
I love the smell of liberal tears.

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
According to purists, the field of economics is supposed to be free of political ideology. Economics views itself as a science and the prevailing consensus, best articulated by Nobel-winner and Chi…
DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz seemed visibly aggravated Friday when CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer asked her if the Democratic Party is trying to work more debates into its current lineup. The Florida congresswoman's first answer — though tense — seemed friendly. "We have a combination of candidate...
Last week, Glenn Beck's nonprofit charity organization, Mercury One, through its Nazarene Fund, evacuated 149 Christian refugees from Iraq to Slovakia. Friday night, on ABC News' 20/20, reporter Elizabeth Vargas will showcase the charity's work. "We decided to go with ABC because they happen to have the best...
If Marco Rubio or Jeb Bush or Chris Christie or John Kasich somehow ends up the Republican nominee in 2016, there will be one reason why: the Republican Party’s asinine delegate allocation process. There are several reasons why the Republican primary process is deeply flawed. Here are the top three.
In an exclusive interview, Chuck Hagel said the Obama administration micromanaged the Pentagon, stabbed him in the back on the way out — and still?
The tally is in, and President Barack Obama is on most Republicans' naughty list this year, while GOP White House candidate Donald Trump is on the nice list.
Just as journalists and liberals across the world are cheering on the climate change Paris Agreement, taxpayers are about to ...
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s reliance on poorly-sited weather stations to calculate surface temperatures is inflating the warming trend of the U.S. and maybe even the rest o

Bernie Sanders Just Sued the DNC

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

This fight is getting real.

The Obama Secrets Regime

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Republicans ban the IRS from private email. But why not all federal employees?By Kimberley A. Strassel, Wall Street Journal Some scandals come on fast, and some creep up on Washington. The
The American people have some right to be ‘scared’ by terrorism, because their government has consistently failed to seriously confront the problem.

Sophisticated Trump

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

What if Donald Trump had elocution lessons? All words verbatim.
A few days after Secretary of State John Kerry’s trip to the tsar’s court in Moscow, several obvious things have happened. Russian President Vladimir Putin has admitted that Russian troops were in East Ukraine, the International Monetary Fund has declared the $3 billion bond Ukraine owes to Russia as “official,” and Mr. Putin has stated he is ready to “push” separatists to a settlement in Donbass. Russia has also ended a trade pact with Ukraine as tensions between the two former Soviet states worsen.
Obama had his year-end press conference by trying to reassure everyone that the government was going to protect them from ISIS, and then ran off to watch Star Wars. Watch below: Remember the last t…
French authorities are convinced that Paris attack ringleader Abdelhamid Abaaoud was on the Greek island of Leros.
The Democrat party is ashamed of their ideas. There's no other conclusion to be drawn from the way they have drawn up their debate schedule, which was incredibly sparse to begin with. Not only were there few debates scheduled (a clear indication that the DNC is firmly in the tank for Hillary Clinton), but they have intentionally scheduled them at times that would conflict with | Read More »
House Speaker Paul Ryan traded exporting oil for importing Syrians in the trillion dollar omnibus bill.
At what point in Donald Trump's inaugural address do you figure the GOP establishment will finally will grasp what's been happening?
Insult Donald Trump and you just might get an "A"! At least with this professor, who gave his literature students a left-leaning extra credit opportunity...
In an exclusive interview, Chuck Hagel said the Obama administration micromanaged the Pentagon, stabbed him in the back on the way out — and still?
Nearing the end of the Obama Presidency, the Republican Congress has crafted a budget that extends indefinitely many of Obama's stimulus programs.
Bernie Sanders wants free college tuition, Medicare for all and upgrades to roads and bridges. Can the wealthy and Wall Street afford to pay for it all?

Legacy or bust

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

So what if the climate deal and Iran deal aren’t actual agreements? Obama needs accomplishments.