
Here’s the photo of the Muslim Killer who went on stabbing spree at UC Merced that ISIS just PRAISED
So here’s the face of the Muslim killer who stabbed four people yesterday at UC Merced and was subsequently shot and killed by campus police: According to Fox News, ISIS tweeted out praise fo…


Mark Levin gives a great history lesson on the attacks aimed at Ronald Reagan by establishment-type Republicans, who called him extreme and said he couldn’t win. Similar attacks are now being…


At last, Bernie Sanders is going after Hillary Clinton’s worst flaw — her character. The Vermonter lambasted the Democratic front-runner in a Wall Street Journal interview Wednesday. Sanders didn’t...


The libertine left has done a lot of boasting over the last several years about the inevitability of History vanquishing every corner of American social conservatism.


Campus military group blasts this 'slap in the face of every soldier who has fought, sacrificed, and even died for our freedoms.'


We’re told that the Freedom Caucus fights for the average American, hates bank bailouts and crony capitalism. Obviously their champion Paul Ryan is going to ...


In head-to-head matchups with Democrats Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Carson lands on top


Steve King thinks the final battle ahead of Iowa’s caucuses just might come down to a fight between Rubio and Sen. Ted Cruz


Time magazine columnist Kareem Abdul-Jabbar penned an op-ed Wednesday arguing that a Ben Carson presidency would be devastating for black Americans.


I received a disturbing warning today from a source I trust. The short version is: if you are any kind of open-source leader or senior figure who is male, do not be alone with any female, ever, at ...


If you loathe Obamacare, you’re going to hate what the Democrats have planned next. Their imminent assault on health care will go far beyond the quasi-socialized medicine of Obamacare.


Republican presidential hopeful stands by remarks made in 1998, but criticised ‘scientists’ who he said claimed pyramids were built by ‘alien beings’


Greg Gutfeld Tears Into 'Loudmouth Putz' Quentin Tarantino


“More media than protesters,” said one journalist covering the event


Ben Carson gets his American history very wrong.


Jeb Bush looks to be out now, but he could outlast the other top candidates.


Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti’s attempt to endorse Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential campaign quickly devolved into an embarrassment for the mayor Thursday afternoon.


Cruz said it's "plausible" that the nomination fight comes down to himself and Rubio.


?Kyle L. Canty, a native New Yorker, went before Canada?s Immigration and Refugee Board in Vancouver and asked the country to grant him refugee status.? He?s claiming the co…


The United States takes offense at comments by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's new communications director accusing President Barack Obama of anti-Semitism and suggesting that Secretary of State John Kerry had the mental abilities of a 12-year-old, the State Department said on Thursday.


HOUSTON, Texas – Last night, Presidential candidate Ted Cruz spoke with Fox News’ Sean Hannity regarding 2016 politics, the need to pass Kate’s law, the threat of a nuclear Iran and Cruz’s tax plan. Below is an excerpt regarding Cruz’s simple, flat tax plan. Full video may be viewed here. Sean Hannity: You released your tax plan on the day ?


Hillary Clinton thinks survivors of sexual assault have the right to be believed. I assume this applies to Juanita Broaddrick, who accused Bill Clinton of ra...


If you’re a Christie or Huckabee fan you’re gonna be disappointed in the next debate main stage From CNN Money: New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huck…


“Breaking: Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee don't make the Fox Business prime time debate. Only 8 candidates.”