
Traces of explosives have been found on the bodies from the EgyptAir crash in May ? suggesting that the plane was bombed out of the sky by terrorists, according to several media reports Thurs…


A surprising number of lawmakers in the minority say they'd play ball if the changes aren't too far-reaching.


President Obama is delivering a generous parting gift to Planned Parenthood in the form of a rule prohibiting states from divesting millions of dollars from the nation’s largest abortion provider.


Canada's problem in renegotiating NAFTA is that it has no bargaining power. And the Americans know it.


In recent months, the press has been replete with reports that America is on the verge of achieving energy independence. For example, a recent study by the International Energy Agency (IEA) projects that by 2020 the U.S. will surpass Saudi Arabia to once again become the world’s largest oil producer. By 2030, according to the IEA, the U.S. could be a net oil exporter.


Craig Murray, former British ambassador and associate of Julian Assange, told the Dailymail.com he personally received Clinton campaign emails in Washington D.C.


In the era of Trump, what the Left labeled as innovative under Obama (executive orders, huge deficits, outreach to dictators) will soon be recast as horrific.


A rural Colorado school district decided Wednesday night to allow its teachers and other school staff to carry guns on campus to protect students.


"This entire fake news narrative was created to cast doubt on one thing alone, and that was the rising awareness to the shockingly real PizzaGate case."


At the Washington Post, Catherine Rampell, alarmed by an alleged "police state" on Fifth Avenue in New York City and alleged "costs to commerce and property values," wants to have the city to "use eminent domain to seize Trump Tower." Unfortunately, the President-Elect does have a blind spot when it comes to the government taking someone's property and conveying it to someone else for supposed "economic development," but Rampell's arguments for the move are ridiculous, and betray an immature, deep-seated desire for some form of vengeance.


It has been five weeks since the election and Democrats are still trying to catch Donald Trump in a "gotcha" moment. As hard as they try, they just keep failing. The latest example has to do with Trump's hotel in Washington, DC. Mediaite reports: GSA Refutes Dem Letter Saying the Agency Has...


'Out of nowhere I felt two hands grab my shoulders ....'


Democratic hysteria over alleged Russian hacking has reached a fever pitched in recent days as high-level party officials begin to question the integrity of this year’s presidential election. But Kremlin-backed cyber warfare is nothing new. In fact, the Obama administration knew about all of this months ago. So why didn’t the president or his underlings raise the alarm bells before? One word. Politics. Today, we are seeing the consequences of what happens when a presidential administration politicizes intelligence.


The University of Pennsylvania students replaced it with the photo of an African-American author to highlight diversity.


President-elect Donald Trump plans to unveil his choice to fill the lingering U.S. Supreme Court vacancy around the time of his Jan. 20 inauguration after the Republican-led Senate refused to consider President Barack Obama's nominee, a senior Trump aide said on Wednesday.


Anything goes as long as the Left’s sacrament is protected.


Why haven't charges been brought against Noor Salman?


Only 37 Electors are needed to change the course of history. Record your own video addressing the Electors directly—let them know why you support them, and s...


“The front page of the internet” is being gamed by vested interests. This is a story about how easy - and cheap - it is to buy your way onto the world’s most popular and influential forum.


Trump transition official compares climate change theory to flat earth theory, and thinks both might be wrong.


Leave it to the Social Justice Warriors to take down a woman for not being the kind of feminist that suits them — even if she’s been a feminist icon for decades. That’s what the SJWs have done by o…


Donald Trump will become a "natural ally" of Syria if he holds fast to a hard line on terrorists, says its leader, Bashar al-Assad.


As President-elect Donald Trump considered Mitt Romney for secretary of state, Trump wanted one thing Romney wouldn't give him: an apology.


Facebook hasn't been asked to build a Muslim registry of its users, but the company said it would refuse the request.


China appears to have installed weapons, including anti-aircraft and anti-missile systems, on all seven of the artificial islands it has built in the South China Sea, a U.S. think tank reported on Wednesday, citing new satellite imagery.