In politics and in government, it doesn’t matter how much money you spend, but how you spend it.
The family turned down a 5-bedroom house because "it didn't even have a dining room." 
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz shouldn't expect much help from the senior GOP senator from his state, John Cornyn, ahead of a potential Senate primary challenge next cycle.
Ms. Pelosi, the House minority leader, argued to Mr. Ryan, the speaker, that “defending our democracy is more important than any advantage or disadvantage in this election.”
Clinton contributions still allowed.
FBI Director James Comey defended the work of his agents Wednesday in a memo to staff, arguing the decision to spare Hillary Clinton and her aides from prosecution for their mistreatment of classified information was not a difficult one. I have no patience for suggestions that we conducted ourselves as anything but what we are — honest, competent, and independent, Comey wrote in the memo, first obtained by CNN. Those suggesting that we are 'political' or part of some 'fix' either don't know us, or they are full of baloney (and maybe some of both). The FBI director faced renewed criticism Friday after his agency published a scathing 58-page summary of the Clinton email investigation just hours before the Labor Day weekend commenced. But Comey stood by the timing of the report's release, which came shortly after he said agents completed their review of the material.
A young Queens politico who ran for City Council in 2015 was arrested Tuesday for faking donations to get 6-for-1 matching taxpayer funds for her losing campaign, authorities said. Celia Dosamantes…
Buffalo deli owner and Muslim immigrant Ahmed Alshami, 37, is being held on $2 million bail for alleged food stamp fraud, WKBW reported late last month. Alshami is charged with "criminal possession of public benefit cards, misuse of food stamps and criminal use of a public benefit card for defrauding the welfare system."
A look at the "deep story" behind anti-government hostility in Louisiana.
Speaking in Laos, President Obama found another audience eager to embrace his perverse view of the Americans who elected him twice. Twice, he called Americans “lazy.” Not lazy because they continue to vote for Democrats who forcibly extract money from those who earn more than they do and hand it out to them. No, said Obama, Americans are lazy because they don’t care enough about the environment, and because they aren’t considerate enough of foreign countries. Seriously.
Menendez may have been fed specific questions by a Hillary Clinton aide for the January 2013 hearing on Benghazi
Here at the University of Colorado, where I’ve just begun my sophomore year, I am enrolled in an “Intro to Political Science” class — which I expected would be taught by a rational and fair professor. In my first day of class, however, it became apparent my initial expectation of fair and balanced discourse was simply the callow misjudgment of a second-year student. One might think teachers at an institution of higher learning would be more concerned with presenting facts than opinions to a classroom of impressionable college students. For this professor, however, I guess that is too much to ask. Arriving to class excited on day one, I anxiously staked out what would be my seat for the rest of the semester. I sat down and listened as the professor introduced himself and gave his background. I braced myself as he presented some of his personal views. I later cringed as he laced his shameless Muslim apologetics into shaming the United States military. I was then
Obama should prove he is not “son of a whore”: Mugabe Itaitione Ncube Newsy Editor President Robert Mugabe has happily waded into the row between outgoing United States President, Barack Obama and his Philippine counterpart, Rodrigo Duterte, following the nasty “son of a whore” jibe. On Monday, Duterte dismissed Obama as a “son of a whore”. Obama, who flew to Laos after attending the G20 meeting in Hangzhou, China, had been set to raise concerns about human rights abuses in the Philippines. But speaking in Manila before leaving for the same meeting in Laos, Duterte bristled at the suggestion,?
Months after the Obama administration spent $19 million to register new immigrant voters that will likely support Democrats in November, it’s dedicating an additional $10 million in a final push as the presidential election approaches. The money is distributed by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the Homeland Security agency that oversees lawful immigration, toRead the full post

Frank Predicted it

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Please don't start a flame war in the comments My other channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/1323GamertvCopyright?feature=mhee Social: http://www.tumblr.com/...
This video is a parody inspired by The American Indepedent, found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wVu91Zkx6g The idea behind this cast was to parody Ma...

Clinton the 'Congenital Liar'

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

In her Benghazi cover-up testimony, Hillary Clinton declared, “What difference, at this point, does it make?” It makes the difference between serving time in the White House or the Big House.
Congress must act to support competition
Jason L. Riley writes that, unable to defend their own dismal record at bettering black lives, liberals are lashing out at the GOP candidate’s outreach to the African-American community.

Why Are We Giving Money to Iran?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Obama's $400 million ransom to Iran, and the extra $1.3 billion payment, may have been illegal and were certainly wrong.
When you differ from people you admire, you have to question yourself. After all, what is the purpose of admiring people if they aren't capable of influencing you?
If Hillary Clinton wins the presidency, the calculus for business litigants before the Supreme Court changes dramatically.
Donald Trump can only win if he cheats. That is what a growing chorus of Democrat operatives and media pundits are now suggesting as polls show momentum clearly on Mr. Trump’s side heading into the remaining weeks of the race for the White House. ABOVE: Longtime Clinton operative and advocate, James Carville, admitted voting machines …