
This election cycle has certainly been polarizing. With partisan polarization comes extreme rhetoric, outlandish comparisons, and otherwise strongly negative attacks. Celebrities and prominent politicians were endlessly triggered for month by a presidential campaign many were not prepared for. The rise of Republican businessman Donald Trump was something many were not expecting, and now that he’s been elected, the President-Elect’s countdown to inheriting the White House has caused full blown meltdowns across the country. Among those is CNN’s Anthony Bourdain, who hosts “Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown.” Bourdain has established himself as a strong opponent of President-elect Trump and recently vowed to never eat at his restaurants. In a recent Eater interview, he upped his rhetoric against the incoming Republican who is set to inherit the White House next month. Godwin’s law has been a favorite for Democrats and the rest of the Never Trump crowd this year. Everything they disagree with politically is a Nazi program, and some have even labeled the President-Elect a Nazi himself. It’s insensitive,?


Graphic footage captured on Facebook Live showed a white man with special needs being tortured in Chicago by African-American assailants as they laughed and expressed their disgust for white people an


Appearing as a panel member on Tuesday's CNN Tonight, CNN presidential historian Douglas Brinkley repeated as if were fact the claim that Ronald Reagan's campaign in 1980 pressed the Iranian government to delay the release of the Americans held hostage to hurt President Jimmy Carter's reelection chances. Neither host Don Lemon nor fellow CNN presidential historian Timothy Naftali noted that a Democratic Congress failed to find evidence of such illicit activity when they investigated the October Surprise conspiracy theory in the early 1990s. Brinkley: "Ronald Reagan was taking on Jimmy Carter, and there was the October Surprise meeting keeping the hostages in Iran. William Casey, people in the Reagan administration were interfering with foreign policy then saying, 'Keep the hostages in until after the election.' So it has happened before."


Socialist New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s policies have driven up homelessness in his city to record levels, according to the City-Journal, which reports that in early December, the number of homeless people had risen to roughly 61,000, up from roughly 53,600 when de Blasio was inaugurated in January 2014.
The City-Journal noted that the current number excludes street people, who number in the thousands.


Obama's last-minute appointments to the Civil Rights commission will make it difficult for Trump to fix campus culture.


Danielle Kurtzleben played up in a Tuesday item for NPR's website that "just one of the 535 members of the new Congress" is nonreligious. Kurtzleben underlined that "the nation's top legislative body remains far more male and white than the rest of the U.S. population...but religion is one of the more invisible areas where legislators in Washington simply aren't representative of the people they represent." However, the correspondent later revealed that this members of this demographic hold some responsibility for this under-representation.


Members of the Congressional Black Caucus and other Democrats this week re-introduced legislation that would set up a commission to consider whether reparations should be paid to black Americans for slavery. Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., has proposed the bill in each Congress for at least the last two decades. A description of the bill said the legislation would set up a commission to both examine the possibility of reparations, but also an apology for the racial and economic discrimination against African-Americans. It's a response to the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States. Conyers' new bill wasn't released as of Wednesday, but the version of the bill proposed last year found that 4 million blacks were enslaved in the U.S. from 1619 to 1865. It said the commission would examine the entire history of slavery, and then make recommendations on whether the U.S. government should apologize for slavery, and whether reparation payments are warranted.


Sixty-nine percent of Americans now oppose overturning Roe v. Wade, according to a Pew Research Center report published Tuesday. This marks a six-point ...


The mainstream media has faced increasing scrutiny over the last year for its conduct, from both sides of the fence. Liberals allege that too much air time was given to President-elect Donald Trump, implying they legitimized a candidate who never should have taken off, let alone won the presidential election. Conservatives and libertarians suggest the media is still, as they long have been, biased against the right. Despite the difference in allegations, both sides of the spectrum seem to agree there is a credibility issue with the mainstream media. For all the allegations of pushing biased stories or overtly fake news, they have now topped themselves in a recent segment of “New Day.” Commentator and Former Central Intelligence Agency counterterrorism Phil Mudd stated Wikileaks’ founder Julian Assange is “pedophile who lives in the Ecuadorian embassy in London.” Mudd made the allegations without any evidence to back up the claim. The mainstream media has been pushing the official government narrative against Wikileaks for months, claiming that the pro-transparency organization is a Russian?


A Canadian study found that conservative churches are still growing, while less orthodox congregations dwindle away.


It is common for environmentalist anthropogenic global warming promoters to accuse deniers of being paid off by oil companies. In spite of decades of such accusations they have produced no evidence, witnesses or documents.


Count Gov. Cuomo as another gullible bleeding heart taken in by a onetime domestic terrorist’s claims to have “transformed” herself. On New Year’s Eve, the governor commuted the sentence of Judith …


WASHINGTON -- President-elect Donald Trump appeared set Wednesday to choose businessman William Hagerty, a key member of his transition team, as the n


Assange reveals that Russia was NOT the source of the DNC hacks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dg6gu3qY7rA British source claims DNC leaks came from a Demo...


Among those announced: the naming of former Apprentice contestant Omarosa Manigault as director of communications for the office of public liaison.


President-elect Donald Trump, a harsh critic of U.S. intelligence agencies, is working with top advisers on a plan that would restructure and pare back the nation’s top spy agency, people familiar with the planning said.


Video broadcast on Facebook Live depicts Brittany Herring and others allegedly tying-up, attacking, and cutting an unidentified white male.


Total: 35 0 30 5You’re going to just the new Europe! German Chancellor Angela Merkel released a New Year’s ...


A complete repeal of Obamacare will add $350 billion to the deficit, according to a bipartisan think tank.


It should come as no surprise that most University professors are liberal. What is surprising is the extent of the bias and how conservative students are intimidated to the point that they keep their political views “in the closet” for fear of retribution.


The Right has fallen in love with trolling, thanks to the trolling of the Left. But conservatives shouldn’t value shock over truth.


It’s not just Vladimir Putin Republicans suddenly love. Now it’s his agents, too.