FREDDIE & THE DREAMERS con el tema "Do The Freddie" de 1965. Ellos fueron los primeros de los tres grupos consecutivos de Manchester (de los denominados Inva...
UKIP: Nigel Farage - It's Time To End The Endless Foreign Wars Give A Like/Fav If You Enjoyed The Video. Donations: ☭ - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr...
During a large rally in front of Baltimore’s City Hall, a young man introduced as “Brother Rose,” in winding and sometimes incoherent speech, praised the burning of a CVS store at the corner of Pennsylvania and North Avenues. “America didn’t care until we started affecting things they profit from… What we saying, ‘Let’s get you out of our communities.’”
A black sociology professor at Vanderbilt University is arguing that
Washington, DC — Today new hacked emails surfaced from presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton surfaced showing that she is in talks with First Lady Michelle Obama as a running mate in 2016.
President Obama's bid for fast track trade authority along with a huge Asian trade deal fell into further trouble Sunday night when a key Republican senator charged that the deals open the door to more immigration and let the administration make future changes without congressional approval. Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions delivered the bruising blow when he raised five questions about the Trade Promotion Authority speeding through Congress and the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal that TPA would help push. The president has circumvented Congress on immigration with serial regularity. But the TPA would yield new power to the executive to alter admissions while subtracting congressional checks against those actions, said a critical alert dispatched by the senator's office. It was provided in advance to Secrets. Sen. Jeff Sessions, who chairs a Senate immigration panel, raised new concerns about TPA and TPP. AP Photo
GARLAND, Texas -- Armed police officers rushed in to the Mohammed Art Exhibit and Contest and quickly removed Pamela Geller and whisked her away to safety after a gunfight erupted outside of the event. A law enforcement officer and two suspects are reportedly down, according to police on the scene. Three Breitbart Texas reporters are locked down inside of the event. The officers on the scene said that possible explosives were found. The extrication of Geller occurred during a live video interview with Breitbart Texas.
More than 200 people packed a gym at Baltimore Community High School on Wednesday evening to vent frustrations about a brutal attack by teenagers that sent a Dundalk man to the hospital last week.
Hey Al! Looks like you?ve finally made your way down to Baltimore. I don?t blame you. Gotta make them dollar, dollar bills! All those unpaid back-taxes really add up. So I want to make it clear that I don?t begrudge you one bit for trying to make a living. Heck, I don?t even mind your show at MSNBC. The mere blooper-reel has gotten more play in the Crowder household than anything else on Cablenews in the last decade. For that, I have to thank you. Matter of fact, I actually use your reel to defend our president! See, many people attack President Obama, under the guise of him being useless to anyone without his teleprompter.  I say that?s unfair, when there are people like you out there who are of no use with a teleprompter. With that out of the way, can I make one request? Just one. When choosing your career path and method of income, do you think that maybe, just maybe, you could try to not profiteer off dishonest, divisive racism? I know I?m asking a lot, but if you consider my request, I think you?ll see where I?m coming from. Allow me to explain. See, MLK Jr. fought for equality in a way [...]
straightpalechristianrepublicans: “runningrepublican: “campaignsick: “ Hahahaha perfect. ” Senator Rand Paul - Ophthalmologist Rep. Ron Paul (Retired) OB/GYN Rep. Charles Boustany - Cardiologist Rep....
The longtime role model for blacks now appeals to white conservatives as he embarks on a presidential bid.
Trigger Warning Warriors: "contains triggering and offensive material that marginalizes student identities"
UCLA's Jewish Studies Center honoring anti-Israel academic-boycott-loving Prof. Cornel West
When it comes to building wealth, George Soros is about as self-made as it gets. A looming $6.7 billion tax bill may soon cut into his fortune.

Obama shrinking from responsibility

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

If ever America needed a president who could speak to and for all the people, this would be such a moment. If only we had such a president. Wherever you look, whatever the topic, the Founders’ spir...
"Where are we if we don't have diversity of thought?"
The apologetics began almost as soon as the fires were lit in Baltimore yesterday, heralding a night of violence and looting that would leave 24 police officers injured and 19 buildings torched, in...
The chairwoman of the Federal Election Commission says she's largely given up hope of reining in abuses in raising and spending money in the 2016 presidential campaign and calls the agency she oversees worse than dysfunctional.
?[R]edefining marriage is — and has never been — the end goal of homosexuals. Silencing dissent is.?


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

I've seen the liberal lying MSM pondering how WE could allow the riots, looting, burning and lawlessness to happen, as if it is our collective fault. Obama stands before his teleprompter and pontif...
LAS VEGAS -- Ted Cruz wants you to know that he isn’t a Rand Paul on foreign policy – but he isn’t a John McCain either. The Texas senator and Republican presidential contender outlined hi

Media Gives President a Pass Again

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The media has by and large give President Obama's failed Afghanistan policy a pass—just as they have his larger foreign policy missteps.