Actress and liberal activist Susan Sarandon is still blaming America’s homeless problem on Ronald Reagan. The actress, probably best known for her role in the 1988 baseball hit movie Bull Durham, was invited on the May 13 edition of PBS’s Tavis Smiley to plug her son’s 2014 documentary, Storied Streets, that is now available on AMC’s streaming service.   
Activist Michael Render argued that rioters in Baltimore who destroyed a CVS only destroyed "an economic eyesore"
A House Joint Resolution passed today asks the U.S. Congress to call an Article 5 convention to limit federal government powers.
Wednesday's episode of ABC sitcom Blackish treated Republican African Americans as abnormality that could not be tolerated. Father Dre Johnson, played by actor Anthony Anderson, began the show by proclaiming: "There are certain things in life that are just true. Fact: The Earth revolves around the Sun. Fact: Two times two is four. And fact: Black people aren't Republicans. We just aren't. We vote for Democrats."
"Categorically false, actual malice"
With at least seven dead and hundreds more injured in Tuesday’s Amtrak crash, many in the nation have paused for a moment to lament and pray for the dead and wounded. The same cannot be said for Philip Bump of the Washington Post, who rushed on Wednesday to note “House Republicans had planned to spend Wednesday marking up a transportation spending bill that included steep cuts to the budget for Amtrak, the federally funded passenger train service.” Bump explained why these cut-cut-cut Republicans wanted to cut Amtrak: their constituents don’t use it.
I know I shouldn't be but I'm actually kind of shocked by the abject stupidity of Chris Matthews' statement tonight. It's almost like a blind mute taught him foreign policy and the history of the w...
What to do, what to do … with George Stephanopoulos. The host of two ABC News shows, “Good Morning America” and “The Week,” is himself in the headlines after Dylan Byers broke the story at Politico that the onetime Clinton press secretary-turned-journalist had donated $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation. As though the story weren’t already damning because of the questions …
Self avowed Socialist Seattle Councilwoman Kshama Sawant (front) and 3rd Vice Chair of the 37th Democrat District Jeanne Legault (right ...


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Sarah Silvermanman getting paid less than a male stand-up comedian. The Rape Culture at the University of Virginia. Memories Pizza refusing service to Gay Pe...
(Image Blastr) A desolate desert wasteland filled with desperate individuals clad in the leftover waste of a world long gone ...
Zo outdid himself again in a fantastic rebuttal of Michelle Obama's race-baiting propaganda from last week at Booker T. Washington's university:

Armed Forces Day

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Land of the free because of the brave.
President George Bush VS Stephanopoulos, Larry King Live 1992
Hillary Rodham Clinton and former President Bill Clinton reported Friday they earned more than $25 million combined in speaking fees since January 2014.
Five years ago, a movement began sweeping the nation.
These are not good times for the Republic (and if you laughed or scratched your head at me calling America a republic, I rest my case). But they are amusing times, at least for those of us capable ...
Acknowledging the talent and achievements of the people who work at Fox News contradicts the illiberal left’s propaganda that Fox News is somehow illegitimate.
One of the key questions surrounding Obamacare is just how many people have been newly insured under the law. The answer is clouded by the fact that the White House and others have changed some rules of math for making these assessments. For example, several years ago, the Obama administration fiddled [...]
Huckabee’s entry into the presidential race reveals that corporate America doesn't have much use for evangelicals anymore.
Cpl. Ashley Turner is a female soldier posted to the Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre in Wainwright, Alta. Hailing from Maple Ridge, she has served in the armed forces for 12 years and completed two tours in Afghanistan. Turner wrote to…
It was meant to be the declawing of America’s biggest spy service. But “what no one wants to say out loud is that this is a big win for the NSA,” a former top spook says.

This week, the House of Representatives is voting on a bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. The last time the House considered this bill, a former abortion practitioner urged members of Congress to pass it.ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Dr. Anthony Levatino is a pro-life physician from New Mexico but, before having a change […]
