This is part of an occasional series exploring gun culture in Pennsylvania. For the first time in nearly two decades, a majority of Americans favor the protection of gun rights over expanded gun control and believe firearms help prevent being a victim of crime, a study by the Pew Research Center reports. The survey shows 52 percent of respondents saw gun rights as more important than controlling gun ownership, up from 45 percent in 2012. Additionally, 57 percent of respondents said guns help prevent becoming a victim of crime, up from 48 percent in 2012. The shift in attitudes about firearms has come as gun sales have increased nationwide. In Pennsylvania, the rise in sales and transfers (person-to-person transaction overseen by a dealer) over the past few years has been dramatic. State
The far-left activists of the Big Gay Hate Machine are on the loose in Congress.
Kshama Sawant, a socialist and a member of the Seattle, Wash. City Council, is paying no fewer than five campaign staff employees as independent contractors — thus evading the payment of payroll tax

Joe Giglio on Twitter

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

“AP photo of my friend nearly getting slashed yesterday outside of Camden Yards.”
Investigators say Ali Irsan killed his daughter's friend and his son-in-law because he was angry his daughter married a Christian
And here we thought the US Democratic Party was the nuttiest political group in the world... The British Labor Party announced this week they will outlaw fear of Islam. Ed Milliband -Labour Party Leader The Labour Party promises to make…
On Wednesday, a Facebook friend posted a story on my page with the headline, “Taxpayers Raped to Study Anal Penetration..

Hillary on the brink of collapse

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

A passage from Ernest  Hemingway fits the moment. In “The Sun Also  Rises,” one character asks,  “How did you go bankrupt?” and another responds: “Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.” The exchange ...
For the first time in at least 20 years, significantly more Americans say it's more important to protect the right to own guns than to control gun ownership, according to a Pew survey.
Just hours after police in Ferguson, Missouri, asked those protesting the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown to behave in an organized and respectful mann...

Is anyone afraid of Jeb Bush?

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Bush is raising tons of money and has plenty of potential assets. Why aren’t his rivals scared off?

Global-Warming Guacamole

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

California doesn’t need a global carbon-emissions regime; it needs a better water system.
After giving a version of his stump speech to a mostly gray-haired crowd in Iowa, Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin was pressed on Friday by two twenty-something Republicans about a percolating issue he did not mention: immigration.
The Left discovers the value of fake hate crimes.
Amid the cross-country race to election 2016, the secular lefts utter disdain for both our Creator Christ and His faithful followers is fast approaching critical mass.
The liberal media's war on 'The Principle' is not quite out of this world.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Just two years ago, the Supreme Court struck
Off-Color Remarks - Black Female Slammed For Supporting Rand Paul - Fox & Friends ==============================­=========­=­=== **Please Click Below to SUBS...
The generous gesture is captured in a receipt and a heartfelt note.
Bill and Hillary Clinton are to money what the Gulf of Mexico is to the Mississippi River: the inevitable destination of a large and never-ending flow, which is sometimes polluted.

I Wait - Blessed Readings

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Do not rejoice at our victories, and do not despair at our defeats. The culture war isn't about you anyway.
A $150,000 prize has been awarded to the “Water Gandhi of India” for his wildly successful work that turns abandoned, impoverished “dust bowls” into lush villages bustling with life again using an ancient method of rainwater harvesting.
Rush Limbaugh posted an interesting pair of questions at his web site yesterday: "How can CNN still be on the air with no audience? How can MSNBC have been on the air with no audience? In the old days, they're gone, kaput. Something else is tried. But they stay. And they double down on what they're doing that's losing audience." A large part of the answer, as I noted on March 30, is that those two networks apparently have suffered very little financially as they have lost audience. That's because, as is apparently the case with most of the major cable channels, their primary source of revenue comes from "subscriptions," also referred to as "carriage fees" or "license fee revenues." In plain English, cable channels get paid a great deal of money even if nobody watches them, and don't benefit as much as would be expected when their audience grows.