
Two hundred and twenty-five years ago today, a young nation made ten additions to its already revolutionary Constitution.


Source: Michael Kohl Every day the job of President-Elect seems to become more danger-filled for Donald Trump. It can honestly be said that it looks like the entire establishment is out to destroy…


At nearly every turn Syria conflict, the Obama administration yielded the military & strategic initiative to America’s enemies.


Three state election agencies have confirmed suspected cyber attacks linked to Department of Homeland Security IP addresses.


If anything, the Democrats have become our conservative party, while the GOP are bunch of wild-eyed radicals


The failure is massive, but it isn't surprising.


Ben Shapiro (Editor-in-Chief, The Daily Wire) joins Dave Rubin to discuss his proposed debate with Milo Yiannopoulos, his views on the Alt Right, and his spe...


One of the weirder aspects of anti-Trump mania is its sniffy tone. And it's especially weird coming from card-carrying liberal Democrats. For two generations our culture and its institutions have been living under a liberal ascendency. The country's elites—the Bigs of the news media and Hollywood and the non-profit world and the arts and the academy—have signed on to a catechism of personal liberation, particularly sexual liberation, and a kind of radical individual autonomy that even lets you choose whether you're a boy or a girl. We are taught to be nonjudgmental in matters of lifestyle and to accept a pristine relativism in metaphysics and morality.
In pursuit of perfect liberation we've had no-fault divorce, open access to abortion, the celebration of inverted sex, elimination of the blue laws, and wars against censorship that continue long after the censors have cried uncle. Say what you want about this regime, you'd never call it a triumph of puritanism.


Trump team says Twitter not big enough to be included in meeting.


Sweden's Ornithological Society has banned several names for birds following concerns that they sound racist, after completing the first official guide to bird names in Swedish.


Congressman Peter King had some pretty strong words for media outlets and parts of the U.S. intel community in response to all the talk of Russian hacking.


A jury has found Dylann Roof guilty of all 33 federal charges he faced after last year's massacre at a historically black church in Charleston, South Carolina.


Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly staged a shocking legislative coup on Wednesday night, calling a second special session and proposin ...


Current college students and Jared Meyer, author of "Disinherited: How Washington Is Betraying America's Young," talk about the future of college with WTI's ...


Trump wants to wean the U.S. off foreign oil. But under Rex Tillerson, Trump's nominee for secretary of state, Exxon was much more focused on pumping oil overseas in Russia and Africa and missed the huge possibility of job-creating oil production at home.


We're working on learning more details about this latest development for Channel 2 Action News starting at 4 p.m.


A Fox News poll released Thursday revealed ?


If accurate, it's a powerful blow to the current left-wing narrative.


The liberal media doubles down on it's unproven charge that the Russians influenced the election by hacking into DNC emails. Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016.


It’s for this reason that we formed the Federalist Party shortly after election day.


Unknown criminals smashed up dozens of statues in one part of the country.


MORE than 1000 Muslims took to the streets of London last night chanting Allahu Akbar and demanding an Islamic caliphate.


Facebook is going to start fact checking, labeling, and burying fake news and hoaxes in the News Feed, the company announced on Thursday.
