from the left, who once celebrated Director Comey after he previously declined to recommend charges in the case. Given the honesty problem surrounding Clinton,?


Newsrooms were caught off guard by President-elect Trump's Nov. 8 victory. Save for only a few pundits and reporters, no one in the press saw it coming. Following Trump's win, one would think members of the press would reflect more on what they know and don't know about the electorate they cover. Though some journalists seem to be doing just that, others appear to be extremely upset with the idea that their industry is insular and operating out of a bubble. Consider, for example, the furious responses from members of the press to a simple question about pickup trucks. The top 3 best selling vehicles in America are pick-ups. Question to reporters: do you personally know someone that owns one? asked conservative blogger John Ekdahl late Tuesday evening.


How do you win re-election in a state where your party suffered a resounding defeat at the hands of President-elect Donald Trump last November?


If there’s one thing that Hillary Clinton allies and supporters established last year, it’s that she was the victim of the year. Nobody in the world has been more targeted and more oppressed than her. Conservative opponents are relentlessly trying to stop a former Secretary of State who before that was a United States Senator and First Lady. To these individuals, her record speaks for itself. She’s established her record. Clinton is above us all. It is for this reason the rules do not apply to her. Chelsea Manning is sitting in prison after releasing classified information to whistleblower website Wikileaks. Before her trial, she was subject to harsh treatment that some have described as torture. The former Army Private First Class did not do this out of reckless negligence or severe incompetence. She did not do it out of spite towards the military or government, nor did she do it to harm the nation. Manning leaked the information to expose wrongdoing. For that, she suffers and pays. Edward Snowden is sitting in Russia?


Washington Post writer Callum Borchers lost it in a Thursday morning post reacting to the beating of a disabled white Chicago man by four African-Americans, lashing out at conservatives for condemning the mainstream media’s slow response and lampooning them as concerned with anti-white racism.


Several stories posted on conservative websites this morning exposed what most conservatives already know: the media will instantly scream…


“What we have seen as surfacing, I think, are a lot of problems that have been there a long time," Obama said.


By Chris Rochester - Nearly the entire e-vapor, or e-cig, industry faces extinction at the hands of impending FDA rules. Under the new rules, many small businesses will be forced to spend millions of dollars to get government approval just to keep their products on the market.


JOIN CENTIPEDES - https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/ HIGH ENERGY Channel - https://goo.gl/lVZX74 Back-Up Channel - https://goo.gl/dyt6yZ 2nd Back-Up Channe...


According to a new Gallup …


Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is "talking about" running for New York City mayor, Newsmax reports. It has only been 57 days since President-elect Donald Trump defeated Clin


Total: 29 0 29 0Face it, America… Obama hates you. The Obama administration announced this week their plan to release ...


"Los Angeles County used to have more than 5,000 apparel factories; today ... many (e.g. American Apparel) are looking for a way out."


Less than 24-hours before Donald Trump is set to announce his so-called knowledge of Russia hacking, one of his top intelligence advisers has quit his team. Former CIA director James Woolsey will no longer serve as an adviser to the President-elect or be part of the transition team as he was reportedly "excluded" from talks. Mr Woolsey’s spokesman, Jonathan Franks, said that his departure will be "effective immediately".


Some news panelists are rushing to the defense of the four black people in Chicago who kidnapped and tortured a mentally disabled white man — saying the savage attack was not, in fact, a hate crime…


Matthew Parris, Jan Halper-Hayes, Tamsin Omond and Ted Malloch discuss what a trump presidency may be like on. Even if you do not like the man you have to ad...


Fox Nation:'The Five' weighs in on the Facebook live hate crime.Watch above and sound off below!


US intelligence has identified the go-betweens the Russians used to provide stolen emails to WikiLeaks, according to US officials familiar with the classified intelligence report that was presented to President Barack Obama on Thursday.


THE French government has been accused of hiding their inability to control the country’s sinister New Year’s Eve torching tradition as the interior ministry claimed the night passed “without any major incident” – but almost 1,000 cars were set on fire and destroyed.


A day after calling WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange a “sycophant for Russia,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said it’s clear Moscow tried to meddle in the U.S. presidential election — but that wasn’t the reason for President-elect Donald Trump’s stunning victory in November. “He won fair and square,” Ryan


When we recently reported Fox News personality Megyn Kelly was moving to NBC to take on a “broad new role” (read: whatever she wants) in a deal made for “an undisclosed amount” (read: a garbage barge full of hundred-dollar bills and an actual supply of the heretofore fictional supermetal adamantium)