Jill Stein's campaign manager, David Cobb, responds to the allegations that Russia may have interfered in the 2016 election. Like and Follow us on YouTube, F...
Donate £5 To Become Moderator Or To Support The Livestreams :) - https://goo.gl/LwUKre JOIN CENTIPEDES - https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/ HIGH ENERGY Cha...
A spokeswoman for D.C. Public Schools is under fire for posts on social media saying she wants to “get rid of” white men.
    One of the great unsolved mysteries that has routinely perplexed the pseudo-intellectual bubbles among academic socialists of the chair has been why the great majority of America’s working class have refused to embrace socialism to the same extent as their European and Latin American brethren. In the typical fashion of the ivory tower intelligentsia, scapegoats were conceived. They claim the proletariat revolution never spread to these shores, not least because of the economic and political destitution of socialism, but rather that the great mass of the American working class bought into a great and evil capitalist lie. What is this lie? Well, it can be best explained by the famous quote from American author and noted communist sympathizer, John Steinbeck: “Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” The quote perfectly fits into the patronizing progressive mindset that the working class are simply “too stupid to know what’s good for them” and thus they?
As school-age football players far …
Today we look at a video from black transgender sjw feminist youtube personality Kat Blaque. In this video she answers a question one of subscribers asked he...
Some lawmakers had suggested that the bureau and the agency weren’t in agreement on the issue.
To the sound of thunderous praise from the Left, National Geographic has decided to bring in the New Year by celebrating a nine-year-old boy's sexual confusion.  The magazine's special "Gender Revolution" issue features a cover photo of Avery Jackson, a biologically male elementary student, as seen below.  "The best thing about being a girl is, now I don’t have to pretend to be a boy," reads the caption, a quote from the fourth grader. 
'Dear Colleague' letters on sexual assault and harassment are conspicuously missing from regulation hit list.
OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been facing criticism about Liberal Party cash-for-access fundraisers that have generated hundreds of thousands of...
Over the past year, social media platforms have arguably censored libertarian and conservative opinions. Most notoriously, Facebook came under fire for alle
A Russian reporter named Andre challenged President Obama's leadership Thursday, running down a list of problems that have worsened on Obama's watch, including relations with Russia and racial tensions in America. "Does he feel any responsibility for all this?" the reporter asked.
Before Blaming Russia, Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Conspired to ‘Elevate’ Trump
Barack Obama has vowed to take retaliatory measures against Russia, both public and covert, accusing Moscow of compromising the “integrity” of the US elections through the DNC email hacks. US intelligence has yet to provide any evidence of Russian involvement.
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch stated Thursday that the United States intelligence community has not found any evidence of "technical interference" on the part of the Russian government on votin
While the Democratic National Comittee and Hillary Clinton campaign were successfully hacked by Russian hackers during the 2016 election, The Wall Street
The organization partnered with Facebook to help determine whether a certain story is “disputed” is financed by billionaire George Soros.
“Hope is necessary. It’s a necessary concept,” Michelle Obama said.
The wealthy Democrats who helped pump over $1 billion into Hillary Clinton’s losing effort want answers.
Being a cynical sellout is a good way to get rich. But it's not a good way to win elections for a left-leaning party.
According to Reuters, China’s navy has now seized an “unmanned, underwater US Navy vehicle in international waters of South China Sea.” The Obama administration has been absolutely inept with regard to checking Chinese territorial ambitions in the South China Sea – by destroying our naval capacity, Obama has opened up the region for serious Chinese aggression. Here’s CNN:

Wall Street Journal on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Russian hackers tried but failed to penetrate the computer networks of the RNC https://t.co/XeevloCSWd”
A Republican attempt to find out more about Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election hit a brick wall last night, when U.S. intelligence agencies refused a request to brief the House Intelligence Committee today (Thursday) on the cyber-attacks.
Fox News Judicial Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano on his hour-long conversation with President-elect Trump.
The sister of Yasmin Seweid, the 18-year-old Muslim woman who lied about being harassed by a group of Donald Trump supporters on the New York City subway earlier this month, is blaming the media and t