
Reddit doesn't appear to like conservatives,Donald Trump supporters, or anyone who is sufficiently outside the leftist consensus.


BuzzFeed hit piece on Christian reality television stars Chip and Joanna Gaines suggests the couple might discriminate against LGBT clients.


Incoming UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged EU politicians and bureaucrats to ignore voters and open up their borders, claiming the growing Islamic tsunami into the West was “inevitable” anyway. By Alex Newman


It's Obama, Not the American People, Who Won't Listen - David Limbaugh: You have to give President Barack Obama credit for one .12/02/2016 10:59:44AM EST.


Amazing Senate floor speech on November 30, 2016.


At Donald Trump's first post-victory "Thank You" rally in Cincinnati, Ohio, the president-elect outlined his "America First" policy. He said that attempts to "separate us by race, by age, by income, by place of birth, and by geography" were over.
He said: "Now is the time to embrace the one thing that truly unites us. You know what that is? America."
He continued: "We hear a lot of talk about how we are becoming a 'globalized world.' But the relationships that people value in this country are local."
"There is no global anthem. No global currency. No certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag and that flag is the American flag," he continued. "From now on it is going to be: America First... Never anyone again will any other interests come before the interest of the American people. It is not going to happen again."
PRESIDENT-ELECT DONALD TRUMP: For too long, Washington has tried to put us in boxes. The separate us by race, by age, by income, by place of birth, and by geography. They spend too much time focusing on what divides us.
Now is the time to embrace the one thing that truly unites us. You know what that is? America.
Because when America is unified, nothing is beyond our reach. I mean that. You will see...
We're going to have a country that is so great, in so many different ways.
We hear a lot of talk about how we are becoming a "globalized world." But the relationships that people value in this country are local. Family, state, country. They are local.
We wil compete in the world. We will compete in the world where is a two-way road -- not the one way around. The advantages will come back to our country, and they haven't for many years.
There is no global anthem. No global currency. No certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag and that flag is the American flag.
From now on it is going to be: America First. Okay? America first. We're going to put ourselves first.
We seek peace and harmony with the nations of the world, but that means recognizing the right of every country --including our own-- to look after its citizens. We would put other countries first, we had people running our country that truly did not know what the hell they we're doing.
[cheers and applause]
We will defend the American worker... look what has happened right here. They forgot the American worker. They forgot that it was the American worker who truly built our country. We will not forget.
One of the reasons we are so divided today is because our government has failed to protect the interests of the American workers, and their families, making it too easy for us to see ourselves as distinct groups, and not unified as a whole. We're not unified. We're going to be.
Washington politicians have spent so long appealing to particular interests, that they have forgotten how to appeal to to the national interests. How to muster the skills and the talents of our people in common cause. And we have unbelievable talent. But that is all about to change.
Our goal is to strengthen the bonds of trust between citizens, to restore the sense of membership in our shared national community.
Global is wonderful, but right now we want to focus on our national community.
Never anyone again will any other interests come before the interest of the American people. It is not going to happen again.
Over the last two weeks since the victory, I have spoken to many foreign leaders. And I will tell you they have such respect for us. They all tell me how this was amazing, how they sat in their magnificent rooms --the leaders, the prime ministers, the presidents, all of them. How they sat in their magnificent rooms, watching in wonderment, hearing how people came to vote that had not voted in 20 years, people came to vote how have never voted before. And they had Trump shirts on, and 'Make America Great Again' hats, and they thought it was amazing.
And honestly, one of them told me: I truly respect the United States again because of what happened.


CNN crew jokes about Donald Trump's plane crashing.....
This is CNN.


At an enthusiastic pep rally Thursday evening, President-elect Donald Trump thanked the people of Ohio for helping to elect him, and he assured working Americans that he won't forget them or his promise to make America great again.


To Marines, Gen. James Mattis is the finest of our tribal elders. The rest of the world, very soon, will know how truly gifted he is.


**The reference to "Leon Ponetta" near the end of this video refers to JON PODESTA. The person responsible for sacking the former quality control position ha...


Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize …


When President Obama took office in January 2009, 80,529,000 Americans were not in the labor force, and that number has steadily risen during his two terms to its current 94-million level. The number reached a record 94,708,000 this past May.


I’ve been waiting to see if these feelings would subside in the weeks after the election, but they won’t. If I was a Jedi Knight, I’d be a Sith Lord today, because I feel the hatred flowing through me. But contrary to Star Wars lore, I’ve decided it’s...


A young couple and their two children are homeless today after receiving a call overnight that their home had caught fire and been vandalized with anti-Trump graffiti.


The leaked draft is markedly warmer in tone than the letter sent to Trump.


Democrats have no idea where to turn.
They simply weren’t prepared for Hillary Clinton to lose, and now they’re struggling to find a path. Do they reach out to the blue collar white voters they lost to Donald Trump? Do they double down on the Obama coalition, hoping that changing demographics sweep them to victory? Do they choose new leadership in the hopes of drawing more young enthusiasm? Or do they go with tried and true leadership, hoping that trends will carry them forward in any case?


These two men are registered to vote in Nevada's 15th District . . .


A Philadelphia city attorney has been identified as one of two men involved in spraying anti-Donald Trump graffiti on a building in the City of Brotherly Love last week. According to the Philadelph


A state senator says November's election results show Arkansans don't want it to be called Clinton National Airport anymore.


Almost 600 veterans are at risk.


His group project was due later this week.


Indonesian President Joko Widodo sought to ease tension in the world’s most populous Muslim nation by appearing at a rally of more than 150,000 people seeking to jail Jakarta’s Christian governor, an ally of his, over blasphemy allegations.


FBI documents claim al-Hanooti raised $6 million for Hamas, named unindicted co-conspirator by federal prosecutors in two separate terror cases


We live in a liberal world. We conservatives like to say that the United States is a center right nation but, as Joe Biden says, that is malarkey. Within our homes, most of America lives by a center right credo. We do not, however, live a conservative public life. The national conversation has changed and it is a liberal world. Conservative ideas must be whispered | Read More »


ISLAMIC State (ISIS) is poised to strike Europe with car bombs and lone wolf attacks as it is forced to evolve its tactics in response to losing territory in Middle East.