
Electors are being harassed, intimidated, and in some instances threatened with death, to coerce them to change their votes.


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After all of their wasted work for Hillary Clinton, you’d think Hollywood celebs might realize the limits of star power. Yet a bunch of B- and C-listers are mounting a “United For America” appeal f…


Is there any truth to feminists' assertion that women make less money than men in the same jobs? Factual Feminist and AEI Resident Scholar Christina Hoff Som...


President Obama ? who tried to ?reset? relations with Russia, failed to act when that country annexed part of Ukraine, and sat by as President Vladimir Putin colluded with America…


New evidence has come to light upon a 5 year investigation on Barack H. Obama's supposed birth certificate. What do you guys make of it? Let me know in the c...


During a press conference today, President Barack Obama criticized reporters for their coverage of the leaked Democratic National Committee emails.


American officials said they were still trying to determine whether the taking of the unmanned ship in the South China Sea was a low-level action or a strategic order.


Late Thursday afternoon, freelance journalist and editor Sebastian Jones dropped a friendly reminder for Twitter users how the media’s neglecting to recount the disturbing past of Newsweek writer Kurt Eichenwald and instead praising him ad nauseam for his investigative reporting looking into President-elect Donald Trump’s finances and connections to foreign governments.


Writing in Federalist #46, James Madison provided a 4-step strategy to bring down federal programs, whether they’re merely unpopular, or unconstitutional.


With fewer than 40 days remaining as first lady, Michelle Obama is continuing to reflect on the legacy she and President Obama will leave after having occupied the White House for the last eight ye…


Resurgent Church Exerts Conservative Moral Influence Over Arts, Abortion in Russia


Western politicians, “experts” and journalists are going to have to reboot their stories over the next few days now that Bashar al-Assad’s army has retaken control of eastern Aleppo. We’re going to find out if the 250,000 civilians “trapped” in the city were indeed that numerous. We’re going to hear far more about why they were not able to leave when the Syrian government and Russian air force staged their ferocious bombardment of the eastern part of the city.


(AP Photo)(CNSNews.com) - The four richest counties in the United States, when measured by median household income, are all suburbs of Washington, D.C., according to newly released data from the Census Bureau


Donate £5 To Become Moderator Or To Support The Livestreams :) - https://goo.gl/LwUKre JOIN CENTIPEDES - https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/ HIGH ENERGY C...


The calls for an Electoral College coup expose a standardless will to power of a Left that professes to value democratic procedure.


WikiLeaks head says hacked files sent to other sites, including The Hill, may have come from Moscow.


Some lawmakers had suggested that the bureau and the agency weren’t in agreement on the issue.


They're not asking you to vote for Trump. They ask you to unite under our 45th President, together we make a better country. Thank you to Martin Sheen, Debra...


PROSECUTORS dealing with a sex attack on two young women by a mob of migrants in Germany dismissed the claims as being merely the gang’s way of showing “they were interested in you”.


Here’s the rant from Charles Walz after Trump’s victory: Wow. You’d think that maybe, just maybe, this guy would have stopped at some point and said – nope! Bone cancer, rap…


A conversationally written, masterfully researched book on guns, public policy & propaganda