Two of the biggest and most influential libertarian pages on Facebook, Being Libertarian (nearly 120,000 likes) and Occupy Democrats Logic (over 130,000 likes), have been removed by the company. It isn't clear why Being Libertarian was removed, but here is a statement from the administrator: **ATTENTION** Trending Corey Lewandowski Having the Last Laugh Being Libertarian has been officially unpublished. We continue to contend that we did not break Facebook community | Read More
A review of the Republican presidential nominee’s holdings uncovered more debt than what is apparent on his federal election filing, and partnerships with even more liabilities.
Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Hillary Clinton told federal investigators that former Secretary of State Colin Powell suggested she use a personal email account, the New York Times reported late on Thursday.
The United Nations (UN) and Pope Francis have urged immediate action after at least 36 Christians were hacked to death in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
The left-wing think tank that released a controversial report about Islamophobia on Twitter was directly funded by George Soros' Open Society Foundation.
On Thursday, the U.S. State Department approved the sale of more military equ...
Holding defendants in jail because they can't afford to make bail is unconstitutional, the Justice Department said in a court filing late Thursday.
Why has the media not been asking Clinton to release her medical records? Is her health status less important than Trump’s?
Guest Post by Joe Hoft Hillary Clinton has no campaign rallies scheduled for the foreseeable future. No campaign rallies are ...
So a giant, rent-seeking insurance company is accused of having threatened to leave Obamacare's health insurance
While the Internet continues to remember his legacy, it appears he’s had an influence in the real world, too.
The Democratic mayor of Petersburg, Va., has denounced all critics of his leadership as racist Republicans in a bizarre email replete with many grammatical errors. Petersburg, a city of just 32,00
The Democratic mayor of Petersburg, Va., has denounced all critics of his leadership as racist Republicans in a bizarre email replete with many grammatical errors. Petersburg, a city of just 32,00
A federal judge in Washington ruled Friday that Hillary Clinton must answer written questions related to a lawsuit over her private email server.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have said many things over the years. We asked participants at this year's Democratic National Convention to parse the two's...
5 bombshell scandals ignored by the media.
With hundreds of thousands of followers, Occupy Democrats Logic, the Facebook page made famous for exposing fallacies in the Occupy Democrats movement, has now been shut down for noncompliance with Fa
Is it really any surprise that newspapers and the television and radio have glutted their pages and airwaves with this constant fire-hydrant-force deluge of the most intensely negative coverage of Donald Trump?
At last! A Republican presidential nominee finally has slammed Democrats for abusing black Americans — for decades. “I am asking for the vote of every African-American citizen struggling in our cou…
Liberals sat around condemning Donald Trump today for going to Louisiana. Apparently, leadership and AMERICA FIST is a foreign concept to these idiots. They accused Trump of only showing up for a ?photo op.? I wonder how they felt when they discovered he donated an 18-wheeler full of supplies. Watch the video: Amy Moreno is a Published Author, Pug Lover & Game of Thrones Nerd. You can follow her on Twitter here. Support the Trump Movement and help us fight Liberal Media Bias. Please LIKE and SHARE this story on Facebook or Twitter. Share on Facebook Share Share on Twitter Tweet ?
Americans are endlessly instructed to have “honest conversations” about race. A look at the cynical ends to which those conversations are often put.