On Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC’s Chuck Todd reacted to his trip to the Iowa State Fair by admitting that he “was stunned at how many-how easily it was to find these Democrats willing” to criticize Hillary Clinton over her e-mail scandal among other issues. 
Former Newsweek reporter Michael Hirsh is now with Politico, but one consistent threat of his writing has been a fondness for the foreign policy “doves.” His latest Politico piece on the Iran deal is headlined “Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama and the Jews: Why does America’s Jewish community always condemn the presidents who save Israel?” One can imagine Israelis doing a spit take on that headline. This is the same Jimmy Carter who wrote a book trashing Israel for having a racist “apartheid” system that oppresses the Palestinians.
California's Prop 47 of 2014, which changed some drug and property crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, has coincided with a rise in crime.
Billionaire Donald Trump released a detailed immigration plan on Sunday morning.
Rand Paul's campaign is in "free-fall."
A Nevada girl who says her high school forbid her from starting a pro-life club is fighting back. Angelique Clark says she wanted to start a pro-life group on her school's campus but was denied b
University of Denver Hires Professor Who Thinks Chimps Have HUMAN Rights. This is got to be some kind of joke right? No it's 100% serious.

America’s barnacled budget

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Federal subsidies thrive in obscurity because of the law of dispersed costs and concentrated benefits.
The starting gun of the 2016 presidential election has quickly been followed by Republican candidates stumbling over how to talk to, and about, voters of color—the examples are almost too many to count. There was Donald Trump calling Mexican immigrants rapists; some cringe-worthy refusals to label the Charleston shooting a hate crime; plus the...
If there is to be only one appearance by Hillary Rodham Clinton before the Benghazi panel, Chairman Trey Gowdy says it has to count.
Peter Hitchens Explains Why He Likes Vladimir Putin Give A Like/Fav If You Enjoyed The Video. Donations: ☭ - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xcl...
Basically, the rest of the world sees the GOP as that drunk, bigoted uncle you don't hate as much as you should.
Republican frontrunner releases plan for immigration reform. “Were going to keep the families together," Trump says on "Meet The Press," "but they have to go.”
"Trumpites" are only "lightly attached to the political process"
The explosive first Republican debate has shaken up the 2016 GOP presidential race.
A letter to the editor of The Silverton Standard and The Miner by a retired geologist predicted the disastrous toxic spill in Colorado at the hands of the Environmental Protection Agency exactly one week prior to the accident. Taking it one step further, the author added that they will do this on purpose in order to secure more funding.
America's public education system is failing. We're spending more money on education but not getting better results for our children. That's because the mach...
Donald Trump has made headline after headline with his remarks on immigrants and immigration, but now his presidential campaign has put together its “Immigration Reform That Will Make America Great Again” plan. And, for one thing, yes, Mexico will be paying for that wall.
"This is nothing more than a return to the scene of..."
If new numbers from Gallup are any indication
ABC 20/20 episode aired on March 9, 2000 on the sale of fetal tissue from abortion clinics.
Could it be President Obama out golfing with Hillary Clinton's husband?
The pistol-whipped Ala. cop didn't shoot his attacker because he didn't want to make headlines, his union chief said.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump would increase fees on some Mexican visas and all border crossing cards as part of a broader plan to force Mexico to pay for a wall along the southern