Trump's pick for Treasury secretary, Steve Mnuchin, says the tax plan would not include an explicit cut for the upper class.
Levi Strauss: Do Not Bring Your Legal, Concealed Carry Firearms Into Our Stores

The Golden Age of Mass Delusion

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

It shouldn’t be controversial to treat human corpses like human corpses.
Carrier's announcement Tuesday that it will keep jobs in the United States hands Trump an enormous victory on a key campaign pledge before he has even taken office, raising the possibility that a Trump effect could prevent other companies from moving thousands of American jobs abroad.
Goldman Sachs’ stock price jumped to levels not seen since before the financial crash, thanks to President-elect Donald Trump’s announcement of his intended Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, a former Goldman exec and hedge fund manager.
Social media website Reddit Inc, known for its commitment to free speech, will crack down on online harassment by banning or suspending users who target others, starting with those who have directed abuse at Chief Executive Steve Huffman.
As reported by Fox 13 News, anti-Trump extremists displayed the left's epic intolerance by destroying a Navy veteran and Donald Trump supporter's home in Plant City, Florida. The home was gutted, set aflame and vandalized with anti-Trump and anti-white graffiti; "f*** Trump" and the racial slur "cracker" were among the choice words displayed inside and on the exterior of the now-destroyed house. 
When Hillary Clinton was expected to win the presidency, liberals called Donald Trump’s claims that the vote would be “rigged” and his refusal to promise he’d accept the results an assault on democracy itself. In the wake of Trump’s victory, they’re singing the opposite tune. Trump never should have called into question the legitimacy of the presidential election. But it has been amusing to watch the Left engage in the same conspiracy-mongering that it denounced as beyond the pale just weeks ago. Trump’s refusal to concede an election day loss now leading Politico, CNN, NYT, WaPo, WSJ, LAT and BuzzFeed. pic.twitter.com/UQPfq15558 — CJR (@CJR) October 20, 2016 Hand-wringing about Trump’s dubious claims appeared on the front page of nearly every major news source after his third and final debate with Clinton. The Associated Press’s lead story stated that Trump was “threatening to upend a fundamental pillar of American democracy.” The Toronto Star suggested that democracy on earth was at risk. A Rolling Stone piece, headlined “At the Final Debate, Trump Threatens American Democracy,” opened with a grave warning: “America. Our Republic is at risk.” The New York Times’s Charles Blow penned a piece titled “Donald Trump vs. American Democracy,” in which he called Trump’s failure to promise he would abide by the election results “horrifying . . . jaw-dropping, unprecedented, and thoroughly irresponsible.” For good measure, he added, “This is an attack on our democracy itself.” Now that Trump has won the election, however, Democrats are suddenly concerned with the integrity of the vote. Clinton’s defeat has brought about everything from denunciations of the Constitutional electoral process to feverish accusations of vote-hacking by Russia. The evidence that election fraud sunk Hillary Clinton’s candidacy is nonexistent, so those claiming otherwise have simply asked a question: If the Russians hacked Democrats’ e-mails, why couldn’t they have hacked our election? This is the spirit that animated Paul Krugman’s Twitter rant last week: OK, this is terrifying 1/ https://t.co/qnh6jd4Mom — Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) November 23, 2016 The worst is that given the role of Russian hackers in the campaign, it’s all too plausible. That doesn’t mean it’s true. 2/ — Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) November 23, 2016 But now that it’s out there, I’d say that an independent investigation is called for. Not sour grapes — we *need* to clear this shadow 3/ — Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) November 23, 2016 After cooling off from his tantrum, Krugman said he simply wanted to see that suspicions about a conspiracy were being addressed, rather than rejected a priori. Yet before the election, Trump’s suspicions about the election drew criticism far and wide. And even after Krugman’s colleagues on Twitter talked him off the cliff about election tampering, he still fanned the conspiracy’s flames by flippantly tweeting that Putin and Comey gave the election to Trump. #related#Back on October 17, Vox’s editor in chief, Ezra Klein, called Trump’s questions about the election’s safety “unpatriotic” and said, “Trump is pouring gasoline atop the foundation of America’s democracy and playing with a match.” Today, Vox is calling for recounts “just in case” and giving oxygen to baseless fear-mongering about Russian interference in the election. The media now claims that recounts, double-checks, and scrutiny epitomize healthy democracy, when before, democracy everywhere was at risk if the Republican nominee raised the topic of voter fraud. The hypocrisy is obvious and breathtaking, but we shouldn’t lose sight of its wider implication: If convictions about democracy are contingent upon partisan circumstances, our democracy is even less healthy than the Left imagines. — Paul Crookston is a Collegiate Network Fellow at National Review.
Levi Strauss & Co. CEO Chip Bergh is posting an open letter to customers, asking law-abiding citizens to refrain from bringing their concealed carry firearms into Levi Strauss stores. Bergh sai…
As reported by Fox 13 News, anti-Trump extremists displayed the left's epic intolerance by destroying a Navy veteran and Donald Trump supporter's home in Plant City, Florida. The home was gutted, set aflame and vandalized with anti-Trump and anti-white graffiti; "f*** Trump" and the racial slur "cracker" were among the choice words displayed inside and on the exterior of the now-destroyed house. 
Democrats intend to repeat the party’s failed strategies.
Tweet me @MattConYT http://www.twitter.com/MattConYT Email me: [email protected] My podcast LIVE Sundays and Wednesdays at 9 PM ET http://bit.ly...
During his presidency, Obama has presided over the biggest losses for the Democratic Party since the early 1900’s but he ...
The Ole Miss student government has withdrawn a resolution demanding “sanctuary campus” protections after a draft of the document sparked intense criticism.
He went straight to the top.
Joining left-wing MSNBC's Morning Joe on Thursday, Democrat pollster and political strategist Cornell Belcher described the election of President-elect Donald Trump as a backlash by whites against a black president.   
Ohio Attack Mimicked Palestinian Terror Tactics
One bad month of subscriber losses might have been considered a fluke, but two bad months in a row has to be setting off alarms at ESPN and parent company Disney. The once seemingly invincible sports juggernaut, which has exponentially increased its political posturing in the past several years, lost 621,000 subscribers a month ago, and shed another 555,000 during November (i.e., heading into December), according to Nielsen's December 2016 Cable Coverage Estimates ("monthly" reports are apparently issued on the closest Monday to the first of the month on four-week, four-week, five-week rotation).
RUSH: The left and the Democrats are continuing to spin out of control.  They do not know what has happened to them.  They are still blaming polls. Nate Silver is the latest target for the Democrats.  Nate Silver didn't use the polling data correctly and misled Democrat voters.  I mean, they're just... (laughing) Obama is out there; he's gone to Rolling Stone magazine to complain about fake news!  Rolling Stone magazine just lost a lawsuit of something like $7 million about their fake rape story at the University of Virginia. 
Reddit has identified “hundreds of the most toxic users,” and will take action against them — from warnings to permanent bans.
?We have the most killer deal-makers? we never use them, I know many of them? these guys are brutal? hard? and Obama uses Kennedy in Japan, I mean give me a break̷…
The Republican Party of Wisconsin filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission on Wednesday that alleges Jill Stein is allowing her campaign to be
Reddit CEO Steve Huffman made an announcement today, stating that Reddit will take "a more aggressive stance against toxic users."
Population trends are working against the Republican Party — at least that’s what we’ve been told.But a combination of the 2016 presidential results and early looks at reapportionment after the 2020 census shows that the short-term changes may not be as dramatic as once believed.