With Carrier deal, Trump understood one important thing better than Democrats, says Dustin McKissen.
A young Barack Obama, known to his friends as “Barry,” arrives in New York City in the fall of 1981 to begin his junior year at Columbia University. In a cri...
A majority of Americans oppose progressives’ agenda on race and identity. Why aren’t they speaking out? Political correctness is just a shield.
If appointed defense secretary, Mattis could help overcome the political correctness that prevents us from discussing Islamism.
By Kristina Cooke MENLO PARK, Calif. (Reuters) - Facebook Inc is working on automatically flagging offensive material in live video streams, building on a growing effort to use artificial intelligence to monitor content, said Joaquin Candela, the company’s director of applied machine learning. Facebook
The Hillsboro School District in Oregon sent a memo to its staff asking them to refrain from using religious-themed classroom decorations, including images of Santa Claus.
The Washington Post is reporting Donald Trump will offer the Secretary of Defense position to James Mattis.  President-elect Donald Trump has chosen retired Marine Gen. James N. Mattis to be secretary of defense, nominating a former senior military officer who led operations across the Middle East to run the Pentagon less than four years after he hung up his uniform, according to people familiar with | Read More
On Thursday morning DrudgeReport indicated that Megyn Kelly may . . .
José Azel is an old friend and my mentor on Cuba. We first met years ago in Miami, and then he was the chief instructor when I completed the certificate program at the Institute for Cuban and Cuban-Am
"You don't need a gun to try on a pair of jeans."

The party who cried racist

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

In 2016, liberals have launched a broadside attack on Donald Trump and his supporters, accusing them of racism, writes Brett J. Talley. By weaponizing racism, the left transforms what should be a serious accusation into little more than another tool in their bag of political tricks, he writes.

Ted Cruz: The Pause

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Ted Cruz is known for his ludicrous pauses during his speeches. Here is a funny little mashup.
The Anti-Defamation League has gone from making a statement defending Keith Ellison to another statement today criticizing his "disqualifying" remarks.
The private sector has just been sent a strong signal that playing ball with Trump might be part of what it now means to run an American company
The establishment has resorted to censoring their competition in an obvious last ditch effort.
Summary of S.1911 - 109th Congress (2005-2006): Flag Protection Act of 2005

Rick Santorum Heckled at Cornell

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Any conversation about the alt-right and the internet always seems to spiral back to Reddit and /r/the_donald, a the unofficial water cooler for Trump supporters during the election and after it. U…
It's bad journalism and bad advocacy.
BY ED RENSI -- The real faces of the Fight for $15 are the young people and small business owners who have had their futures compromised.

Trump’s A-Team

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Wonder Land columnist Daniel Henninger writes that Donald Trump is assembling a who’s who of conservatives for his cabinet.
Plumber Freddy Herrera broke his leg in four places when he crashed his motorbike nine months ago. But his real troubles started when he got to hospital.
Hillary Clinton is looking for volunteers to help with the general election recount in two states. New pages have been set up on HillaryClinton.com for those eager to assist the retally effort in M…
To many, it's the most wonderful time of the year. Now that the calendar has turned to December, let's take a look at some of the best Christmas stories of recent years.
As expected, Republicans are over the moon about Donald Trump’s announcement, along with Carrier, that Carrier will be keeping 1,000 jobs in Indiana. They seem not to care very much about how this deal was cut. As Trumpish spokesman Gateway Pundit covered breathlessly, a lifelong Democrat and Carrier worker was pleased, so pleased: “He spoke to me. He hit a chord inside me, he was talking to the working man.