
Hackers released nearly 37 million profiles from a website for adults seeking affairs.


Liberal college girl is THE MOST annoying girl on campus. Here are the 10 best liberal college girl memes on the internet


Does taxation really depend on threats of violence? Isn't taxation part of the social contract? Want to see more of this kind of thing? Become a patron: http...


A group who beat a mom at Peirce Playlot used racially charged language during the attack, police say.


Wow. It looks like Ben Carson had a YUGE crowd last night in Phoenix, having had to relocate the speech to a larger venue just to accommodate the approximate 12,000 people who showed up to hear him...


Sheriff's investigators plan to recommend prosecutors file a vehicular manslaughter charge against Caitlyn Jenner for a fatal car crash on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu last February.


Trump to Hold Rally in Jeff Sessions Hometown at Football Stadium, 30k to 40k 'Expected' - Breitbart
Trump to Hold Rally in Jeff Sessions Hometown at Football Stadium, 30k to 40k 'Expected'


Based on the hysterical flailing at Donald Trump -- He's a buffoon! He's a clown! He calls people names! He's too conservative! He's not conservative enough! He won't give details! His details won't work! -- I gather certain Republicans are determined to drive him from the race.


The Obama administration has a history of dealing harshly with those who mishandle classified information — unless the offender resides in the White House inner circle.


A nine-year old Ferguson girl was shot dead in her bed in a drive-by shooting on Tuesday. There were no ...


Hillary Clinton, former secretary of state and the best the Democratic Party has to offer to lead the country, is in a pinch. Either shes a complete fraud and liar or so completely out of touch with reality that someone should hide the car keys from her, even though she hasnt driven in 20 years.


A new poll hints Sen. Ted Cruz has a bit of a problem in his home state of Texas.


A poor excuse for doing nothing is that we can’t do everything. This been repeated endlessly, even by conservatives, when it comes to illegal immigration.


Two Eritrean refugees went on a stabbing spree in a Swedish IKEA, killing a young mother and her son. The response? IKEA has banned knives! The government th...


The Islamic State has grown beyond its original home in Syria and Iraq, extending its operations into other parts of the Middle East and North Africa by establishing alliances and absorbing other terrorist groups.


I’ve been sitting here trying to figure out what to write after I saw the latest Planned Parenthood sting video released by The Center for Medical Progress. That little blinking ...


http://fedsoc.org Justice Clarence Thomas is unknown to many. Here is an opportunity to hear about his journey—in his own words—from living in the South duri...


It's only fitting that presidential candidate Donald Trump is going to rally up supporters in a jam-packed football stadium.


Is a fetus 12 weeks or under something other than a living child? If so, what is it?


Donald Trump is surging in Florida, dethroning former Gov. Jeb Bush from his perch as the top candidate of Florida Republicans . For the state's Democrats , the luster is coming off Hillary Clinton , who has lost a quarter of her support in the past nine weeks.


Hillary Clinton decided when she took the office of Secretary of State that she was above the law.