The founders observed morality’s unbreakable link with liberty.
Buffalo deli owner and Muslim immigrant Ahmed Alshami, 37, is being held on $2 million bail for alleged food stamp fraud, WKBW reported late last month. Alshami is charged with "criminal possession of public benefit cards, misuse of food stamps and criminal use of a public benefit card for defrauding the welfare system."
Slovenia’s centrist Prime Minister has predicted “conflict” in Europe if the migrant crisis escalates again.
Mock Article V Convention of States To Be Held in Colonial Williamsburg By Barbara Hollingsworth via CNSNews.com – Legislators from 45 states will participate in a simulated Article V Convention of…
And he blasted Obama too!
Libertarian Presidential Hopeful Gary Johnson: 'What Is Aleppo?'
Donald Trump's supporters took to Twitter today to call for a boycott of Starbucks after CEO Howard Schultz endorsed Hillary Clinton.
The 1996 welfare-reform law was not perfect, but it unambiguously helped reduce child poverty.
Colin Powell told Hillary Clinton how to use private servers and personal email to 'do business' without 'going through state department servers,' newly released emails have revealed.
Mrs. Clinton said that by singling out Muslims during his campaign, Donald J. Trump had played into the hands of extremists and helped their recruitment efforts.
Donald Trump said so many ridiculous and false things last night during his town hall or whatever it was that it's difficult to know where to even begin responding to them. Among other things, he repeated numerous flat out lies that have been conclusively debunked, such as the lie that he opposed the Iraq War before it started, that he opposed intervention in Libya, and | Read More »
“He's absolutely right. There's a severe disconnect between this White House and frankly the president and our military,” Flynn says.
Around the world, governments have recently been issuing an unsettling call for their citizens to become more self-reliant. Just this week, the governments of both Germany and Czechoslovakia warned that people should be  “be prepared for the worst case possible scenario.” But here in the United States, just the opposite is happening. Our government seems to have an unquenchable thirst for cracking down on those who take responsibility for themselves. There is an abundance of evidence of this in Louisiana.
(via Screenshot) Young America’s Foundation has obtained footage of 9/11 memorial posters being ripped down by a professor at Saddleback College, a publicly funded college in Mission Viejo, California. Every year, Young America’s Foundation helps the nation remember the terrorist attacks with...
NEW YORK - Just prior to the November 2014 Midterm elections, George Soros’s Open Society Foundations held a board meeting at which the organization discussed how it can further the use of President Obama’s executive action authority to bypass Congress during Obama’s final two years in office.
Conservative actor James Woods: "She can't even lie without help".
NBC News
The Redirect Method collected the metadata of 320,000 individuals, using 1,700 keywords, and served them advertisements that led them to the deradicalizing videos.
During a townhall meeting in Laos, President Barack Obama called Americans 'lazy' multiple times. This isn't the first time he's insulted Americans abroad.
Mohammad al-Adnani, the official spokesman of ISIS and one of its most senior members, has died in Syria, reportedly as a result of an online Facebook exch
A group has complained to the town of Owego, NY, about a 9/11 memorial that calls those responsible for the attacks "Islamic terrorists."
Guest post by Joe Hoft (http://thetruthdivision.com) ‘Crooked’ Hillary Clinton wore an ear piece in last night’s Commander in Chief Forum hosted ...
Brown University's student body president will be hand-delivering menstrual products to all nonresidential bathrooms on campus, including men’s rooms, with the help of 20 other students.
Hillary Clinton's press corps continues to demonstrate how professional reporters ask hard questions of the Democratic presidential candidate.