
How will history judge Obama? Who cares? It's how the present is judging him that should scare us out of wits. It's also hard to avoid noticing that his prospective Democrat successors aren't exactly treating him as a model President whose policies they intend to emulate.


(Note: The following are remarks delivered by President Ronald Reagan on June 6, 1984 commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Invastion of Normandy.)
We're here to mark that day in history when the...


The idea Republicans and conservatives are the “rich, white, cold-hearted” politicians and Democrats are the champions of the average Joe is less believable than rumors of the Loch Ness monster.


The Planned Parenthood abortion business may talk a good game about being choice but another move by the abortion company makes it clear the only choice Planned Parenthood favors is abortion.ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT The abortion corporation has filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn a new Arizona law allowing women to know that they can change their […]


King vs. Burwell is a challenge to enforce Obamacare as written, not a challenge to Obamacare as written


Pat Condell kills it with his new monologue about how progressives are trying to kill the first amendment in America and are, unfortunately, succeeding, so much so that he predicts its demise in a ...


A lesbian couple in California has decided it would be appropriate to let their child decide that he wanted gender reassignment surgery.


The new Disney flick only lives up to its expectations if you're a socialist green party wacko. Check out why in Bill Whittle's new Afterburner.


Two New Black Panthers members were indicted in April on charges they were planning to bomb public buildings including the ...


The Obama Justice Department has quietly launched an effort to erode traditional state powers over elections.In the first instance, Attorney General Loretta Lynch has drafted and sent a bill to Congress which would force state election officials to turn over power to tribal governments to determine the location and number of polling places on Indian reservations in state-run elections.In the second instance, the DOJ is seeking to erode the power of states to prohibit the mentally incompetent from voting, as long as they express a desire to vote to their caregiver, often a unionized government worker.In both instances, the Justice Department is acting at the behest of activist groups and undermining powers the Constitution gives to the states.Given the election results of the last twenty years, it might be surprising to learn that the California constitution says that 'no idiot or insane' person shall be entitled to vote. Understand that 'idiot' is a legal term used to denote someone who is literally incompetent or incoherent. Other states use the term 'imbecile' or the more modern, 'incompetent.'While the terms may be anachronisms, the reasons behind the prohibition on voting are as valid today as they were in 1849. Allowing someone who is not competent or aware to vote corrupts elections -- and invites the patient to be victimized by someone effectively stealing that patient’s vote.Under the Qualifications Clause of the Constitution, states are vested with the total power to determine who is eligible to vote, subject to bans on racial discrimination in the 15th Amendment, gender discrimination in the 19th Amendment, payment of poll taxes in the 24th Amendment, or the 18-year-old vote in the 26th Amendment.The Obama Justice Department, however, has launched an effort against California to erode powers under the Qualifications Clause, claiming that practices disqualifying the incompetent might violate the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Civil Rights Division has told California it is opening an investigation into how it decides who is incompetent and thus disqualified to vote. The focus of the investigation is on the Los Angeles Superior Court, the entity which decrees incompetence and then often appoints public guardians to oversee the care of those deemed incompetent to take care of themselves and to vote.The form used by the court touches on whether the patient has dementia, is in a 'state of lethargy' or 'stupor,' is able to concentrate, recognize familiar faces, is 'nonsensical,' 'incoherent,' or has hallucinations.The Disability and Abuse Project sparked the Justice Department action. The project is a function of a Spectrum Institute and the American Association for Single People (AASP), an organization which aggressively opposes the value of marriage and boasts a board member who is an 'advanced practitioner in 'Thought Field Therapy,'' to some, a discredited New Age pseudoscience. The Spectrum Institute/AASP enjoys tax exempt 501(c)(3) status from the IRS.Though it informed the Spectrum Institute about the action it was taking in California, the DOJ never informed the public. The Justice Department action also comes just in time to bolster support for California Senate Bill 589, which would give those deemed incompetent and put into a conservatorship the right to vote, as long as they express a 'desire to participate in the voting process.'In Los Angeles County, members of public sector unions and the purple-shirted SEIU are responsible for the care of many for whom the Superior Court has appointed a conservator.These union members could serve as a witness to the fact that a patient has expressed 'a desire' to vote. Indeed, Oscar Valladares serves as the Los Angeles Deputy Public Conservator as Public Guardian, the office with custody and care over many individuals the Justice Department’s action would affect. Valladares is also on the executive board of the SEIU:The Justice Department’s actions in California could force the state to give those deemed incompetent a ballot as long as the patient expresses a desire to vote, perhaps to SEIU official Valladares or someone in his office. That invites trouble -- just the sort of partisan trouble this Justice Department seems to encourage.The Obama DOJ is also eroding state power over elections in Indian country, again with politically partisan results.Attorney General Loretta Lynch has sent draft legislation to Congress that would strip state and local election officials of traditional state election powers and hand them over to tribal governments. The bill would vest tribes with the power to dictate where and how many polling places in state elections are on tribal lands.The legislation would shift power away from state and local election officials to place polling sites, and give it to tribal governments. Naturally, this would allow the tribal government to aid the election of Democrats. It would also apply nationwide, but could affect elections in places like the Dakotas, Arizona, Colorado, Oklahoma, and Montana.As in California, this request also comes at the behest of activist groups, namely the ACLU. The ACLU has been litigating against South Dakota for years, trying to wrest control of polling place decisions from the state. The Justice Department, too skittish to take on any hard litigation directly against South Dakota, has sniped from the sidelines. Lynch's legislation, however, would give the ACLU what it wants -- and nationwide.The legislation would allow a new cause of action for groups to sue local election officials in federal court to seize control over polling place decisions, to give them to tribal governments, and to reward the lawyers with fat attorney fee awards. Naturally, the proposal is disguised as a process rule, but is really designed to help Democrats win elections.Yet there is no need for this law.Every state has election day polling places throughout Indian reservations. But the Democrats have been trying to help their Get-Out-the-Vote campaigns by agitating for numerous in-person early voting sites placed on reservations. They want states to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to give Indians a benefit that non-Indians don't enjoy in many places: numerous early voting sites on the reservation, instead of only at the county courthouse.The Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department is a fully integrated component of the Democrat Party. Federal power is used to influence and alter election process laws to give Democrats a bit of an advantage here, a bit more there. The new Attorney General is no different than the last Attorney General.Whether Republicans in Congress can see through the civil rights rhetoric and understand the raw partisan play remains to be seen.


