Jewish groups denounce lesson: "Indoctrination masquerading as scholarship.'
(AP) — Gov. Brian Sandoval signed a bill Wednesday that would make it easier for immigrants with temporary legal status to get a Nevada teaching license, saying it would help meet the needs of a "new Nevada." Among the people who flanked the Republican governor as he signed AB27 was Uriel Garcia, a 22-year-old Nevada State College student and recipient of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program who was previously denied a license. The old law allowed the state superintendent to give a teaching license to someone who is not a citizen but has a work permit only if there's a teacher shortage for a subject the person can teach.
Migrants pay thousands of dollars to armed groups in Africa and the Middle East on their journey to Europe
He’s a firefighter in name only. Michael D. Johnson won’t fight fires. Instead he stays on the sidelines as his Engine Co. 257 colleagues rush into burning buildings, FDNY insiders told The Post. N...
Like Daddy, Like Daughter-- Al Sharpton's daughter Dominique is suing New York City five million dollars for a painful ankle sprain. Meanwhile, she's posting photos from her mountain hikes in Bali. New York Post reported: She learned at the feet…
Arab leaders seemed less than impressed with President Obama’s pledge of an “ironclad commitment to the security of our Gulf partners.” Understandable: They’ve already seen many other of his other ...
“There is something about watching Fox News that leads people to do worse on these [factual] questions than those who don’t watch any news at all.” A political scientist on what Roger Ailes has wrought, including the problems he is creating for his own GOP.
Picking on the mainstream media is easier than offending radical feminists, and almost as much fun, but just because its barely a challenge doesnt mean we shouldnt do it. We should. We must.
Ex-Muslims who dare to speak out are often cut off by their families and fear for their lives. A brave few tell us their stories
People ticked off with George Stephanopoulos took to Twitter this week to demand his resignation.
UKIP Nigel Farage Vs Labour Alistair Darling - Heated Exchanges Over UK Measurements Give A Like/Fav If You Enjoyed The Video. Donations: ☭ - https://www.pay...
In a sign that vigorous support for capital punishment can no longer be taken for granted among Republicans, a bipartisan group of legislators has backed a bill to eliminate it.
Zubeidat Tsarnaeva wrote a distraught message to a family friend Sunday after Dzhokhar received the death penalty

You're Remembering Reagan Wrong

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Reagan was more than a visionary; he was a brilliantly successful politician
ABC's anchor much closer to Hillary's foundation than he told his viewers.
The couple’s earnings and assets were to be detailed in disclosure forms that presidential candidates were required to file with federal officials.
After showing a clip of GOP candidates absolutely devastating Hillary on her reticence to answer any questions, Monica Lewinsky impressionist George Stephanopoulos went to Coke Roberts who said, in...
While actions speak louder than words, words often predict future actions. Secular progressives words and actions rarely align.
The United State lost 1,335 soldiers in Anbar Province during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Another 8,205 soldiers were injured in fighting in Anbar. More US soldiers and Marines were lost in Anbar than any other Iraqi province. (ICasualties) By 2008, thanks…
When I think about America, I think of the Founding Fathers who were willing to mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor, to defeat Great Britain and make this a free country.
Hillary Clinton has a lot to answer for.
Guest post by Michael Strickland Now that Oregon's SB 941 has been signed by the Governor, gun rights activists have banded together and are organizing a facebook event page for a rally entitled "SB 941 I Will Not Comply Demonstration".…