No one can argue that the race for the open U.S. Senate seat in Texas has been without some interesting moments. We have collected a few of those interesting...
I've heard reactions from former soldiers that range from "who cares, let them go to hell" to ones like @PlunkettPrime, who is disappointed to see the key city of Ramadi in Iraq fall to ISIS after ...
Sanchez used an offensive gesture before a group of Indian Americans
Hillary Clinton is running as the most liberal presidential frontrunner in decades, a strategy that is aimed at both the primary and general elections.
If Congress really wants to get to the bottom of Hillary Clinton’s missing Benghazi and pay-to-play emails, it should call her consigliere Cheryl D. Mills to testify — under oath, and under the kli...
Sister Mariam Baouardy was canonized today in Rome, Italy by Pope Francis. She was a victim of Muslim violence. When she refused marriage and conversion to Islam by her Islamic suitor he flew into a rage and slit her throat.…
Another college male is suing, and speaking out
Might want to grab some cocoa butter, because you just got BURNED.
By Doina Chiacu WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Republicans predicted on Sunday that both chambers of Congress would muster the votes to pass the "fast-track" authority sought by President Barack Obama to negotiate major trade deals, despite opposition from Obama's fellow Democrats. We'll pass it later this week," Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said in an interview with ABC. Republican U.S. Representative Paul Ryan said on CNN's "State of the Union" that he was confident the measure would also pass the House of Representatives. "We will have the votes," said Ryan, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.
Why does Hillary Clinton—the best-known female politician in the world—feel a need to constantly reintroduce herself to the American people? Ana Marie Cox makes the case for authenticity over artifice.
Digital Edition
Rebel Media’s Marissa Semkiw hit the streets during Ottawa’s “March for Life” this week and encountered a seemingly unyielding abortion supporter who argued it’s always the “woman’s choice” — even when it comes to “post-natal abortion.” The man, identified only as Alex, later reportedly sent an...

Ruled by Rules

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

“You know the airbag warning label on the sun visor? It might peel. That’s why you have to bring your vehicle in. You may scoff, but this hypothetical is something that actually happened.”
Ted Cruz is intellectually arrogant, like Ronald Reagan. The difference is that Reagan masked his arrogance with self-deprecating humor. Sen. Cruz does a Reagan impression that would do a nightclub comedian proud, but he doesn't have Reagan's easy and spontaneous humor.One doesn't think of Reagan as arrogant,  but he was in fact the most arrogant leader we have had since Lincoln.

Schooling Millennials

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Welcome to class, American millennials. Sit down and take notes - because you are in for a rude awakening. According to a report by the Educational Testing Service, you have "weak skills in literacy, numeracy, and problem solving in technology-rich...
America the Broken Beacon?
"You disgust me." "You turned me into a helpless whore." Those are just some of the scathing words allegedly written by a female Air Force airman who had to sit through mandatory sexual harassment training recently. The letter, posted on the blog John Q. Public under...
In this second part of an exclusive interview, Professor Walter E. Williams (Economics Department, George Mason University) explains how government forces on...
It used to be that as one grew older their experience developed wisdom that could help guide succeeding generations. Today the world moves too fast. In some ways my 10-year-old granddaughter knows more intuitively about computers than I do after working online since there was an online. My...
As the Obama administration mercifully begins to wind toward the end of its second term, both the President and the First Lady will continue to distract from their horrible record. Their favorite distraction is to claim racial discrimination exists in this nation and is needs to be corrected through government action.

Hillary Can’t Win. Or Can She?

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Can a person with no experience, no achievements, and no likability fool a majority of voters? by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine Hillary Clinton has formally announced she is running for p...
George Stephanopoulos may be in trouble right now for donating cash to the Clintons but for years he’s been giving in-kind contributions, in the form of on-air praise and suck-up questions to them in
At a press conference at Camp David on Thursday evening, after meeting with representatives from Arab countries in the Persian Gulf, President Barack Obama said that the world needs transition off of fossil fuels in order to stop climate change and that he is working toward this end.
She learned at the feet of a master. Shakedown artist Al Sharpton’s eldest child wants $5 million from city taxpayers after she fell in the street and sprained her ankle, court rec­ords show. Domin...
Climate Alarmists Suck at Predictions