In response to demands by students for protection of undocumented students, UConn President Susan Herbst said Tuesday that the university already functions in ways similar to a "sanctuary campus," although it can't legally adopt the label.
China calls on the US not to let Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen transit there when she visits Guatemala.
Shaun King, a Black Lives Matter activist and columnist for The New York Daily News, announced on Monday his plans to organize a boycott of New York City, San Francisco and Standing Rock. [feature]
Comedian Adam Carolla exposes Hollywood's hypocrisy, mainly in the area of taxes and money. When it comes to paying your "fair" share, apparently we should d...
The first family has spent over $10 million a year on travel and vacations, and the still growing bill has crossed over $85 million in eight years, according to a watchdog group. Judicial Watch, which has charted the travel of presidents for years, on Monday said that it has received a new batch of bills for the first family's Christmas break in Hawaii, bringing that trip to nearly $5 million. The Obama's are expected to return to Hawaii this Christmas. The expenses cover items such as security, flights and hotel rooms for staff and U.S. Secret Service. They do not include the price of prepositioning ships and aircraft in the area or much of the communications costs. From Judicial Watch: Judicial Watch announced today that it obtained records from the U.S. Secret Service revealing that its travel expenses for the First Family's 2015 Hawaiian vacation cost taxpayers $1.2 million, which bring the total cost of the vacation trip to at least $4.8 million. This was the Obamas' eighth Hawaiian family vacation. The trip has become an annual event for the Obamas. To date, Obama's and his family's travel expenses total at least $85,029,819.
Trump sent the right message.
Alan Dershowitz: Ellison 'The Worst Possible Person' In the History of the Party For Dems to Pick As Chair
President Elect Trump makes a huge deal with Carrier to keep jobs in America, making Obama look pretty small. Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016
Trump claims victory for saving jobs at Carrier, Trump surrogates decry elitism, and we check out the mailbag!
Secretary of State John Kerry told a painful truth on Sunday, admitting that President Obama’s “red line” fiasco in Syria “cost us significantly” by leading other nations to see America as weak. Ob…

The Biggest Threat on Campus

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Hint: It's an even tougher challenge than political correctness.
In Detroit, canvassers are finding many more poll books that do not match vote machine printouts resulting in . . .
Texas presidential elector Chris Suprun says he will not cast his vote for Donald Trump. Suprun signed a pledge last ...
President Barack Obama linked “climate change” and the Second Amendment to the threat of Islamic terrorism - which he described as “violent extremism” - during a Tuesday address at Macdill Air Force Base in Tampa, FL.  
Franklin Delano Roosevelt giving the Pearl Harbor Address - "a date that will live in infamy"
Three Pearl Harbor survivors recall utter chaos, prayers and burning clothes.
Donald Trump isn’t conservative – that much is clear. But he could very well be popular. That’s because Trumpism is headline-driven, ad hoc policymaking. He responds to the news cycle; in fact, he responds to what he sees on the news. So do most Americans. Some of that will make for good policy. Some of it will make for bad policy. All of it will likely make him more popular.
"...same people that voted for Trump ran into burning buildings..."
"No citizen should get away with this behavior but somehow it's OK for John Koskinen."

Ben Shapiro on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“57% of Republicans think free markets hurt us. 78% think gov should bribe companies. 75% think gov should threaten companies. Welp.”
Republican leaders managed to derail impeachment of IRS Commissioner John Koskinen on Tuesday, sending the debate back to a committee for more study, where it will die when the Congress adjourns at the end of this year.

How to make feminism great again

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Today's women's movement is out of touch with reality.
The former senator turned lobbyist worked to establish the high-level contacts that led the president-elect to call the president of Taiwan last week.
A senior representative of the Muslim Council of Britain has said that white British people have a responsibility to integrate more.
Delay tactics could sap momentum from the president's first 100 days. "What goes around comes around," one lawmaker says.