With Memorial Day just around the corner, let us remember our family, friends, and fallen heroes in their eternal rest.
It’s commonly believed by Americans that allowing students to skip grades is unhealthy for their social and emotional development. Wrong.
A CNN interview taped Friday shows a subdued Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton repeatedly taking unnatural breathing pauses mid-sentence. ...
There is nothing more to learn about Hillary Clinton’s home-brew server, deleted e-mails, chronic cough or anything else that makes her look bad, according to The Washington Post. And The New York …
Hillary Clinton?s doctor says the Democratic presidential nominee was diagnosed on Friday with pneumonia, put on antibiotics and advised to rest and modify her campaign schedule. Dr. Lisa Bar…
The title Dumb & Dumber would fit as the title to any movie made about the NFL’s handling of player protests, and attempts at support around the Fifteenth Anniversary of 9/11.
"On 9/11 this is just in poor taste..."
I Live in Jersey and Trump is Right: Muslims Did Celebrate on 9/11 in NJ . . . We Saw It! ⋆ UFP NEWS
I Live in Jersey and Trump is Right: Muslims Did Celebrate on 9/11 in NJ . . . We Saw It! Donald Trump is telling...
This episode is getting more bizarre by the minute. Watch and hear the piece of metal that falls out of Hillary Clinton’s pant leg after she collapses and is dragged into the awaiting van: More Whispers... Bill Clinton Falls Asleep During Hillary's Speech (VIDEO) BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Collapses In Public (VIDEO) (UPDATED) Remember When Hillary …
The out-of-work and attention-starved businessman live-streamed himself running to Chelsea Clinton’s apartment.
1791L - Your source for common sense political discourse. ✖ Follow 1791L on Twitter for updates on new videos! https://twitter.com/1791L ▬ KAPITAL I talk abo...
There have been several alarming developments in Germany over the past few weeks. For the first time since the end of the Cold War, the German government has told its citizens to begin stockpiling …
Campaign staff reports she was "overheated" and is now recovering.
Keeping your enemies offline can cripple their chances of overthrowing you.
Dolphins RB Arian Foster just told me he plans to take a knee and raise his fist during the national anthem to...
Sick Hillary fainted and the media instantly launched a massive cover-up! Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71 FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @ ht...
FDNY's "Squad Company 1" Squad Company 1 is one of seven Squads in the FDNY Special Operations Command (SOC). Squad 1 lost half of its squad at the World Trade Center. On that day, Squad 1 crossed the Brooklyn Bridge to respond to the attacks. They were last seen in the South Tower. The squad…
Hillary Clinton fainted and suffered a medical emergency today, but the Clinton campaign immediately launched a cover-up. "A witness told Fox News that Clint...
Low-skilled labor suffers the most.
Get ready for the liberal mantra that voter I.D. laws oppress minorities.
"Hillary Clinton never..."
Ed Rollins, campaign manager for Ronald Reagan in 1984, talked about Hillary's "basket of deplorables" comment on Fox today. As reported at The Gateway Pundit, Hillary called Trump supporters a "basket of deplorables" at a fundraiser Friday night: Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton...
Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode” that required her to leave a 9/11 commemoration ceremony early, a law enforcement source who witnessed the event told Fox News.
More than 200 responders from N.J. treated for cancer, recent report finds