Official campaign site of Mike Huckabee for President. If you haven't already, join the campaign today! Together, we can take our country from Hope to Higher Ground.
The official website Carly Fiorina for President 2016. Meet Carly and learn about why she is running for President
Official campaign site provides Ben Carson's biography, news and information on how to support Ben Carson.
The revised citizenship oath allows people to omit the requirement to defend the United States
There’s no better way to get a feel for just how intrusive and inappropriate AFFH is than by having a look at its “Fair Housing Assessment Tool.”
Jon Stewart To President Obama: Act Quickly If You're Going 'To Take Away Americans' Guns'
Donald Trump’s popularity reveals racism of Republican base
Hillary Clinton trails three top Republican presidential candidates in head-to-head matchups in Colorado, Iowa and Virginia, a new survey shows.
You've no doubt heard about the second video, released this week, showing a Planned Parenthood executive negotiating compensation for extracted baby organs. Mary Gatter, a medical director in California, blithely converses with the undercover investigators about the prices for body parts. She refers to the discussion as a "negotiation"...
That was quick. Just last week Barack Obama defended his nuclear deal with Iran as the only option to avert ...
Everyone has an old cell phone they need to get rid of. So does Senator & GOP presidential candidate Lindsey Graham. There are many creative ways to dispose ...
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday scoffed at a claim by John Kasich that he would care about the interests of African Americans. The new presidential candidate appeared on GMA and asserted, "...If you're black, if you're brown, if you're struggling, we care about you and we're going to work to make sure you're included in the American dream." A suspicious Stephanopoulos responded, "You think your party is ready to accept that message?" This is nothing new for Stephanopoulos. On May 13, 2007, he speculated that racists wouldn't vote for Republicans.
Tomi Lahren said 'yesterday's moderate is today's terrorist' and called on Obama to show radical Islam what a 'B1 bomber looks like' A US TV host has become ...
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — International nuclear inspectors will be barred from all Iranian military sites under any deal with world powers, a senior commander in the Revolutionary Guard said Sunday, setting up a possible standoff as negotiators try to reach a final deal.
If an agreement to limit Iran’s nuclear capability is reached by the deadline in the next seven days, one thing may be missing: an actual written accord, signed by the Iranians.
The movie-style attack near the Strait of Hormuz appeared to be a show of might and an expression of displeasure at the American presence in the region.
A United Nations report revealed that Iran has been arming the Houthis since 2009, confirming accusations made by Arab and Western countries against Tehran regarding its support of the Houthis who have been in control of Yemeni state institutions since las
Iran backing Shi'ite forces in region, seeks foothold in Middle East at expense of Sunni regimes.
Vladimir Putin blows a raspberry at Obama, says an editorial in The Wall Street Journal.
Analysis says new housing rule is even further-reaching than we thought.
Get this: For some on the left, even the ultra-radical Netroots crowd isn’t crazy-extreme enough. Democrats learned that the hard way last weekend at the annual Netroots Nation, a gathering of tech...
Delaware Governor Jack Markell vetoed HB 50 last week, a bill that would allow parents to opt their children out of Common Core's Smarter Balanced Assessment te
Caught in stomach-turning video, all it can apologize for is the tone.