
Do you watch MTV? Probably not. No one really does. So how is it that a network with almost no viewers manages to not only stay on the air but produce “White People,” a white-shaming movie directed by a racist


Breitbart.com, which boasts of having 18.7 million unique users per month — almost all of them conservative firebrands — is funded in part by New York hedge fund manager Robert Mercer, whose family is bankrolling a pro-Cruz super PAC as well as a political data company called Cambridge Analytica that is working with Cruz’s presidential campaign.


In an exclusive interview, billionaire Donald Trump told Breitbart News that voters respond powerfully to his statements on immigration and trade, and that he is the only candidate who can defeat presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in 2016.


Jeff Guo of The Washington Post began his article correctly: “Stop. This will be the most horrifying and pointless thing you read today.” One hot trend on Google now is called “DeepDream,” to enhance and visualize all the strange associations that artificial-intelligence programs are making. MRC’s Dan Gainor pointed out that the Post proved it’s a Democratic rag by taking this strange “stoner” imaging tool and applied it to all the Republican presidential candidates and posted it – and not a single Democrat was included for balance in silliness. So Bobby Jindal looks like a dog – and so does Chris Christie’s 18-year-old daughter Sarah.


Black on white crime in D.C. claims another white Progressive. Denying reality is a dangerous business. About the Author Colin Flaherty is an award winning r...


Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) presidential campaign is calling on the New York Times to issue a formal apology.


LAS VEGAS, Nevada — Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), a 2016 Republican presidential candidate, offered no policy specifics whatsoever in a speech to Freedom Fest here at Planet Hollywood filled with rhetoric—and skipped off the stage without conducting a previously-agreed-to question-and-answer


The rare phenomenon will lead to a phenomenon known as the 'Maunder minimum' - which has previously been known as a mini ice age when it hit between 1646 and 1715.


A Raw Story article says they were, but I don't think that's a correct reading of the Oregon Commissioner's decision.


Lindsey Graham: Donald Trump is 'Going to Kill My Party'


FOX News' Megyn Kelly opened Thursday night's broadcast of her show with a monologue asking why President Obama and the White House won't give Katie Steinle, the woman killed by an illegal immigrant in San Francisco, the same attention it gave to cases involving Freddie Brown, Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin.
MEGYN KELLY: Breaking tonight, the young woman gunned down by an illegal immigrant in San Francisco was just laid to rest, surrounded by friends and family. It does not appear at this hour that anyone from the Obama administration was in attendance. Welcome to The Kelly File, I'm Megyn Kelly. Funeral services were held this evening for 32-year-old Kathryn "Katie" Steinle.
Her loved ones remembering her as an avid traveller who loved connecting with people until her life was cut short a week ago. That's when Kate was shot and killed while in her father's arms. Police say by this man, Francisco Sanchez, an illegal immigrant who had been deported five times from this country and had rapped up a string of felonies while in the U.S.
The San Francisco sheriff had Sanchez in custody as recently as April but released him pursuant to San Francisco's "sanctuary city" policy where they have rules against handing over anyone to the feds who might be deported. This sheriff, himself a convicted criminal, says he stands by the city's policy.
Kate's murder has since exploded into a national debate on illegal immigrants, sanctuary cities and crime. With the White House ducking the issue of its own acquiescence in these cities' decision to flout the federal immigration laws which were duly enacted. When asked repeatedly this week to speak to this case, White House spokesman Josh Earnest declined to weigh in other than to refer folks to the Department of Homeland Security.
A stark contrast to what we saw after Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson. A man we know was attacking a police officer at the time of his death. His funeral saw three Obama officials in attendance, his death drew comments from President Obama personally and his administration also sent in the DOJ and 40 FBI agents dispatched to Missouri after Michael Brown was killed. Where is the swarm of agents in San Francisco?
Then there was Freddie Gray in Baltimore, a repeat drug offender who was killed in police custody. Here again his funeral was attended by three Obama administration officials and again the President spoke personally to Freddie Gray's death. And again sent the DOJ in to investigate. When Trayvon Martin was killed in Florida, the president spoke to his death which was later ruled to be in self-defense. But Katie Steinle, nothing. No comments, no swarm of FBI agents, no DOJ investigation, nothing. Why?


The flag was unveiled at a march promoting "traditional values" today


Russian Chess Grandmaster Garry Kasparov on Russia’s impact on Greece and ongoing Iran nuclear talks.


Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown In a story that went virtually unreported in the mainstream media (try barely reported via a Google search), NAACP Pre


Here's an up-close look at a quality-of-life offense the City Council wants to decriminalize. This urinating vagrant turned a busy stretch of Broadway into his own private bathroom yesterday - an o...


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A “yes means yes” advocacy group, the Affirmative Consent Project, is instructing college students to take a picture with a contract before they have sex with each other.


ESPN is the latest on the dump Trump bandwagon. The network is pulling its July 14 ESPY Celebrity Golf Classic from Trump National Golf Club over Donald Trump’s comments about Mexican illegal immigrants last month. The only surprise here is that it took ESPN so long to join NBCUniversal, Univision and Macy’s in punishing the billionaire GOP hopeful. ESPN, after all, is an exquisitely liberal outfit and has been for a long time – like MSNBC with cool video clips and catchphrases. True to form, its statement about moving the golf tournament included fluffy boilerplate about “diversity” and “inclusion of all sports fans. Except, of course, those who don’t want their favorite games served with a heaping side of lefty social commentary. To watch ESPN is to be reminded that liberal groupthink isn’t just a problem in “hard news” organizations. Here are 10 reasons why.


Tactical blunders. A strained relationship with the media. An insurgent rival drawing enormous crowds. For Hillary Clinton, the past few weeks of her 2016 presidential campaign have brought back uncomfortable memories of her failed bid in 2008.


Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown In a video posted by Mike Bluehair at YouTube, a protester blasted a man who simply carried a semi-automatic rifle to


The former Florida governor said the U.S. economy needs the labor of young immigrants and immigrants are "more fertile."


LSU student Ben Haas fails at his attempt to burn the USA Flag on the campus of LSU in Baton Rouge. Before Haas can even get through a few words of his speec...