Sometimes it’s good to vent, and when the whole political establishment is against you, it’s a pretty elite club. Sarah Palin knows what it means to be targe...
he media has been taking their orders from those making the news and, in cases like the Planned Parenthood stories, they’re part of covering up the news rather than reporting it.
Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina also did well.
The total number of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private emails identified by a State Department review as having contained classified data has ballooned to 60, officials told The Washington Times.

Immigration Reform

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Donald J. Trump is the very definition of the American success story, continually setting the standards of excellence in business, real estate and entertainment. Show support for his presidential campaign here.
Game Change: Trump Consults with Jeff Sessions on Immigration Strategy
Liberals often lament “partisan and ideological media” and what they mean if Fox News Channel and conservative talk radio. They don’t mean the partisan and ideological media that agree with them. Liberal syndicated columnist Connie Schultz was selected by the partisan and ideological Washington Post to review former senator Gary Hart’s new book The Republic of Conscience, and that’s just how it appears in this book review. “Partisan and ideological media” are questioning the programs which make  America a “civilized society” – that is, a socialist society.
Newly disclosed N.S.A. documents show that the agency gained access to billions of emails through a “highly collaborative” relationship with AT&T.

Academic Fascism

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Once the leftists gain control, as they have at many universities, free speech becomes a liability and must be suppressed.”

Ted Cruz connects at 'Basque Fry'

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

GARDNERVILLE, Nev. — Four Republican presidential hopefuls gathered Saturday at a picturesque Northern Nevada ranch and pounded anti-establishment themes, but it was Ted Cruz who gave the most convincing performance at the first annual Basque Fry. He didn’t say anything new, but the Texas senator’s fiery and forceful denunciation...
The Oglethorpe County GOP held their annual pancake supper in Lexington this evening, and of course, there was a straw poll for attendees, covering both the GOP Presidential race and the Georgia Public Service Commissioner race. And for the third time in two weeks, we had a different winner. Herewith the results: President: Ted Cruz…
Hillary Clinton asserted at the Iowa State Fair Saturday that average voters don't care about her use of a private email server as secretary of state. But the Democrat avoided testing out her theor

Ted Cruz at AFP Road to Reform

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

This is the full video of Donald Trump taking questions at the Iowa State Fair on Saturday. He takes a swipe at Roger Ailes, saying people should ask the Fox News head "who won", he says that he wo...
AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) — Gov. Paul LePage hailed drug screenings for certain welfare recipients as a way to protect taxpayer dollars. But since the program was launched a few months ago, only a handful of
MSNBC's Joy Reid Likens a U.S. Border Fence to Berlin Wall
Ferguson, Missouri – The Missouri chapter of the Oath Keepers are planning to hold an open carry march through downtown Ferguson, Mo., which will reportedly involve arming 50 black protestors with AR-15 rifles. By:  Jay Syrmopoulos This article first appeared at FreeThoughtProject. The decision to hold the event transpired after St. Louis County officials, in violationRead More
Donald Trump put this reporter right back in their place really fast.
The Democratic Nominee alienates young voters. For more, visit www.futuremajority.com
Fifteen months out from the 2016 presidential election, the American electorate is already doubling down, considering candidates with fervor. The Republican polls show that The Donald has hit a major nerve: Americans are sick of politics as usual. We're tired of hearing lies and sick of experiencing the frustration of broken promises.
Twelve years ago, in August 2003, Joe Lieberman led in most polls of the Democratic primary. Eight years ago, in August 2007, Rudy Giuliani maintained a clear lead in polls of Republicans, while Hi…
The Fiamengo File, weekly on Studio Brulé. Professor Janice Fiamengo from the University of Ottawa explains why she identifies as an anti-feminist. Fiamengo,...
Hillary Clinton's email scandal should disqualify her from the Oval Office. At least so says former CIA operative and CNN national security analyst Bob Baer, who is not known for being a political