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (June 5, 2015) - Today, after a lengthy debate, the Florida state House soundly rejected a measure to expand Medicaid under Obamacare, an important piece of a multi-step strategy to "pull the rug out from under" the federal act. According to research conducted the Advisory Board Company, at least 24 states have yet to implement the Medicaid expansion provision of Obamacare as of Feb. 2015. Some states have flatly rejected the expansion and have passed legislation banning the entitlement hike. Refusing to participate in large numbers can, as Michael Cannon of the CATO Institute has noted, have a significant effect. "It is no exaggeration to say that by refusing to implement Exchanges and the Medicaid expansion, states can force Congress to reopen the PPACA." Judge Andrew Napolitano has said that the denial of Medicaid expansion (combined with further resistance measures) taken by a number of states would “gut Obamacare.” James Madison, writing in Federalist #46, said


Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson stand atop the Republican presidential field in a new poll.


New testimony reveals that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) used “hundreds of attorneys” to hide critical information from Congress’s investigation of...


If I lived in the port city of Mariupol, I’d be moving. The front lines of the conflict between Ukrainian troops and the pro-Russian separatists are only a few miles away.


C-3PO’s strategy is fine for playing dejarik against Chewbacca, but it’s no way to defend an open society. You can't let the Wookiee win.


In recent years, conservatives have fallen into a thoroughly oppositional mind-set in American politics. We have had good reasons for doing so. The agenda of the Obama administration has frequently been moved by a political philosophy hostile to what conservatives seek to defend... (click the link below to view the full essay by Yuval Levin)


Now that all the power and swagger of the news magazines Newsweek and U.S. News & World Report have passed away -- even as the brands continue -- the death rattle of Time magazine is becoming obvious...when you run articles "written" by Muppets. On Time's "Ideas" blog on Thursday, they posted an article headlined "Miss Piggy: Why I Am a Feminist Pig." Apparently, the Muppet star never burned her bra, but feels like as an accomplished "Porcine American," she can be included in the pantheon of great feminists.


Its days are numbered. 41% of Americans want to criminalise “hate speech” https://today.yougov.com/news/2015/05/20/hate-speech/ You can download audio versio...


Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, has written a scathing new letter to President Barack Obama pressuring him to explain why Obamatrade has been so secretive.


To them, the Olympic gold medalist’s transformation was a reminder that they are losing the culture wars.


According to a search of the Miami-Dade and Duval County court dockets, Marco Rubio and his wife have been cited for numerous infractions over the years for incidents that included speeding, missing stop lights and careless driving.


Should a public university be allowed to seize private property from people who don’t want to sell? That’s what Northeastern Illinois University is trying to do. The school is located in a north side Chicago neighborhood with an eclectic offering of restaurants and mom-and-pop stores. Many of...


Clinton's over-the-top accusations against potential Republican rivals suggests a candidate and campaign that lacks confidence.


A look at what the former House speaker Dennis Hastert is accused of, and why the government is so interested in what people do with their money.