
How much where they paying to begin with?


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Trump looks set to release documents supporting the Iran nuclear giveaway that the administration has kept hidden.


The magazine singles out one person or group that “for better or for worse ... has done the most to influence the events of the year.”


Boys should not be circumcised until they are old enough to choose for themselves, doctors in Denmark have said. The Danish Medical Association said it had considered suggesting a legal ban on the procedure for children under the age of 18, because it believed circumcision should be “an informed, personal choice” that young men make for themselves.


A majority of Americans would be fine with Trump’s stated plan for his businesses.


Word is now circulating that Paul Ryan and other leading GOP House members are preparing to only give incoming President Trump a portion of Mr. Trump’s broad agenda – and then ignore the rest, namely Trump’s desire for a much tougher immigration policy. In essence, if GOP House leaders have their way, they are preparing …


At least 398 colleges have food pantries on campus to serve students. The hunger problem is beyond a few sad stories.


We act as if China is an innocent victim on the world stage. Newsflash — they’re not.


What academics and my party don’t understand is that he’s not interested in starting a war.


It is alleged that Hillary Clinton won a popular vote majority. Therefore, if the nation were not burdened with the antiquated Electoral College, anguished and freaked-out Americans whine, she, instead of Donald Trump, would be the next president of the United States.


An Ohio bill that would ban abortions once a fetal heartbeat can be detected is headed to the governor's desk.


Two-thirds of U.S. adults think Donald Trump needs to choose between being president or a businessman, but slightly more -- 69 percent -- believe it goes too far to force him and his family to sell their business empire to avoid conflicts of interest.


In his final speech on national security, President Obama defended his refusal to single out radical Islam as the primary terror threat to the United States. “We are fighting terrorists who claim t…


Trump Formally Announces Gen. Mattis for Secretary of Defense: 'Mad Dog Plays No Games'


CNN apologized for a producer who made a distasteful joke about Donald Trump's plane crashing. No one should expect The Washington Post will apologize for their Sunday magazine "humorist" Gene Weingarten writing poetry about the delight of dropping Trump out of an airplane to his death. Then Hillary Clinton stood up, and she smiled, too. “You know, I’ve a far, far better idea for you! Throw no cash. Throw out just one Donald Trump And bring joy to a hundred million people, chump.”


The attack on Pearl Harbor was front-page news the next day.


U.S. President-elect Donald Trump sold all of his shares in companies in June, aides said on Tuesday, a move that likely raised substantial cash ahead of the presidential election and could now ease some concerns about potential conflicts of interest.


President-elect Donald Trump sold all of his stockholdings in June, removing himself from positions in numerous U.S. companies.


In addition to a commitment to enforcing the Constitution as written, the successor to Justice Antonin Scalia should possess two of his virtues. First, he or she must unflinching in pursuit of principle even in the face of the rewards that often come from abandoning it. The highest honors from our legal and academic establishmentRead More


Not all headlines are created equal.
The headline “Carrier To Keep 1,000 Jobs In US” is not the same as the headline “SoftBank to Invest $50 Billion to Create 50,000 Jobs In US.” That’s because Donald Trump’s deal with Carrier is the height of crony capitalism; SoftBank’s decision to invest in the United States is, based on the information currently available, simply capitalism working as it should.


Michael Den Tandt: Youngest MPP gets rude introduction to new face of ‘tolerance’ in liberal Ontario
Sam Oosterhoff’s political career is already doomed. The reason: he is an orthodox Christian and a social conservative, in an era when it's tantamount to thought crime


Possibly the last conservative to use intellect as a tool in arguing for a principled position, William F Buckley argues circles around Rangel, the liberal h...