Muckraker James O'Keefe is releasing undercover Common Core videos. The reasons kids learn so little are even worse than he shows.
One of the final, devastating images in the Benghazi film “13 Hours” is of an American flag lying in a pool of filthy water and debris after the jihadi raid on two American outposts in Libya. As th...
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz rebuked Donald Trump on Monday, telling reporters at a campaign stop in New Hampshire that the billionaire businessman is nothing in comparison to former president Ronald Reagan. "Donald did an interview where he described that he thinks that he's bigger than Ronald Reagan —...
The Republican junior senator from Texas is the far right’s most formidable advocate—and a 2016 contender.
The British Parliament on Monday debated whether or not to ban Donald Trump from the country for the crime of saying that in light of jihad terrorist attacks, there should be a temporary moratorium on Muslim immigration into the U.S.
The Founders intended that the federal government should dispose of federally owned western lands.
Two Dutch, pro-immigration filmmakers published a video Saturday of themselves getting brutally robbed at a refugee camp in Calais, France, known as "The Jungle." Journalist Maaike Engels and photo
Obama’s black supporters are crucial to a Trump win, and pollsters say he has a chance with this bloc.
Hundreds of years of parliamentary tradition, British expectancy over free speech, and indeed decades of the "special relationship" were tossed out of the window today as hard-line left-wing Members of Parliament, combined with virtue-signalling pseudo-conservatives gathered a British Parliament committee room to debate banning U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump.
"He's written checks to Chuck Schumer, I never have," Cruz says.
British MPs spent three hours on Monday debating whether they should ban US presidential hopeful Donald Trump.
On Sunday, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump launched a full-scale attack on Sen. Ted Cruz, the only candidate who had escaped Trump’s scorn and outrage.
A flight attendant kicked four Brooklyn men off a flight for looking too Muslim, a lawsuit alleges.
Charles Krauthammer analyzes the campaign trail latest on 'The O'Reilly Factor'
Politico Doesn't Know That Rubio Supports Citizenship For Illegal Aliens
A new poll of Florida Republicans shows Donald Trump opening his biggest lead in the Sunshine State.
The problem with ObamaCare, liberals argue, is that it didn’t go far enough — we should have an entirely government-run health-care system. As former Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin put it shortly before his ...
Marco Rubio attack's Bernie Sanders' economic vision for America
Mark Levin opened his show today addressing the ‘stupid talk’ and ‘stupid issues’ coming from Donald Trump over the weekend. He emphatically stated that he’s sick and …
Technically Incorrect: In a speech at Liberty University, the leading Republican candidate says he'll strong-arm Tim Cook to end all foreign manufacture of the company's "damn computers."
A post-debate survey conducted for FOX 35 shows Donald Trump holding a 12-point lead over Ted Cruz in the Sunshine State. Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio are in a tight battle for third.
A Wisconsin U.S. Congresswoman criticized a fellow Congressman from her state on Friday after he called on African American legislators to do more to protect mi
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — On the coldest night of the year, the “warming station” the City of Birmingham typically provides for the homeless was not available, leaving hundreds surprised and left[...]
Sam Sholli spoke with Breitbart News Technology Editor Milo Yiannopoulos ahead of his debate with Daily Telegraph journalist Rebecca Reid at Bristol Universi...
The Marble Collegiate Church, located in the Flatiron District at 5th Avenue and 29th Street, has organized a pair of great events to celebrate the NYC Pride March. On Sunday, June 29th at 9:00 AM,…