“Race Matters”, a toxic den of anti-white, anti-Semitic sentiment, is becoming ever more influential.
His new rule would block states from defunding the family planning provider for frivolous reasons.
Apparently we’ve arrived at the point in social media history, where not sending a congratulatory tweet about the legalization of gay marriage means you are anti-gay.

On the Many Ways to Spin Statistics

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

From household income to capital gains, there are boundless possibilities for spinning numbers to score political points during election season.
Today on First Take, Steven A. Smith revealed what the Seattle Seahawks will be doing on Sunday. Smith says that the Seahawks are goi...
While most of us knew that, already, A St. Mary's College scientist has officially named a flatworm, parasite after Barry. And he thinks it's an honor. Warped. Very warped. Breitbart first published this story. It’s no Nobel Peace Prize, but Barack Obama has a new honor to brag about. Scientists...
Students at a California community college say campus leaders canceled a Sept. 11 memorial and a professor tore down Never Forget remembrance posters.
Eliezer Reyes was shot and killed on Dec. 5, 2012.
Strangers are volunteering to pay his fine...
Jon Cassidy and Charles Blain write about a fight between janitors and a union: A jury awards a cleaning firm $5.3 million, holding the SEIU accountable for its intimidation campaign.
"Hey folks, I'm a white Southerner ..."
The attorney for Pat Smith and Charles Woods have filed an affidavit in federal court asking for the judge to enter a default judgement against Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton's campaign is standing by politically incendiary comments she made Friday night grouping half of Donald Trump's supporters into "the basket of deplorables," people who are racist, sexist, homophobic or xenophobic.
“[L]eftism is a terminal cancer in the American bloodstream and soul.”
SAN ANTONIO, Texas ? Miracle Mattress has announced they are closing a store in San Antonio following the backlash over a 9/11 ?Twin Tower sale.? Miracle Mattress posted the video…
Common Core remains controversial, but one college professor insists that the program’s devotion to social justice creates a political constituency that will fight to keep it alive.
This week, an extraordinarily lengthy piece at the Claremont Review of Books launched into those conservatives who will not vote for Donald Trump. The piece has gotten heavy media play from Trump voters, who apparently distribute it on the tenth-grade sensibility that essay length substitutes for quality. The piece is a shoddy straw man, filled with outright misrepresentations and silly analogies.
Complaints from liberal pundits about media bias against Hillary Clinton have snowballed during the past few days. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman had the most high-profile effort, which contrasted “the impression that [Donald Trump is] being graded on a curve” with “the presumption that anything [Hillary] does must be corrupt,” and some of the others have taken aim at Krugman’s newspaper for its Hillary-hounding. For example, Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo sniped semi-sarcastically that the Times “appears to be revisiting its 'whitewater' [sic] glory days with its increasingly parodic coverage” of the Clinton Foundation and accused the paper of having “a decades' long history of being [led] around by rightwing opposition researchers into dead ends which amount to journalistic comedy…especially when it comes to the Clintons.”

How is Real Wealth Created?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

  An Abrupt Drop Let’s turn back to our regular beat: the U.S. economy and its capital markets. We’ve been warning that the Fed would never make any substantial increase to interest rates. Not will…
To them, since this student is trans, any action this student took - no matter how wrong - is completely excusable.

Dangers Rise as America Retreats

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz Cheney write that 15 years after 9/11, the next president will face greater risks and a weaker military to combat them.
Minnesota Democrats have sued to get Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump?s name removed from the state?s general election ballots. The Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party?s Thu…
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said Friday that 50 percent of Donald Trump supporters are nothing more than a "basket of deplorables," which means she considers about 25 percent of Am
Hillary Clinton told an audience of donors Friday night that half of Donald Trump's supporters fall into "the basket of deplorables," meaning people who are racist, sexist, homophobic or xenophobic.