
While TransCanada has been forced to cool its heels on its Keystone XL proposal for the past six years, the oil pipeline business has been booming in the United States


District of Columbia Council Member Mary Cheh took some time out of an important public hearing on potential new housing developments to blast a local developer about his connection to a PAC affiliate


Ezra Levant of TheRebel.media says: Today Barack Obama rejected the Keystone XL pipeline, that would have imported about 800,000 barrels of Canadian oil a day, displacing 800,000 barrels of OPEC oil a day, mainly from Venezuela.


He is an award-winning combat photographer who stands accused of trying to pick up women in the public affairs office at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota, and for that prosecutors wanted to put him in prison for 130 years.


Key lawmakers from both parties say frustration with the White House among the top military officers is at its highest level in decades, the product of President Obama’s cautious approach to the wars in Syria and Iraq and an indecisive inner circle of White House advisers who, critics say, have iced the Pentagon out of the policymaking process.


Ben Carson is staunchly standing by his claims of youthful violence from his memoir "Gifted Hands."


Florida's top fundraiser quits Bush team, signals shift to Rubio.


This is for all of us who went to college and can't splurge on pizza. #debt #studentloans #wetheinternet SUBSCRIBE to WeTheInternetTV! Find us on your favori...


In an interview to promote his latest album, Sean "Puff Daddy" Combs explained his deep frustrations with President Obama.


Chris Matthews wondered whether the rise of GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson in the polls was a return to "basic simpletonism"


Tapper to Cruz: Are You ‘Endorsing Conservative Intolerance’ by Attending Event with Activist Pastor
Wrapping up his interview with 2016 Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz on Thursday’s edition of The Lead on CNN, host Jake Tapper asked Cruz about the upcoming National Religious Liberties Conference he’s attending in Iowa this weekend and if Cruz is “endorsing conservative intolerance” since its organized by an activist pastor named Kevin Swanson.


In America, at least in the America that I used to know, people believed in themselves and they believed in freedom and the individual pursuit of happiness. Unfortunately, we do not seem to believe that anymore. The reason I say this is because at


I have never officially endorsed a presidential candidate before, but Im endorsing Ted Cruz for president for three simple reasons.


Off the top of Thursday’s CBS Evening News, the topic of conservation was the severe weather threatening those in the Midwest but in addition to looking at the storm track and damage thus far, the reason for the storms was hyped as being a consequence of global warming. Anchor Scott Pelley ruled in an opening tease that “[t]ornadoes in Texas” struck “on the same day that a new study blames climate change for a surge in severe storms and wildfires.”


The GOP presidential candidates are receiving Secret Service details, a new report says.


Strategy Room: Ellen Ratner and Ron Bonjean discuss Democratic candidate's new strategy


Senator Rand Paul sat down with Fox News to talk about his economic plan and how he plans to create jobs in the private sector by deregulation. Paul also believes his flat tax plan will jumpstart the current economic stagnation by keep money in the hands of the people who earned the money in theRead More


WASHINGTON -- George H. W. Bush’s scathing comments about his son's top wartime advisers -- Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld -- have stirred an uproar. In a?


Humana (HUM) said it will discontinue several products offered on government-run exchanges under the Affordable Care Act, impacting about 100,000 individuals currently covered by the insurer's plans across the country. The move, disclosed this morning in the company’s third-quarter earnings report, comes due to higher-than expected medical costs from sick newly [...]


The president is freeing prisoners prematurely by the thousands -- and giving them special privileges.


As the world burns (the United States in seemingly insurmountable debt, Russian planes being bombed by “JV team” ISIS, Israel’s existence in constant threat and the Syrian Refugee Crisis growing exponentially worse), LGBT Activists set their sights on the issue of “bathroom equality.” (Make it trend: #BathroomRightsMatter)


No longer hiding their contempt for our republic and national sovereignty.


Ron Paul on The Alan Colmes Show: ‘I’m Scared To Death’ Trump Will Win The Nomination.


As more military jobs are opened to women, Congress may face the question of whether to require women to register for the Selective Service.