
A guilty plea by two defense contractors reveals they used Russian companies and nationals to write code for classified Defense systems.


The brand is bringing them back after 10 months.


Brian Beutler smears Ben Carson as a ‘token’ black Republican. Who made him the racial purity police?


Administrators rip and cut up the Constitution in response to a fake student's complaints of being "triggered" and "haunted" by the experience of seeing pocket Constitutions distributed on campus.


California Gov. Jerry Brown appears to have committed an impeachable offense in using state experts to study his private land.


Adidas is offering to help high schools nationwide drop Native American mascots. The athletic shoe and apparel maker said Thursday it will provide free design resources to schools looking to shelve Native American mascots, nicknames, imagery or symbolism. The German...


Egypt's pyramids were built by the biblical Joseph to store grain and were not, as archaeologists believe, tombs for pharaohs, Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson has said. The retired neurosurgeon seeking his party's nomination for the White House made these remarks in a 1998 address at Andrews University, a school associated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church, to which he belongs, in a video posted Wednesday on Buzzfeed. The church is a conservative evangelical Christian one.


DailySurge: The left can’t help but to find ways to attack free market capitalism and grow government. The latest harebrained idea from the left is to convert post offices into a local distributor …


I don't, but then, I'm a teabagging wingnut redneck in Flyover Country. What about people in our smartest state, California? Do they think sharia law is bogus, or do they find it awesome? A fellow


"Hail to the Hypocrite"!


Ben Carson may have exotic views on the pyramids but they would not have an affect on how he would govern


Marco Rubio is walking back rhetoric on President Obama’s executive amnesty, but still hasn’t committed to a timeline when he would end it.


Lessig was running an unconventional campaign and promised to be a "referendum president."


Merced Couty Sheriff Vern Warnke has identified the University of California Merced attacker who wounded four in a mass stabbing spree as 18-year-old Faisal Mohammad.


The House just voted 363-64 to pass a six-year, nearly $340 billion highway and transit bill.


It looks like those elitist harridans on ABC's "The View" learned nothing from the national backlash over their mockery of nurse Kelley Johnson less than eight weeks ago.


The self-inflicted wounds of Hillary Rodham Clinton just keep manifesting themselves. She has two serious issues that have arisen in the past week; one is political and the other is legal. Both have deception at their root. Her political problem i


This is the first in a series of articles analyzing the new US Department of Defense Law of War Manual.


New information from a variety of sources further demonstrates that the Obama administration's handling of the continuing influx of illegal Central American family and youth border-crossers has been n


Houston voters reject the “bathroom ordinance.” The clash between socially liberal whites and minorities is bound to fracture the Democratic party.


A member of the Congressional Hispanic Conference is warning NBC that the First Amendment may not protect Saturday Night Live to invite Donald Trump on as a host.


The candidate quietly wooed Sheldon Adelson, Paul Singer and the Koch brothers.