On Tuesday, Bill Cosby’s lawyer accused rival attorney Gloria Allred of playing on racism in order to gin up outrage over multiple allegations of sexual assault. “Mr. Cosby is no stranger to discrimination and racial hatred,” said lawyer Brian McMonagle, “and throughout his career Mr. Cosby has always used his voice and his celebrity to highlight the commonalities and has portrayed the differences that are not negative – no matter the race, gender and religion of a person. Yet over the last 14 months, Mr.
"The fact that adults feel so comfortable brutally attacking a kid..."
California State University is set to offer black students segregated dorms to protect them from "microaggressions." Get the full story here now.
Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein will face charges after she allegedly vandalized equipment at a construction site in North Dakota, the Bismarck Tribune reported. A spokesperson for Stein told the Associated Press that the candidate wrote "I approve this message" in red spray paint on the blade...
Think Donald Trump's out of contention in the race for the presidency? A lot of mainstream media outlets seem to think so. They've all but called the 2016 contest for Clinton. The only issue, th
For months Americans wondered whether the FBI, led by Director James Comey, would take down the most corrupt woman in the history of American politics, Hillary Clinton.
As it turns out, Hillary Clinton took down the FBI.
Our government is doing their very best to "celebrate entrepreneurship" and boast about how in favor they are of new businesses being started. But if you tak...
Free people are not subservient, but neither are they uncontrolled. They control themselves. Taking control of your life is an act of both freedom and responsibility.
Resident assistants at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst are telling students...
Politicians who blame foreigners for the poor state of labor markets in the United States are profoundly misinformed.
In the annals of the 2016 election, there has emerged a number of Trump supporters who can be placed into different groups. Not all people who will vote for Trump are the same. There is a tendency to lump all Trump supporters together and that is a mistake. People's motives for voting differ. I don't find some of those arguments persuasive, particularly the notion I | Read More »
Via: THE POPE'S BOSS -- Wikileaks: Pope and Soros An Unholy Alliance Written by Elizabeth Yore Among the many smoking guns uncovered in the Wikileaks data dump, lurks documents that should give Ca...
Segregated housing will now be available to black students at California State University Los Angeles as a means of combating “microaggressions” and “racially insensitive remarks.”
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton start the race to November 8 on essentially even ground, with Trump edging Clinton by a scant two points among likely voters, and the contest sparking sharp divisions along demographic lines in a new CNN/ORC Poll.
The most recent special, mocking Rob Lowe, seemed to draw attention only for its attacks on Ann Coulter.
The Republican nominee has denied any wrongdoing in his donation to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.
As if the pay-for-play allegations against Donald Trump weren’t bad enough, the evidence of his participation in government corruption deepens. It turns out not only did Trump donate $25,000 to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi’s political committee before she inexplicably decided not to pursue charges against Trump University, he also held a posh fundraiser for Bondi at the infamous Mar-a-Lago estate. The Huffington Post reported | Read More
A formerly classified US policy paper found within Hillary Clinton’s emails (archived byWikiLeaks), promoting the forceful overthrow of Assad as “a massive boon to Israel’s security”, and as a way to start a war with Iran. It appears that the Clinton email quoted below was sent in April 2012 (the email’s internal date upon release is an error)
A year after he was told he was ineligible to live in a subsidized apartment because he is not Muslim, Austin Lewis has found another place to live.
Hillary Clinton is like every other Democrat. Depending on who she is speaking to, as in the crowd of voters, she changes her accent. So when Hillary first started out, she had that all-important Southern accent when campaign with Bill Clinton in Arkansas. Then, as Hillary started running for...
A new CNN poll Tuesday shows that registered voters consider Donald Trump "more honest and trustworthy," than Hillary Clinton, 50%-35%.
During his September 6 broadcast, conservative talk radio host and recent Trump detractor Mark Levin announced a change of direction saying he is now going to vote for Donald Trump for president. Not because he loves him some Trump, but because Hillary Clinton has to be stopped.
"Donald Trump is no Republican and certainly no conservative."