The family of an L.A. high school football star who was killed by an undocumented immigrant expressed support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's controversial views on Mexican imm...
An 18-year-old Somali immigrant to Sweden who violently raped a 12-year-old girl has been punished with a mere 180 hours of community service. According to recently released court documents, tran
Whites are continually put into the position of forever having to prove the negative, that they’re not racists. This is impossible. And that’s the point.
Republicans were disappointed when the Supreme Court ruled that the Arizona redistricting panel was constitutional. They shouldn’t have been. Losing that case probably won’t affect...
"We'll take our country back": 15,000 PLUS gathered in Phoenix, AZ to hear GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump speak today. Full Speech: Donald Trump Bri...
The silence from the White House is deafening.
More than two dozen Democrats have come together and proposed a bill to
KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Thousands of Hispanic leaders from across the country are coming to Kansas City Friday. Over the next five days they will attend attend a conference sponsored by the National Co...
Her opacity is making her more problematic than mysterious.
The top watchdog post for the Department of Veterans Affairs has been vacant for more than 18 months now.
Federal immigration officials tell ABC11 a second illegal immigrant suspected of causing a serious wreck this week will not be allowed out of jail.
After the killing of nine churchgoers in Charleston, S.C., President Obama urged a ‘greater sense of urgency’ on gun control. But an FBI mistake – not weak laws – allowed alleged shooter Dylann Roof to buy a gun.
Senator Rand Paul told a group of supporters in Dewitt, Michigan two he is the best Republican candidate verse Hillary Clinton and would beat her in the gene...
Obama spoke on the Fair Housing Act ruling largely ignored by the media due to Obamacare and gay marriage.
“Barbarians at the gate usually don’t bring down once-successful civilizations. Nor does climate change.”
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is poised to win a huge victory on education as the state legislature passed a budget that repeals state tenure guarantees while also slashing the budget of the University
Oh man this is fantastic. Free Beacon has gone through a single day at CNN and cut out all the times they said Donald Trump! It's am amazing 239 times! Watch: Consider this an open thread.
Donald Trump held a press conference in Los Angeles tonight, joined by family members of individuals killed by illegal immigrants. Trump met with them in pri...
A homosexual man filed a $70 million lawsuit against Bible publishers alleging that their version of the Bible that refers to homosexuality as a sin violates his constitutional rights and has cause...
SUIDOBASHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES! MegaBots, Inc. challenges you to a duel! You have a giant robot, we have a giant robot - we have a duty to the science fiction l...
Leftists and the mainstream media would have you believe Dylan Roof was a right-wing extremist. Except he wasn't....
A couple of days ago we reported on the Mainau Nobel Conference, on Friday, 3 July, over 30 Nobel laureates assembled on Mainau Island on Lake Constance signed a declaration on climate change. Prob...
Jamiel Shaw Sr., the father of a high school student killed by an undocumented immigrant, will introduce Donald Trump on Saturday at a rally in Phoenix.
Global Warming Revisited