At odds during campaign, House Speaker Paul Ryan and President-elect Donald Trump are "fine" now and talk almost daily, Ryan tells 60 Minutes
America doesn't agree on much, but everyone wants a solution to our broken national government.
Tensions between the Clinton and Trump campaigns reached a fever pitch on Thursday night ? when a shouting match broke out between their top aides at a post-election forum on the 2016 preside…
Donald J. Trump on Wednesday morning repeated a statement he made the night before in the Republican presidential debate: that wages are “too high” in the United States, an argument he made to explain his opposition to raising the minimum wage. The remark is at odds with the otherwise populist message Mr. Trump has often espoused in his presidential campaign, including railing against potential...
MORE than four in ten British Muslims want to see at least some aspects of Sharia Law in force in the UK, an opinion poll revealed last night.
It’s time to pay up, Donald.
Dream big, and defy the sages of the status quo.
Donald Trump is inheriting the leadership of a nation that is only stable on the barest surface. From the economy to terrorism to racial tension to porous borders, the next President is going to find that the surface paint the Obama administration has slapped on the nation is quite thin. Beneath it lies tremendous problems that must be solved with haste.
‘And the union people crawled away…’- Billy Joel, Allentown   ‘Funny that Billy just endorsed Hillary. He must have forgotten?
French lawmakers on Thursday will debate and vote on a government-backed draft law that could criminalize online pro-life advocacy. The legislation would extend the ambit of already-illegal “interference” in abortion to cover digital media.
This week's tragic shooting at the Ohio State University was NOT an accident. It was the direct effect of Governor John Kasich's efforts to flood the state with Muslim refugees, causing crime, draining taxpayer dollars, and now murdering American cit...

Trump: We won't be divided for long

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

President-elect Donald Trump speaks in Cincinnati on the importance of unity at the first of several post-election rallies.
Last month, when Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison announced his bid to chair the Democratic National Committee, he quickly came under fire from critics for his early ties to the Nation of Islam and its anti-Semitic leader Louis Farrakhan. As documented today in careful detail by CNN's Andrew Kaczynski...
Ivanka Trump plans to use …
While Gatlinburg burns, a small group of liberals are injecting politics into a blaze that has killed four.
"You call this a 'white supremacist country'..."

Coca-Cola | Together Is Beautiful

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump to concede on Election Night, then put the phone down and cried. Now she's drying her tears long enough to demean herself and jump on the recount bandwagon.
Counterterrorism experts have long suspected Saudi Arabia’s “rehabilitation” center for terrorists does a poor job of de-radicalizing jihadists. But a Saudi detainee at Guantanamo Bay now reveals i…
The Obama administration has done …
The Anti-Defamation League, one of the top Jewish civil rights group in the U.S., says that Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison should be disqualified from taking over the Democratic National Committee becau
Butthurt social justice warrior and professional victim loves to compete in the special snowflake oppression Olympics. Just like every other SJW who had thei...
COLUMBIA — U.S. Sen. Tim Scott and U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy are among a number of people who have been added to President-elect Donald Trump's transition team.
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation has provided at least $930,000 in support of the controversial work of the Black Lives Matter organization.