The candidates tell drastically different stories about immigration. They're both skipping half the truth.

Ann Coulter on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Narrative has gone from "Hillary is perfectly healthy, stop being sexist" to "FDR had Polio and was a good President" in less than 12 hours.”
The courts' interference with immigration policy is making matters far worse.
In 2015, Hillary Clinton’s campaign produced a two-page letter from her doctor, Lisa Bardack, declaring “she is in excellent physical condition” and suffers from “hypothyroidism, seasonal allergies and takes blood thinners as a precaution against clots.” Look back to October 15, 1992, when Bill Clinton’s campaign, after months of pressure from the media, finally gave a detailed health history of the candidate. The history revealed a few embarrassing details here and there, but nothing indicating he couldn’t handle the physical pressures of the office: Clinton’s medical history, as related in letters from four physicians in Little Rock, includes allergies, a left knee ligament strain in 1984, hemorrhoids that same year, and what was described as a “mild hearing loss.” A stress test a year ago showed no heart problems, according to Andrew G. Kumpuris, a cardiologist. Though the reports did not mention the subject, Betsey Wright, a Clinton aide, said the candidate has no history of psychiatric or emotional illness. Caffeine is partly responsible for producing gastric acid, similar to heartburn, which inflamed his larynx and harmed his vocal cords. He has been sleeping on a wedge to elevate his head during the night to prevent the gastric juices from rising and to keep his head less congested. His congestion is sometimes so severe, wrote Kelsy J. Caplinger of the Little Rock Allergy Clinic, that it sometimes prevents him from running because he can’t breathe. “His hoarseness is related to a combination of nasal allergies, mild esophageal reflux (the gastric juices rising to the esophagus) and especially overuse of his voice,” wrote James Y. Suen, his otolaryngologist in Little Rock. “There has been no evidence of any tumors or malignancies.” With a recommended low-fat diet and increase in exercise, Clinton also has lowered his cholesterol level to 184, down from 227 a year ago. Most doctors recommend that cholesterol levels stay below 200. Clinton, who stands 6 feet 2 1/2 inches tall, weighed 226 pounds a year ago and bulked up to more than 240 during the high-stress primary season earlier this year. He is now down to 215. Bill Clinton gave his doctors permission to discuss his health records with the media. Three of his four doctors agreed to interviews with the New York Times. Surely Bill Clinton didn’t enjoy having his hemorrhoids and weight fluctuation discussed in the media, but it was one day of chuckling, and then it pretty much put the issue of his health to bed. It worked for him. Hillary Clinton’s campaign does not appear likely to give anything beyond the letter from Bardack. Why is Hillary Clinton unwilling to meet the standard of disclosure that Bill Clinton set? You may recall that one of Bill Clinton’s rivals in the primary that year was Senator Paul Tsongas. God rest his soul, but Tsongas and his doctors lied through their teeth: When Tsongas ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic nomination the 1992 presidential campaign, he made an issue of his survival from a form of cancer known as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. But Tsongas and his doctors at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Ronald W. Takvorian and George P. Canellos, repeatedly said he had been cancer-free when he had not. In so doing, they implied that the cancer was cured when indeed it was not curable. Tsongas died in 1997. If he had been nominated and elected, he would not have completed his term. After 1993, he fought lymphoma again, spent much of the next four years in hospitals, eventually had an operation to deal with liver and heart problems that were complications of his cancer therapy. The surgery worked, but he passed away in the hospital… from pneumonia. In 1996, after Bob Dole released all of his health records and challenged the president to do the same, the White House released 11 pages of letters from doctors summarizing laboratory tests. President Clinton sat down for a lengthy interview with Lawrence Altman of the New York Times, who was also a medical doctor.  Bill Clinton told Altman he didn’t think of the interview as an invasion of privacy. “The public has a right to know the condition of the president’s health.”

