Thanks to the closing of a tax loophole, Soros may soon have to pay up. Here’s a look at what $6.7 billion could get you.
Republican lawmakers have introduced legislation that would slash what National Aeronautics and Space Administration spends on earth sciences, including funds that go toward researching global warming
In an interview with Fox News’ “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke dismissed the charges against six Baltimore police officers in the death of African-American m
“Unlike Ferguson, where riots also took place, black Baltimore residents do not lack political power and representation.”
“Because we’ve never done it, the idea that there could be a..."
Our out-of-control federal government knows no limits. States have power to put it right.
For those who think there is an "epidemic" of blacks being killed by cops, it seems that it is really the other way around. Statistics show that more cops are killed every year than the number of blacks that are killed by cops. This runs quite counter to...
The first annual Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest will be held on Sunday, May 3, at the Curtis Culwell Center near Dallas, Texas.
A Rio Grande Valley constable is concerned. He said the number of illegal crossers being caught by his precinct is picking up. The constable for Hidalgo County Precinct 3 said Anzalduas Park is starting to get busy again.
At the end of last October, IT employees at Walt Disney Parks and Resorts were called, one-by-one, into conference rooms to receive notice of their layoffs.
America: Imagine the World Without Her 2014 Documentary A story that questions the shaming of the US through revisionist history, lies and omissions by educa...
Raaaaacism causes everything, apparently. Now a group has put out a "study" trying to show that "racism" makes black people sick... literally. Even more ridiculously, they based their "study" off data found on Google. Yeah. I am sure that is definitive...
The very same voters who helped put Barack Obama in the White House increasingly are turning against the president’s climate change agenda, with influential black and Hispanic leaders warning that stiff regulations to limit carbon emissions will have a devastating effect on the poor and will further stifle economic opportunity for minorities.
Now we know why the media wasn't showing the photos of the "racist" cops charged in Freddie Gray's death. Three of the cops are black. This sort of blows that old "racist cops" meme, huh? Not that the race hustlers give?
Trey Gowdy's House Select Committee on Benghazi received a major boost...
Dershowitz: Charges Against Baltimore Cops a ‘Sad Day for Justice’
"I had a long discussion with the president about this, this evening," Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) told reporters.


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

As Clinton scandals continue to mount and her credibility plummets, gleeful Republicans are quietly discussing what once seemed impossible: Hillary Clinton might not survive primary season, let alone make it all the way to Pennsylvania Avenue. That may well turn out to be the case. But it’s not because of the allegations about “Clinton cash” or deleted emails. Those are major political scandals, to be sure, but of a kind that a shameless Bill Clinton skated through easily during his own administration.
In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News just a few days before she is set to enter the 2016 presidential race, former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina discussed her experiences on the campaign trail and her ideas for improving the economy.
Gay people in America are among the most self-righteous and intolerant people there are.
It's been a one-party city for at least half a century but Obama still managed to blame Republicans
Charles Krauthammer weighed in on the charges made against the Baltimore police officers involved in the death of Freddie Gray, and he thinks it might add up to simple appeasement of the mob. Watch...
In his Friday column, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman launches into the press for failing to honor Hillary Clinton as a learner for flip-flopping on the drawbacks of trade agreements. "The press, I’m sorry to say, tends to punish open-mindedness, because gotcha journalism is easier and safer than policy analysis. Hillary Clinton supported trade agreements in the 1990s, but now she’s critical. It’s a flip-flop! Or, possibly, a case of learning from experience, which is something we should praise, not deride."
All six officers were in custody, officials said. "No one is above the law in our city," Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said. "Justice must apply to all of us equally."