68,541 illegal aliens were apprehended entering the U.S. Virtually all of them have been allowed to remain in the U.S. at least temporarily.
The father of a 20-year-old woman let her drown in Dubai rather than let lifeguards rescue her.
The illegal alien "journalist" celebrity Jose Vargas just LOVES to rub it in our faces that some illegal aliens contribute to Social Security and pay other taxes as a way of saying that Americans O...
Ready to bomb Iran? Fine. Otherwise, hold your nose and vote for the deal.
Official says he used site for "opposition research."
Y'know, because only "evildoers" want to protect their communications.
Who will support this?
Good Morning America reporter Tom Llamas has decided that the term "anchor baby" is now offensive. The journalist yelled at Donald Trump for a story that appeared Thursday, lecturing the candidate: "That's an offensive term! People find that hurtful."
Cruz's birthplace in Canada is "a hurdle" to his election, Trump says.
Trump has pledged a massive crowd at the Alabama event.
Accounting gimmicks can't hide the fact that federal support ultimately pays for abortion.
Immigration policy – and in particular what to do about the 11 million people in the U
Ben Shapiro has created a new video telling the ugly truth about Planned Parenthood. He doesn't just cover the selling of aborted fetuses, but the horrible abortion procedures themselves. Thankfull...
Hillary Clinton is nasty and abusive toward her Secret Service detail, reveals best-selling author RONALD KESSLER. Her right hand woman Huma Abedin is no different,
While the media stay away from the recent videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of aborted baby parts, they are drawn to Planned Parenthood’s annual media awards ceremony. During Planned Parenthood’s Maggie Awards for Media Excellence Tuesday night, the abortion giant recognized 16 journalists for pushing “reproductive rights.” From Buzzfeed and Yahoo! to MSNBC, MRC Culture compiled a list of several prominent media attendees – and found a picture announcing the winners.
An armed man fleeing from officers serving a search warrant at a home in a crime-troubled section of St. Louis was shot and killed Wednesday by police after he pointed a gun at them, the city's police chief said.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign said emails on the private server she used when secretary of state contained material that is now classified, the clearest explanation thus far of an issue that has roiled her bid for the presidency.
It's no longer a question of whether Biden could win, but rather, whether he wants the nomination.
A federal judge has added fresh fuel to the incendiary controversy over Hillary Clinton’s email, asserting during a hearing Thursday that she violated government policy by storing official messages on a private server when she worked as secretary of state. “We wouldn’t be here today if this employee had followed government policy,”...
Pro-abortion advocates and Planned Parenthood supporters never have to answer inquiries about the ethical or moral limits of their position.
The U.S. Army is kicking out a decorated Green Beret after an 11-year Special Forces career, after he got in trouble for shoving an Afghan police commander accused of raping a boy and beating up her mother when she reported the incident.
The Donald Trump rally in Alabama was moved to the Ladd-Peebles Stadium in Alabama. Tens of thousands of conservative supporters ...