Today, I'll be ruining your childhood with a deconstruction of Bill Nye.
You’ve just got to love Andrea Tantaros… she doesn’t hold back and calls it like she sees it. Especially when it comes to Hillary Clinton. She saw the movie “13
Wiaren, 57, a retired police officer from nearby Orford, supported eventual Republican nominee Mitt Romney in the 2012 primary. For months, Cruz has focused his campaign on Iowa, which votes first and is full of evangelical Christians and others who love the senator's tea party brand of conservatism. [...] as he has gained steam in national polls, Cruz has redoubled his efforts in second-voting New Hampshire, which usually goes for more moderate Republicans and this year has been dominated by businessman Donald Trump. O'Brien, who lost the speakership in 2012 but remains in the House, said Cruz has managed to expand his base of social conservatives to include libertarians, who helped former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul finish a strong second last time around. Cruz's stump speech also has drawn loud applause at crowded venues on every stop of his tour, including in Plymouth, where Wiaren and his wife said they were impressed by specifics about what he would do on his first day in office – rescind executive orders, investigate Planned Parenthood and begin to move the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem – as well as his position against Common Core, the federal education standards. The campaign has 10 paid staffers in the state, as well as a residence for volunteers, and the candidate is planning to return here after the Feb. 1 Iowa caucuses, said Ethan Zorfas, Cruz's state director. After a Monday campaign stop at a diner in Keene, Malia Boaz, 64, who lives in Westmoreland but spent 30 years living in Texas and volunteered on Cruz's 2012 U.S. Senate campaign, said she loved him but would be voting for Trump.
Germany should completely close its borders to refugees if it is to solve to migrant crisis, a former President of Bavaria has said.
Yesterday a D.C. Whispers report suggested a seeming alliance had been forged between the Trump and Rubio campaigns as Ted Cruz has decided to enter the anti-Donald Trump fray. Some dismissed the claim. Those dismissals have now been proven wrong given an onslaught of anti-Cruz ads being disseminated by pro-Rubio Super PACs today, including a …
A $14 trillion chunk would come from his healthcare plan alone.
It has been almost a week since Ms. Haley of South Carolina suggested in a State of the Union response that her fellow Republicans dial down their anger. For Tea Party activists in her state, the advice has served only to frustrate them further.
WHERE / HOW DO I CAUCUS? 1. Find your caucus location. At 7:00 p.m. on Feb. 1, Republicans and Democrats gather in schools, churches, and other local venues
The Supreme Court agreed Tuesday to review President Obama’s plan to shield up to 5 million illegal immigrants from deportation, after lower courts blocked the president’s sweeping executive actions from taking effect.
President Obama’s “legacy” consists mostly of regulations and executive actions, which the next president may well overturn.
US Department of Transportation required carrier to cease ‘unlawful discrimination’; instead it ceased route
The GOP establishment is developing a notable preference for Donald Trump over Ted Cruz.
She's a special kind of stupid...
Having a powerful partner on the other side of the bargaining table can make for happier workplaces and better public services.
Fifteen years ago today in 2001, President Bill Clinton admitted that he lied about his affair with Monica Lewinsky in ...
Transgender Inquiry: UK Government Backs Brainwashing And Mutilation Of British Children - Breitbart
Transgender Inquiry: UK Government Backs Brainwashing And Mutilation Of British Children
Muslim MP Invited Trump To Visit Bradford, Where Muslims Beat Christian Converts, And JUST TWO DAYS After A British Soldier Is Found Beaten, Bloodied On The Streets
Clinton said she would ensure "equal pay for women's work."
According to Davos leader Klaus Schwab, an impending global economic crisis may very well provoke a tsunami of immigration into Europe.
Hillary Clinton last week lunged into her most flagrant fit of hypocrisy yet. With Bernie Sanders surging, she took new aim at the rich — including their use of tax dodges. She told MSNBC: “We can ...