Bobby Jindal: Louisiana Governor Writes Op-Ed Against Gay Marriage
[caption id="attachment_215384" align="alignleft" width="300"] What Happens if you "Offend" Them.[/caption] In Post-modern America being offended shares something in common with terrorism. They both work like Hell. Neither really has anything to do with ancient grievances or even more recent grievances. They are both ways of bullying and intimidating people. If you can publically, directly, and specifically change people’s behavior because of your act of terrorism | Read More
The shocking images were taken in ISIS-held territory in the province of Homs and show the two accused men being savagely executed by up to four jihadis.
Peter Schweizer, the conservative author of a forthcoming book examining the Clintons’ financial dealings, suggests Clinton resigned from for-profit schools in order to avoid a wave of negative publicity.
Check out this fascinating article by Convention of States Texas State Director Tamara Colbert.
The Leftism of today's college campuses will lead to the Fascism and Socialism of a Hitler or a Stalin. These Occupy-ers are essentially book burners.
Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, who was sworn in this week after a long confirmation battle over his stance on gun control, issued his first remarks on the issue during an interview with NPR that aired

They Heart Big Brother

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Why are “liberals” or “progressives” great fans of big government? (I put the words in scare quotes because it seems to me that these people are, objectively speaking, illiberal and regressive.) There are, I suggest, four reasons.Liberals feel the need to repair the damage their moral values have done in the last half-century or so. When I speak of damage, I am thinking above all of the breakdown of the married two-parent family, a breakdown — caused largely by the liberal-promoted sexual revolution — that has inflicted immeasurable damage on fatherless boys and girls.This breakdown is greatest among our poorer social classes — and has contributed of course to their poverty. And it is greatest of all among poor African-Americans: in black ghettos the married two-parent family has virtually disappeared. But to reverse this breakdown, to begin a return to the married two-parent family, liberals would have to proclaim that there is something seriously wrong with the ethic of sexual freedom that they have been promoting since the middle of the last century.
Voting to confirm an attorney general who won’t uphold the Constitution isn’t a way to inspire confidence among conservatives.
The left is in a full blown civil war over a controversial trade deal that has the center left believing and trusting in Obama's word that it'll be good for the country, and the far left unionists ...
Because I am a black woman someone said I was foolish for liking Rand Paul.
The hackers did not appear to have penetrated closely guarded servers that control the message traffic from President Obama’s personal BlackBerry, officials said.
Jeb Bush announced his exploratory PAC in mid-December, and led most Republican polls for the next month. In late January, Scott Walker wowed the audience at the Iowa Freedom Summit, and rivaled or
'Our silence makes us guilty'
Olympic champion Bruce Jenner was blasted online Friday evening after revealing during a two-hour interview that he identifies as a Christian Republican.
The Global Warming Policy Foundation has enlisted an international team of five distinguished scientists to carry out a full inquiry
A group of zealous supporters of Sen. Ted Cruz' (R-TX) 2016 presidential run is planning to launch a 'Ted Cruz Air Force' (TCAF) in the coming months prior to the Republican primaries that begin in less than a year.
One of the basic responsibilities of the executive branch is to execute the law faithfully. The Obama Administration, however, has no problem ignoring this duty to create its own rules.
Columbia University student Paul Nungesser is suing the university because he says it allegedly let him be harassed by “Mattress Girl” Emma Sulkowicz, who accused him of raping her.
In Drone Strikes, US Often Unsure Who Will Die | Strikes often carried out with little or no intelligence
Rev. Al Sharpton, from PoliticsNation, shares a tip on celebrating our differences to help diversity. The More You Know 2015.
Kurt Schlichter,   The last time some Twitter leftist sneered at me and called me a “breeder,” I wondered whether this collectivist g
Nolte: Mainstream Media Allows Liberals to be Hypocrites, Tax Cheats, Alleged Rapists
Ana Marie Cox said the Clintons are "pretty stupid," "seem to not to want to ask permission or apologize. They want to just do what they do"
The male student at the center of the Columbia University rape controversy claims he has suffered gender discrimination. Other male students are also fighting to clear their names.