More Americans would rather Donald Trump be president than Barack Obama spend another term in office, according to a new poll.
Brace yourselves for a long-winded list of imperialist massacres. Reactionary video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5o_KdvC1c8
According to the Drudge Report, Fox News executives have decided on a replacement for superstar host Megyn Kelly: Tucker Carlson.  Carlson has rapidly risen in the ratings in his 7 p.m. nightly slot, performing strongly enough to convince Fox execs that he is the right man to fill the big shoes of the seat being vacating by Kelly, who is moving to NBC News after a 12-year run with Fox that ended rather tumultuously. 
Nova Classical Academy, a K–12 charter school in St. Paul, Minnesota, is the sort of school that . . . .
He may not be a conservative, but he is a maverick—and he's not afraid to destroy the New Deal's progressive, regulatory legacy.
The US Department Of State released a new trove of Hillary Clinton's emails today. One incriminating email between Hillary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton demonstrates how vindictive and callous she can be in private. In the email below Hillary expresses frustration with the UK for pressure they put on Scotland in regard to a retracted situation and her idea for retaliation was to send Uighurs to UK territories like the Falklands or Turks & Caicos. Uighurs are muslim, and Hillary is insinuating that sending Muslim immigration would be a punishment. Trump was right again, she is a NASTY woman. Uighurs Diane Reynolds is a pseudonym Chelsea used to communicate with her mother, see email below where Hillary Clinton refers to the G-8 summit as "deadly dull".

Tumblr madness: Genders.

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Today we look at some of Social Justice Warriors arguments defending one of modern times' most toxic subjects... Genders. #SimoIsJustice
"f*ck Donald Trump" and "f*ck white people" as they kick and...
A slew of high-profile stars — including Sally Field, former ‘The View’ co-host Rosie Perez, ‘Westworld’s‘ Jeffrey Wright, Keegan-Michael Key and ‘Boardwalk ...
Evil. And they wonder why people distrust them.
If a court can rule the Wisconsin state legislature does not have enough Democrats, it takes voting power away from the citizenry.
The Chinese are not fond …
U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin at a luncheon hosted by U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon on Sept. 28, 2015.
    This election has seen America devolve into a worse state of bitter partisanship. Harsh stereotypes about both sides became more prominent than ever before. Republican businessman Donald Trump is a bitter misogynistic racist, despite being friendly with women and people of varying races. Stephen Bannon, the former executive chair of Breitbart News, who will now serve as President-Elect Trump’s Chief Strategist to the President, was deemed a ‘white supremacist’, despite there being little evidence of just that. The ramping up of the negative rhetoric grew worse as the left continued an onslaught of propaganda and negative attacks. The Never Trump crowd fed a burning hatred, ironically, against a group of people accused of being full of hatred. Then a week ahead of the presidential election that would end all of the partisan dueling, a Mississippi church burned down. Not only was the church burned down in apparent act of arson, the words “Vote Trump” were written in big white letters on the torched building of worship. It?
Following leader remarks, the Senate votes 51-48 to begin the process of repealing the Affordable Care Act.
The Democratic National Committee tells BuzzFeed News that the bureau “never requested access” to the servers the White House and intelligence community say were hacked by Russia.
Last week, in one of his final moves out of the Oval Office, Obama executively designated more than 1.5 million acres of land as national monuments, preserving their untouched façade while closing them to human expansion, development, energy use,...
Pat Buchanan: Bitter Obama in 'Despair,' Leaving With 'Let's Wreck the Place' Attitude
You are not crazy, nor alone. There are tons post-abortive women who have felt the same way you do. The pro-abortion lobby will say else, but it’s true.
Democrats 'know how bad ObamaCare is and what a mess they are in. Instead of working to fix it, they do the typical political thing and BLAME,' Trump wrote in a series of morning tweets.
In the final days of his administration, President Obama has decided that with the stroke of pen, he shall further consolidate direct federal control over lands within Western states.
Discontented with the male gender, some women are deciding to form working spaces that prohibit men from joining them. As Bloomberg reports, the Wing, a co-working space and social club in New York, is one example; Rise Collaborative, opening in January in St.

blm kidnapping

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
Brittany Herring posted a video on Facebook Live showing a man with special needs being tortured and beaten in Chicago.…