
California Gov. Jerry Brown told NBC News' Chuck Todd that Hillary Clinton's email scandal is full of "dark energy" that she must address.


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John Rawls’ Law of Peoples had as its key point that the fundamental division is not between democratic and non-democratic peoples or liberal and non-liberal, but decent and non-decent or outlaw pe...


In a little-publicized act of kindness, it has been reported that Donald Trump gave financial support to Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, the soldier held in a Mexican jail for 214 days. ?Share


Well, first we found how Newsweek called Obama an "anchor baby," and now we've discovered a video showing the evil racist Harry Reid decrying birthright citizenship in 1993. Watch below: Good Lord,...


Illinois woman in monumental smackdown of #BlackLivesMatter hypocrisy An African-American woman’s rant about the hypocrisy which plagues the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement has gone viral. Peggy Hubbard, who lives just across the river from St. Louis in Belleville, Illinois, slams ? Continue reading ?


Judge Jeanine Pirro appeared on "Hannity" tonight to react to the latest developments in Hillary Clinton's email scandal.


The armed suspect was preparing to unleash hell on the Paris-bound train when he was tackled by two U.S. service members, officials said.


Unarmed US marines foil attack by Moroccan gunman with Kalashnikov and handgun on train - follow live updates


Republican Donald Trump is pulling away from the pack in the race for the party's U.S. presidential nomination, widening his lead over his closest rivals in the past week, a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed


Capt. Kristen Griest and 1st Lt. Shaye Haver, the first female soldiers ever to earn a Ranger tab, on Thursday discussed their experience at the notoriously tough school. Their male Ranger buddies spoke about how skepticism turned to admiration.




Former Director of the CIA and NSA, General Michael Hayden stated stated on Wednesday “the original sin [of Hillary Clinton] is actually co-mingling the two accounts [private and work] and not using


Hillary Clinton Sneers At Suggestion She Prepare To End Campaign: "No F*cking Way!" - DCWhispers.com
The still-frontrunner for the 2016 Race to the White House is said to have unleashed an assorted mish-mash of hissing absolutes pertaining to now multiple suggestions from various DNC figures and related political fundraisers that Mrs. Clinton should at the very least begin the process of preparing for the end of her campaign. The most …


In a victory for the pro-life fight against the HHS mandate, a federal appeals court issued a ruling today saying a Catholic religious order, the Little Sisters of the Poor, does not have to comply with Obamacare’s abortion mandate while its lawsuit against the mandate continues. The mandate compels religious groups to pay for birth [?]


Oh, the hypocrisy of this liberal actress.


This week, YouGov released a poll showing that nearly half of all 18-24 year olds said they were not fully heterosexual.


Donald Trump, perhaps the GOP frontrunner, knows he's a big draw -- and he says he could use that advantage to raise money for charity before the next debate.


A black conservative group is offering to pay the activist organization Black Lives Matter $25,000 if Shaun King can prove that his father is black.


At the Iowa State Fair, Ted Cruz was ambushed by actress Ellen Page and ended up debating homosexuality and religious freedom.


When the Fed raises interest rates, what happens to the value of its portfolio?


Donald Trump has announced that he will be holding a campaign event in Mobile, Alabama--the hometown of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL).


Bobby Jindal is hitting back at Planned Parenthood supporters who plan to rally in front of his Governor's mansion in Louisiana and it's all good.


LA VA shreds claims, rates jump, assisted suicide bill proposed.