Greece is a fiscal mess, and now likely to receive its third bailout in the span of five years. It's also a cautionary tale for irresponsible governments, which raises the ...
The movie "Truth" shows him as a martyr for journalism. That's called creative writing.
The former secretary of state has lost ground since April.
Governors of at least six states have signed orders allowing National Guard troops to carry firearms at their installations, as debate grows about whether to allow military recruiters to be armed after the fatal shooting of five servicemen at a reserve training center in Tennessee.
Democrat Hillary Clinton lags behind several Republican candidates in a new Quinnipiac survey of Colorado, along with Iowa and Virginia.
'Media Buzz' host weighs in on how 2016 candidates Donald Trump and Martin O'Malley handle campaign backlash Watch Howard Kurtz talk about Dotcom Live, Elect...
Why are the liberal media and other liberal elites turning on the black Bill Cosby - while supporting the white Bill Clinton? 
A new poll that includes two full days of questioning after businessman Donald Trump made controversial remarks at the Family ...
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is trailing three Republican presidential candidates in...
Some experts have expressed skepticism over a provision in the nuclear accord that gives Iran 24 days to grant inspectors access to suspicious sites.
Longtime residents of View Park have a thinly veiled code for the signs of change they see in their upscale neighborhood: "joggers" ... "dog walkers."
Conservatives have been attacked during the Obama administration for being more defined by the policies they oppose rather than those that they support, but one group is looking to combat that perception with a new one-stop shop for conservative policy solutions. On Wednesday, the news site Opportunity Lives is launching a new Solutions Center, aimed at organizing many conservative policy ideas -- from the halls of Congress to the world of think tanks -- in one place. The site is intended to counter the idea of Republicans being the party of no, serve as a resource for those seeking to learn about conservative policy ideas, and become a tool for aspiring Republican candidates trying to beef up on policy. John Hart, former communications director for retired Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn, last August founded the website Opportunity Lives, aimed at using a mix of stories and videos to demonstrate the successes of conservatism in action through personal stories. Since its launch, the site has added a number of authors and Hart has been joined by Conor Sweeney, who had served as Rep. Paul Ryan's communications director.
Every time I watch the footage, I can hardly believe my eyes.
Mother of Son Murdered by Illegal Alien Slams Sanctuary Cities, Politicians: 'Your Silence Speaks Volumes'
At MSNBC, Wednesday morning started with multiple attacks on Donald Trump, but quickly shifted focus when some new poll data showed a "stunning" problem brewing in Hillary Clinton's campaign. A new poll from Quinnipiac University "Q Poll" shows Mrs. Clinton with growing, negative "favorability" ratings in Iowa, Virginia...
Senator Tom Cotton and Congressman Mike Pompeo have discovered two secret deals relating to the Iran nuclear agreement that were not going to be shared with Congress.
2014 was the first year Americans have had to deal with tax credits and penalties pertaining to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Approximately 7.5 million taxpayers reported paying a total of $1.5 billion in penalties.
Hundreds of thousands of Obamacare subsidy recipients have failed to file tax returns, and Sen. Orrin Hatch wants the administration to investigate who owes the feds money. The Republican chair o
After raising $45 million in the last few months by hobnobbing with hedge fund managers and wealthy elites, Hillary Clinton's newest fundraising gambit is to obtain cash by offering to eat with some s

How Would You Kill the Tax Code?

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Join Rand and help kill the tax code! Learn more and get involved: http://www.randpaul.com/ Like Rand on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RandPaul Follow R...
by John Gibson Follow on Twitter, Facebook, listen free/live on foxnewsradio app I'm feeling a bit Onion-y today and consequently I must offer a explanation--a theory--about what we are seeing these days in this hallucinogenic political season. Now that Donald Trump has taken the lead
CA Gov Brown’s Climate Warning: ‘We are Talking About Extinction’
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Choking back tears, parents whose children were slain by illegal immigrants said Tuesday the federal government and so-called sanctuary cities both share blame for their children’s deaths, and pleaded with Congress for an all-out effort to secure the border and deport those who already snuck in.
President Barack Obama boasted last week that his administration forced Iran to accept an eight-year delay in the lifting of ballistic missile sanctions, when Iran wanted those restrictions canceled immediately. (Never mind that Iran made the demand at the last minute, raising a "non-nuclear" issue of the sort Obama says the U.S. could not make with regard to American captives.) Now, Obama's brag turns out to have been a lie. There are no ballistic missile restrictions in the deal: Iran is merely "called upon" to refrain, voluntarily, from such technology.