Hillary Is Done

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Hillary's campaign ended today with the now-infamous all-on collapse that the spin doctors are now claiming was due to 'pneumonia' she 'was diagnosed with Friday.'Yeah, sure it was.But you know what?  It doesn't matter, really, whether that's a lie or not.Facts aside, optics matter in politics.
After Hillary Clinton’s “medical episode” today, it was suddenly announced she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday. But that didn’t stop her from recklessly embracing a child on a New York City street on Sunday, despite the fact that the illness is contagious. Hillary exited Chelsea Clinton’s apartment building before exclaiming, “I’m feeling great!” She …
What is up with the new look in 30 minutes? Before?. After?. The key words are ?ACCORDING TO HER CAMPAIGN?. Oh look how happy she is now?. Must be due to losing 30 pou…
Hillary Clinton’s public moment of distress during the 9/11 commemoration ceremony in New York City on Sunday warrants some compassion — along with straightforward news coverage. Videos made by onlookers clearly revealed Mrs. Clinton in need of serious help; it was a significant moment for journalists who saw an authentic health challenge for themselves.
What was once dismissed as a wild notion is now starting to turn into a legitimate issue: is Hillary Clinton physically able to hold office, and is it possible
Glory movie clips: http://j.mp/1ut6aeF BUY THE MOVIE: http://amzn.to/vvNin7 Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6pr CLIP DESCRIPTION: Afte...
A white nationalist symbol has made its way into the latest back and forth in the 2016 presidential campaign.
Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein said on the 15th anniversary of 9/11 that she would have captured bin Laden alive.
Be careful what you wish for, Republicans. Hillary Clinton’s medical episode today, officially diagnosed as a result of a three-days of pneumonia, has raised serious questions about her futur…
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said on Sunday there would be new attacks in France but proposals by former president Nicolas Sarkozy to boost security was not the right way to deal with threats. "This week at least two attacks were foiled," Manuel Valls said in an interview with Europe
He's not even old enough to vote, but he knows how We the People can take on D.C.
“There is no excuse for Clinton escaping charges. Not one.”
Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro has released a new attack video targeting Hillary Clinton titled, "5 Things You Need to Know About Hillary's Email Server." with the constant swirl of news surrounding the scandal, Shapiro clearly  delineates why Clinton's actions dealing with her email server render her not only unfit to be president of the United States, but also liable to criminal prosecution.

