
There is a story freshly put out by BuzzFeed titled “No One In Congress Wants To Regulate Fake News,” and if you know anything about journalism, then you know this story can only come about if someone is actually calling for Congress to do so. The very people who have been preaching about the Fake News Menace are the ones who are outraged that Hillary | Read More »


Foreign jihadists fleeing from Isil's shrinking caliphate are “hiding in plain sight” in migrant flows, the head of the Armed Forces has warned.


The Democrats continue to blame everything but themselves for Hillary Clinton losing the presidential election in November, with the latest excuse being that the Russians hacked the election, even though there is no evidence to support that assertion.
While there is no doubt that Russia was actively trying to influence the election, they are not to blame for Clinton's loss. The main person to blame is Clinton herself.


The House Intelligence chair said his panel had been “vigorously looking into reports of cyber-attacks during the election campaign.”


Liberal-leaning Silicon Valley bet heavily on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.


A monthly reading of homebuilder confidence spiked 7 points in December, its first measure done after the presidential election.


Over a thousand British Muslims took to the streets of London yesterday in a menacing show of force, blocking off a central London square


One of Donald Trump's top advisers strongly hinted that Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner were likely to have formal White House roles.


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Those of us who want to protect the Constitution and our system of government need to respond to Democrat carping by strengthening confidence in the Electoral College.


Celebrities are teaming up to beg Republicans in the Electoral College to vote against President-elect Donald Trump, pledging their “respect” for potential “heroes.” A slew of other has-been and B-…


Anger on Capitol Hill boiled over Wednesday night after the intelligence community’s alleged “intransigence” forced the cancellation of a House Intelligence Committee briefing on claims of Russian interference in the U.S. election.


Republican lawmakers introduced measures to end the governor’s control over election boards and to require State Senate approval of his cabinet members.


Reporter Julia Ioffe has been fired by Politico after she suggested on Twitter that President-elect Donald Trump is having sex with his daughter Ivanka.


FRENCH politicians are getting twitchy about a win for Marine Le Pen’s National Front in next year’s elections and have warned of constitutional upheaval if she takes power and presses ahead with an EU referendum.


Residents in Knightstown are fired up after the town council removes a cross from the town’s Christmas tree.


Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Over at the Washington Post, Chris Mooney and the usual suspects are seriously alarmed by a memo sent out by the Transition Team at the Department of Energy. They de…


The Electoral College’s 538 members gather Monday at 50 state capitols to cast the ballots that matter the most when it comes to electing a U.S. president.


“Trump team: Twitter not invited to meeting because "conference table was only so big" https://t.co/7PRK3Yp9Xp”


Electors around the country are being harassed with a barrage of emails, phone calls and letters — and even death threats — in an effort to block Donald Trump from being voted in as president by th…


Hollywood elites released a video on Wednesday calling on all GOP electors to ignore the will of the people and ...


The British government rejected a report Thursday that it could take up to ten years to agree a new trade deal with the EU after Brexit, a move that could leave businesses in limbo. Prime Minister Theresa May's spokesman insisted that Britain could negotiate its departure from the European Union