
Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day and the lies of the communist pope by LEO LYON ZAGAMI During Pope Francis’ address to Congress in joint session, four names were given by the pontiff as examples of honor...


Rich liberals feel differently when their own children's education is at stake.


Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) decision to resign from Congress at the end of October is “a victory for the crazies,” Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.) said Friday.


Republicans have raised questions about thousands of emails that Hillary Clinton has deleted on grounds that they were private in nature.


Traditional tag is back in the Mercer Island School District. The district had decided to ban the perennial favorite game from its playgrounds as part of a


"We have been working for a while..."


The rapper’s lyrics reveal a wholly sound political platform from which the progressive Chicago native could run in 2020


Threats on a Toronto blog eventually pushed a controversial speaker off University of Toronto campus


“It appears that even a conservative speaker like John Boehner is unable to control the extreme right-wing drift of Republicans in the House.”


Who would you like to see as the Republican nominee in the 2016 presidential election? Take the GOP Presidential Straw Poll today.


Conservatives might be ethically compromised, uninformed, or, if liberals are in a charitable mood, mentally unstable, but they can’t be for real.


Not always. Not everyone. But enough.
This week, for example, while thinking about the pope's take on global warming, I tweeted out this comment:


Sophie Cruz's brief encounter with Pope Francis during his parade in Washington this week appeared to be the kind of spontaneous moment that is so endearing about this pope: an initially hesitant young child wrapping an arm around his neck as he offers a kiss and a blessing. But for...


Barack Obama released Osama Bin Laden’s bodyguard this week from Gitmo. Abdul Rahman Shalabi was trained as the 20th hijacker ...


To protect women online, a report says, social networks and governments will have to resort to censorship.


If Trump can't take even the mildest criticism without threatening a lawsuit, why is he in politics? And why should we trust him with the presidency?


EXCLUSIVE- Mark Levin Warns House Republicans: Do Not Support Kevin McCarthy For Speaker - Breitbart
Levin adds Republicans must learn their lesson and not repeat the mistakes they made following Eric Cantor’s historic fall from power.


Hillary Clinton's campaign and the State Department have provided incomplete and misleading accounts of when and why the department requested copies of work-related emails that she maintained on a private server.


In The Wall Street Journal, Potomac Watch columnist Kimberley A. Strassel writes about Hillary Clinton vs. FOIA—the State Department email summaries point to big trouble ahead.


MIAMI (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio wants to give a tax break to employers who give their workers paid family leave.


Bernie Sanders holds positions on education, jobs and health care that should appeal to Hispanics.


Marco Rubio has been downplaying his rise in the polls, aiming to avoid peaking too soon and instead, evolving as the the survivor of a long, drawn-out Republican primary.
But someone has taken...


As Pope Francis lectured Congress Thursday on the merits of showing compassion to immigrants, The Washington Times reminded just how tight the immigration policy of the Vatican is. "The Vatican, for its part, welcomes millions of visitors a year — but allows only a very select few, who meet strict criteria, to be admitted as residents or citizens," the Times reports.


The move reduced the chance of a government shutdown, because Mr. Boehner is now free to push for a short-term funding measure.


Republican leaders in the U.S. Congress on Thursday began advancing bills urgently needed to avoid federal agency shutdowns on Oct. 1 while navigating conservatives' demands to punish Planned Parenthood over an abortion controversy.