
With more than 20 nominees now selected, Donald Trump’s cabinet appears much like the president-elect himself: mostly older, white males, many of them wealthy, who see themselves as risk-takers and deal-makers and prize action over deliberation.


UW-Madison students are demanding that the administration revoke a conservative club's charter and put its leaders “through intensive diversity training.”


President-elect Donald Trump has chosen Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.) as his director of the Office of Management and Budget, a move that will surely cut spending and address the deficit problems in the United States.


TV channel France 2 went undercover in various areas with high Islamic populations in Paris to show how conservative Muslim men are enforcing social segregation in public spaces.


In 1977, Carl Bernstein published an exposé of a CIA program known as Operation Mockingbird, a covert program involving, according to Bernstein, “more than 400 American journalists who in the past 25 years have secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency.


href="http://truthfeed.com/video-angry-blacks-call-out-obama-as-worst-president-ever/41650/" target="_blank"> Obama couldn't even manage to gain the peoples support he claimed to want the most!


At all times sincere friends of freedom have been rare, and its triumphs have been due to minorities, that have prevailed by associating themselves with auxiliaries whose objects often differed from their own; and this association, which is always dangerous, has sometimes been disastrous, by giving to opponents just grounds of opposition.
—Lord Acton, The History of Freedom in Antiquity
(quoted by F. A. Hayek in The Constitution of Liberty)
Being complacent and short-sighted moderns, we tend to take the triumph of liberty for granted. Of course the side allied with liberty won the Civil War and the World Wars and the Cold War. After all, Providence or History would have it no other way.
And of course here at home—whatever our problems and challenges—America will remain the land of the free. Freedom seems straightforward and easy. Justice we know to be more problematic. When we pledge allegiance to one nation with liberty and justice for all, it occurs to some of us to question whether minorities enjoy full justice, and to others to ask whether the unborn do. And we're all vaguely aware of those recent books by distinguished academics quarreling about the meaning of justice.


Students will discuss proposals to ‘dismantle white supremacy.’


Link to article: https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2016/12/16/laurier-graduate-students-group-shuts-down-caf-over-slave-joke-in-job-ad.html Get to know me bet...


The lawsuit said the City of Sterling Heights discriminated against a Muslim group and noted that residents spoke in opposition to the mosque in public meetings.


Dr. Iqbal Al-Nadvi (Mohammad Iqbal Masood Al-Nadvi) is the Muslim Chaplain of the Canadian army, the Chairperson of Canadian Council of Imams (Canada's top imam


With news that Facebook has introduced fake news labels to warn users that articles have been disputed by third-party fact-checkers, there is already a loud


UPDATE: Responding on Reddit today, Chris Suprun said he worked as a firefighter in Dale City, Virginia on September 11, 2001. But there's no listing for Dale City on his publicly available and comprehensive LinkedIn résumé. In September 2001, according to Suprun's LinkedIn résumé, he was employed by the Manassas Park, Virginia fire department. Suprun also does not list being a firefighter in Dale


Walmart has made their agenda quite clear. They have made no attempt to explain their partnership with a group many label a terrorist organization.


The minimum wage is supposed to help entry-level workers, right? So why do many young people lose their jobs when the minimum wage is raised? Watch this short video to find out.


Despite founding an organization that has become the nation's biggest abortion business, Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger is being exalted by Hollywoo


To the sound of thunderous praise from the Left, National Geographic has decided to bring in the New Year by celebrating a nine-year-old boy's sexual confusion.
The magazine's special "Gender Revolution" issue features a cover photo of Avery Jackson, a biologically male elementary student, as seen below.
"The best thing about being a girl is, now I don’t have to pretend to be a boy," reads the caption, a quote from the fourth grader.


The former operator of the on-campus Veritas Café at Wilfrid Laurier University says a help wanted ad he posted that said he was looking for 'a new slave' was a joke. But the Graduate Student Association, which owns the café, didn't find it funny and terminated his contract.


Sitting down with FreedomWorks' Jason …


LA County Considers $1 Million in Taxpayer Funds to Help Illegals Fight Deportation


Garry Kasparov writes that 25 years after the Soviet Union ceased to exist, plenty of repressive regimes live on. Today, the free world no longer cares.


Mayor Bill de Blasio said Friday he’s “really angry” at the Muslim student who cops say lied about a bias attack on a Manhattan subway — because real victims will now be met with more skepticism. “…