In Baltimore in 1910, a black Yale law school graduate purchased a home in a previously all-white neighborhood. The Baltimore city government reacted by adopting a residential segregation ordinance, restricting African Americans to designated blocks. Explaining the policy, Baltimore’s mayor ?
Expanding the constitutional right to dignity may produce far-reaching consequences that progressives will later have cause to regret.
As she famously said about John McCain and Sarah Palin, running for president requires a different skill set than running a major corporation.
A friendship that transcends politics
"The city is stable. We hope to maintain it that way."
Deferring income helped the billionaire hedge fund manager build his fortune
Glenn Beck on Wednesday said Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton believes religious liberty "doesn't exist in America anymore if it goes against the collective knowledge." "[She] has gone further than any politician I've ever heard in my lifetime," Beck said on his radio program. "And as usual, there...
A lawmaker has revealed he is gay after he was caught messaging other men on a gay dating site following a vote against a gay rights bill.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce purports to be a Republican-leaning organization, but it actually ranked Democratic Senate Leader Harry Reid better than Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) in its new scorecard for 2014 votes.
She appears to be moving left in response to progressive trends, but there’s a risk in her repositioning.
Conservatives must consider how we answer legitimate questions from the Left about the gay agenda.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Rand Paul, a Republican presidential hopeful, on Wednesday introduced a resolution to block new regulations on Internet service providers, saying they would wrap the

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The Federalist and PunditFact have gone to war over a mostly false rating for radio host Rush Limbaugh, who said last week that the Clinton Foundation donates only 15 percent of the cash it raises to charity. Limbaugh's source of his claim: The Federalist's Sean Davis. Davis told the Washington Examiner's media desk that the PunditFact rating doesn't hold. PunditFact is funded in large part by the Ford Foundation, a significant Clinton Foundation donor and partner. I'll leave it to others to determine why they failed to disclose that fact in their article and how that financial relationship might impact their coverage of the Clinton Foundation, he told the Examiner Wednesday. Limbaugh referenced Davis' work last week, saying in his radio program that, Eighty-five percent of every dollar donated to the Clinton Foundation ended up either with the Clintons or with their staff to pay for travel, salaries, and benefits. Fifteen cents of every dollar actually went to some charitable beneficiary.
Freddie Gray was
President Barack Obama celebrated Earth Day at the entrance of Florida's Everglades National Park.
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has officially ended the speculation surrounding his potential as a 2016 presidential candidate by declaring that he will, in fact, seek the Oval Office. Sanders, who ...
Sheriff David Clarke argued that change in Baltimore "needs to start in the politics, the failed liberal Democrat policies"
I find it incredible that we are still told, "Get a grip. Calm down."
The media limps in dead last among institutions younger voters trust to do the right thing, according to a new and massive Harvard University survey. In the school's Institute of Politics poll of over 3,000 18-29-year-olds, a tiny 12 percent said they believe the do the right thing. A whopping 88 percent said sometimes or never. Just 2 percent said they trusted the media to do the right thing all of the time, and 39 percent said never. RELATED: Poll: MSNBC least trustworthy source of news, Fox News ranked first  The poll is the latest nail in the media's coffin, a downward spiral that has resulted in fewer younger Americans reading traditional media and especially traditional platforms such as newspapers and magazines. Approval for President Obama among young Americans up 7 pts since Fall 2014 #HarvardYouthPoll http://t.co/grjyEBfjOV pic.twitter.com/XSSwSjQqmZ— InstituteOfPolitics (@HarvardIOP) April 29, 2015 //  
As ideological consistency has become more common it is also increasingly aligned with partisanship. Looking at 10 political values questions tracked since 1994, more Democrats now give uniformly liberal responses, and more Republicans give uniformly conservative responses than at any point in the last 20 years.
Organization's proponents say closure is a blow to civil rights and liberties in Equality State
More than €2 trillion-worth of eurozone government bonds trade on a negative interest rate. It's a bubble that is bound to end badly
Police in Houston, Texas, said a 23-year-old man entered a Walmart store on Tuesday, tackled a female officer and then stabbed her 14 times because he believes “cops are oppressive.” The suspect, identified as Jeremiah M. Matthews, reportedly offered a statement to police officers admitting he “had the...
The White House tried to reassure Americans and the governor of Texas Wednesday that a planned special U.S. military training operation in several southwestern states is no cause for alarm.