The Facts about Medicaid Fraud

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

‘Waste, abuse, and fraud.” These are the words politicians say when you ask them what it is they would cut to balance the budget. If they’re really wonky, they might add “duplication.” I have put the question to dozens of politicians over the years, and have rarely received anything like an honest answer. That’s because the honest answer is unpopular: We have to cut Social Security and Medicare spending modestly and military spending significantly, and we’ll probably have to raise some taxes, too, or at least forgo the tax cuts that politicians of both parties habitually promise. “Waste, abuse, and fraud,” W.A.F. I call it WAFfling. We are not going to waffle the deficit away. But we might waffle away a third of it. The federal budget deficit in 2015 was $439 billion; that’s down about two-thirds from where it was in 2010. For all those radio ranters and cable-news mouthholes asking what electing Republicans ever has accomplished, there’s your answer. (Oh, and the fact that Michigan is a right-to-work state, that the First and Second Amendments survive, and, come to think of it, a bit more.) Change happens slowly (if only there were an Anglo-American political philosophy dedicated to gradualism!), but it happens, and that’s how it happens. There are no permanent victories in politics, however, and the deficit is expected to creep up this year, and then to rise steeply in the future if the major entitlements are left unreformed and allowed to become supercharged drivers of deficit spending. RELATED: Medicaid Doesn’t Alleviate Poverty — So Why Do We Keep Spending More On It? Which brings us to the criminal — and I do not use the word figuratively — administration of Medicaid by the Obama administration. In September, the Department of Health and Human Services sent out a warning that improper payments under Medicaid have become so common that they will account this year for almost 12 percent of total Medicaid spending — just shy of $140 billion. (Total improper payments across federal programs will come to about $139 billion this year, according to estimates that have proved too generous in the past, and almost all of that is Medicaid-driven.) That rate has doubled in only a few years, driven mostly by the so-called Affordable Care Act’s liberalization of Medicaid-eligibility rules. 12 percent in improper payments isn’t an error rate — it’s a malfeasance rate. I used to work the late shift at a Burger King across the street from a cowboy bar, which ensured a festive atmosphere after last call, and when the manager settled up the books at 4 a.m., he did not expect us to be accurate down to the last penny. There might be a 1 percent or 2 percent variation from mistakes in counting out change or the like. I once got called into the manager’s office because my till was short some suspiciously round number, like $20, and they were on the verge of either going through my pockets or firing me when someone discovered where the mistake had been made. Twenty bucks is an error. $140 billion is — pardon my English-major math — about 7 billion times worse an error. And 12 percent in improper payments isn’t an error rate — it’s a malfeasance rate. But Burger King has standards. The Obama administration does not. #share#Some perspective: We’re spending more than seven times as much on improper, illegal federal payments as we do on NASA. We’re spending nearly 20 times as much on improper, illegal federal payments as we do on the National Science Foundation. We could build 13 Ford-class aircraft carriers every year for what we are spending on improper and illegal payments driven by Obamacare. We’re spending twice as much on improper and illegal payments as it would cost to pay all the tuition costs of every American college student. (Not that having Uncle Stupid do that is a good idea.) If improper and illegal federal payments were an economy of their own, that economy would be bigger than Hungary’s and and more than twice the size of Guatemala’s. That’s a big waffle. Question: Who is getting fired over this? Who is going to jail? What, if anything is being done. Answer: “ . . . ” No, that’s okay, I’ll wait. “ . . . ” Really? Really. The Obama administration is not lifting a pinky to do anything about this, even though analysts such as John Hood have — for years — been arguing that it is necessary and possible to reform this mess. As the Wall Street Journal has reported, we don’t even verify that doctors billing Medicaid for services rendered are actually doctors. In many cases, we do not do much to verify that their patients actually, you know, exist. We’ve paid untold billions of dollars to “clinics” that turn out to be little more — or nothing more — than post-office boxes and prepaid cell phones. And as bad as that 12 percent rate is, some policy scholars believe that it is in fact probably worse. #related#As I have argued at some length, the real problem with the welfare state is not the poor people receiving checks — it’s everybody in the middle, the vast array of government employees, their union allies, contractors, and third parties who earn six-, seven-, eight-, or nine-figure paydays taking their cuts of money we think we’re spending on the poor. This is an enormous criminal conspiracy against the American people and the public fisc. And what’s the Obama administration been doing? Hiring behavioral-science experts to get more people hooked on government programs. Kurt Vonnegut couldn’t have thought this up. Waste, abuse, and fraud? In Washington, that’s not a set of problems — it’s a career path.  — Kevin D. Williamson is National Review’s roving correspondent.
A former female Muslim police officer has accused London’s Metropolitan police of being more worried about “political correctness” than tackling the extremist views of some Muslim officers because they fear being branded “Islamophobic.”

Ben Shapiro on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“At this point, most plausible explanation for Hillary setting up a private server is to hide her medical emails.”
Clinton's episode at a 9/11 memorial service makes a conversation about her health unavoidable.
Hillary Clinton came under withering criticism on Saturday after dismissing “half” of Donald Trump supporters — therefore one-quarter of the nation — as “the basket of deplorables” and called them “irredeemable” and “not America.” The hashtag #basketofdeplorables trended on Twitter as average Americans ridiculed the elitist Clinton. Others used it as a rallying cry. Actor …
Ted Cruz may have won the Values Voter Summit straw poll three years running, but attendees at this weekend’s social conservative gathering in Washington, D.C., weren’t happy with the Texas senator’s refusal to back Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
In the wake of Hillary Clinton’s Sunday collapse at a 9/11 memorial ceremony, Democrat leaders are asking: “What if … ?” “What if she hasn’t been candid and is a lot sicker than they thought?” “What if it becomes apparent that she is too weak to campaign vigorously?” “What if we have to reconsider her nomination because she chooses to step aside?” “Clarification from dem operatives @HillaryClinton pneumonia: Expect emergency DNC meeting to CONSIDER replacement,” MSNBC David Shuster tweeted Sunday evening. The Clinton camp has insisted the nominee has no serious health problems and that attention to the issue amounts to right-wing conspiracy-mongering. But the latest incident has even mainstream media outlets like The Washington Post finally acknowledging the legitimacy of Clinton’s health concerns as an election issue. “Hillary Clinton’s health just became a real issue in the presidential campaign,” read a Washington Post headline after the Clinton collapse Sunday. The once unthinkable idea of the scandal-marred 2016 bid of Hillary Clinton being prematurely ended by a