The book, a 186-page investigation of donations made to the Clinton Foundation by foreign entities, is proving the most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle still in its infancy.
A Fraternal Order of Police lodge is asking Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby to appoint a special prosecutor to the Freddie Gray investigation because of her personal connection to the Gray family's attorney, William H. "Billy" Murphy Jr., and her marriage to a city councilman.
Prosecutor to Protesters: ‘I Heard Your Calls of No Justice No Peace’
Nigel Farage has told an audience at the BBC that UKIP would continue even if Eurosceptics lost the referendum. He said that he would “accept the result” if it was “free and fair” but confirmed that he did not believe
Prosecutors Baltimore described repeated mistreatment of a 25-year-old man whose death has set the city on edge.
Gavin McInnes explains that he's still the same anarchist punk he was when he was a teenager. Back then, he was fighting fascism and communism. And pushing b...
While President Barack Obama's immigration push is stalled in a legal battle, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's administration has begun screening illegal immigrants who may be eligible for green cards and benefits, the Daily News reports.
The American Civil Rights Union has submitted evidence and arguments to the U.S. Supreme Court that illegals are filling out federal voter registration forms — and are being added to the rolls.
David Simon lashes out against the ex-Baltimore Mayor amid this week's unrest
By now, most of us have seen "Baltimore Mom" Toya Graham take matters into her own hands when she saw her son participating in Monday’s rioting in Baltimore.  The video of Graham going after her 16-year-old son went viral, making her somewhat of a celebrity, others would say hero.  Many have applauded Graham and her actions, while some in the media – particularly in liberal outlets like Salon.com and The Washington Post -- have condemned those who praise Graham for having "chased down, cursed and beat her 16-year-old son in the middle of a riot."
Maybe Bernie Sanders is in it to win it. But he sure isn't acting like it and Hillary sure seems excited to have an older socialist challenging her.
This essay contains the essence of Lewis’ arguments in his fascinating book ‘The Abolition of Man/Humanity’. http://www.amazon.com/Abolition-Man-C-S-Lewis/dp...
I expect this post to inspire many charges of "racism" from the grievance mongers, but facts are facts - and facts cannot be flung aside via racial rhetoric. Anyway. Earlier this week, Business Ins...
If the reports we've been hearing this week are correct, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders will soon be announcing his candidacy for the 2016 Democratic presiden
Mark Levin said tonight that the fix is in, pointing out that the Obama administration is fighting both Kansas and Arizona to keep them from identifying noncitizens on voter registration forms. Her...

The Conservative Populist Breakout

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Republicans acting in the spirit of Barbara Jordan.
Many questions surrounding the death of Freddie Gray still remain as authorities refuse to provide more than a few sketchy details about its investigation into the Baltimore man’s death as many people in the city were finding it hard to be patient Thursday when police revealed next to nothing about the case they turned over to the Maryland attorney’s office.
Today is May Day. Since 2007, I have defended the idea of using this date as an international Victims of Communism Day. I outlined the rationale for this proposal (which is not my original idea) in my very first post on the subject.
The Left is trying to justify the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore
If a person happens to point out that Baltimore's criminally inept government has been run exclusively by Democrats since 1967 (with one Republican mayor since 1947) and features not a single city councilor who isn't a liberal, he may be called a lazy apparatchik. Because not everything, you see, is reducible to mere party politics.
The volume on this clip is a little low. But here Ted Cruz explains that Obama has chosen to divide rather than to unite Americans and has inflamed racial tensions around the country. Watch:

Hillary Blames the Cops

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

By Patrick J. Buchanan Had Freddie Gray been robbed, beaten and left to die in the streets of his Baltimore neighborhood, no one would be mourning him today. No one would be marching for Freddie. No one would be using Freddie as the new poster child of "Black Lives Matter!" No one would care, three weeks later, but his family and friends. It was the manner of his death, suffering a fractured spine in police custody, that makes Freddie matter. Read more on Buchanan.Org...
Officials managing the Department of Veteran's Affairs Caribbean Healthcare System this month began threatening employees who leak information to outsiders with a $20,000 fine while also pressuring the Office of the Inspector General to identify workers who previously leaked documents showing evidence of widespread wrongdoing in the facility. Announcements of the threatened fine say nothing about the right of federal workers who become aware of workplace wrongdoing to report it to superiors, to the inspector general of their department or agency, or to Congress. As discussed in this morning's service chiefs meeting with the director, this is the statement that should be included on all pertinent documents, an April 22 email to the facility's managers said. 'These documents or records, or information contained herein, which resulted from [program name], are confidential and privileged under the provisions of 38 USC 5705 and its implementing regulations. This material cannot be disclosed to anyone without authorization so provided for by that law...Note: This statute provides for fines up to $20,000 for unauthorized disclosures.'
Feminist activists at Georgetown University are special snowflakes who felt they needed trigger warnings before another feminist who disagrees with them gave a lecture on campus. The speaker, resi