Racism and division in the UK are officially things of the past! The Brits are standing up for their values by getting migrants to repeat words like "toleran...
The woke celeb is on a roll.
I reached peak Twitter this week when I was sucked into a tweet battle with a liberal dwarf.
They just need to remember there are only 45 more days until a new commander-in-chief is sworn in. President Obama received tepid applause from troops in Tampa, Florida during his last nation security speech as president. Obama made the eyebrow-raising declaration that, “We should take great pride in the progress we’ve made over the last …
President Barack Obama described Islamic terrorism - which he dubbed “violent extremism” - as a function of poverty during his Tuesday evening national security address at Macdill Air Force Base in Tampa, FL.
TIME: Donald Trump Is ‘Person of the Year’
University of Illinois shot down a proposal which would have transformed the grounds into a “sanctuary campus”.
Tulane's Undergraduate Student Government took what some students are calling a small step toward progress by passing legislation endorsing the use of gender pronouns in all USG member email signatures, as well as supporting the incorporation of pronouns into other departments at Tulane.
Tulane’s student government is requesting that students and professors add their preferred gender pronoun at the end of emails.
UConn President Releases Plan to Protect Illegal Immigrants on Campus
The British leader knew the importance of holidays in restoring a nation’s spirit.
Lately, Hollywood has been in a bit of panic mode. Clearly the election of Donald Trump has thrown them through a loop because they left no room for even the slimmest possibility of Trump winning the presidency. Comedian Tina Fey is no different and let her apparent distress be known to David Letterman in an interview he conducted with her for The Hollywood Reporter. The former late-night host commiserated with the former Saturday Night Live comedian over their newly found realization of American’s “misogyny”--(rich, coming from the host who admitted to sleeping with his interns)--and how they would deal with the disappointing blow.
Michael G. Flynn, the son of the pick for national security adviser, had posted on Twitter about a fake Hillary Clinton story that led to an armed encounter in a pizzeria.
The Baxter family patriarch tries his hand at a non-politically correct graduation speech on the latest episode of the ABC sitcom.
Some people just can't accept reality.
He must think we’re stupid. If he gets away with it, we are. Mayor Bill de Blasio, calling questions about his shady dealings with political consultants and lobbyists a “distraction,” says from now…
Despite the Army Corps of Engineers' recommendation, the civilian head of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works decided more work needs to be done to explore alternate routes.
The final request and acceptance, sources told CBS’ Major Garrett, occurred while Kelly was traveling in Europe
The move could help ease worries among China's leaders about dealings with the Trump White House.
From the editors of TIME
In response to Hampshire College’s removal of the American flag, House Republicans have introduced a bill to strip federal funding from flag-banning schools.
President Barack Obama linked “climate change” and the Second Amendment to the threat of Islamic terrorism - which he described as “violent extremism” - during a Tuesday address at Macdill Air Force Base in Tampa, FL.
On the morning of Dec. 7, 1941, the Scouts' freshly acquired skills were tested quicker and more severely than any Scout could have anticipated.
In the vast tsunami of leftist grief that has washed over the land in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s shocking presidential victory, no flotsam has been as prevalent as Hollywood gliterrati weeping and screaming and gnashing their teeth while donning only the most stylish and expensive sackcloth. Most recently, near-sextuagenarian Madonna lamented, “I was devastated, surprised, in shock. I haven’t really had a good night’s sleep since he has been elected. We’re f***ed.” Some of the shock of Trump’s victory is surely due to the bubble that exists in Hollywood and New York, the Pauline Kael–esque sense that nobody could have voted for Trump. But some of it also derives from celebrities’ self-assured belief that they have an outsized impact in the world of politics. Clearly that view infused the Clinton campaign: Hillary trotted out Lena Dunham of Girls fame, she of the false rape accusations and gleeful admissions of sexually abusing her sister, on the campaign trail all year long; Clinton advocates such as Elizabeth Banks took time off from producing bad a cappella sequels to film ads; singers and actors all joined to make a difference by producing a glossy version of Rachel Platten’s maddening “Fight Song.” And not only didn’t those things matter, they actually helped drive voters away from Clinton. They exacerbated the image of Clinton as an out-of-touch elitist who spent her free time hanging out with Katy Perry, even as Donald Trump, at a stadium in rural Ohio, took yet another boisterous swipe at elitism. But it wasn’t just because these celebrities were rich and out of touch that Americans were put off by them. It’s because those celebrities were the people most likely to judge red-state Americans as rubes — nasties intent on targeting Muslims and gays and blacks and women. The unearned moral superiority of America’s celebrity class rests in their open condemnation of flyover Americans as brutish louts, and their self-parodying belief that they are civil-rights heroes. Hollywood (wrongly) believes that it singlehandedly ended segregation; Hollywood (rightly) believes that it had a heavy hand in promoting same-sex marriage. Hollywood sees itself as the moral vanguard. Americans reacted badly to that. Why did they react so badly to the celebrities in this particular election cycle? Ironically enough, it’s because the Left had already won the culture wars. Most Americans, not just celebrities, vote as they do because they have a moral vision of themselves and the universe in which they are heroes or victims, never perpetrators. For decades, the Left consistently put front and center its vision of an America in which Republicans were victimizers: Either they were evil racists, or they were John Lithgow–in-Footloose holier-than-thou sexual prudes, or they were old-style Mad Men sexists looking to shove women back into the kitchen. Celebrities helped push these narratives through the stories they told, the movies they filmed, the books they wrote. And Americans accepted the critiques. Americans accepted racial equality. Americans celebrated female empowerment. Americans went libertarian on sexual behavior. And the Left had to go searching for a new civil-rights struggle with which to cram conservatives back into their “victimizer” cubbyhole. The Left now pushes against civil rights in its ignorant search for the new struggle. There was, however, one problem: All the good civil-rights issues have been dealt with already. And so the Left, which focuses all of its efforts on social issues, was relegated to pushing crime-increasing myths about the evils of cops; the celebrities were forced to pretend that men peeing next to women was the next great Martin Luther King, Jr.–style struggle; Democrats were forced to march on their next target, not merely church involvement in state, but private beliefs of churchgoers. And herein lies the biggest problem facing the American Left: America is the most tolerant country in world history. There are no more serious civil-rights struggles for the Left to push. In fact, the Left now pushes against civil rights in its ignorant search for the new struggle: Religious bakers must be destroyed if they won’t bake a cake for a same-sex wedding; young girls must be forced to go to the same bathroom as middle-aged men, hosts on HGTV must be policed for belief in Scripture regarding sexual sin. No wonder Americans reacted by telling the Left to shove it. #related#That phenomenon could very well continue. The Left has run out of aggressors to target; instead, they’ve become the aggressors, self-righteous morality police dedicated to wiping out dissenting thought. Americans aren’t up for that sort of thing. We think we’re pretty tolerant people, and, by and large, we are. Trump won, at least in part, by refusing to kowtow to the Left’s newest social crusades, in word if not in deed. In Die Hard, villain Hans Gruber misquotes Plutarch: “And when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.” The Left will never recognize that simple fact — and so they will push ever onward, steadily encroaching on liberty and driving a blowback they cannot comprehend. — Ben Shapiro is the editor in chief of the Daily Wire.
A conservative Christian group has accused state Comptroller Kevin Lembo of attacking its "biblical principles" after he sought information about its nondiscrimination policies as a recipient of charitable donations from state employees.