Off-Color Remarks - Black Female Slammed For Supporting Rand Paul - Fox & Friends ==============================­=========­=­=== **Please Click Below to SUBS...
In the first major speech of her scandal-plagued presidential campaign, Democrat Hillary Clinton explicitly raised the issue of sexual assault on college campuses. Clinton delivered the wide-rang
Guest Post by Mara Zebest Heh! Here's an idea that isn't necessarily new, but still a lot of fun: Use Hillary's fundraising postage-paid envelopes to tell Hillary what is on your mind as the most important issue for America's future.…

Linda Chavez - Clinton Greed

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Clintons have always had an uneasy relationship with money. Bill never had any. And although Hillary had a comfortable upbringing, she didn't take the path to riches that her Yale Law degree might have provided, choosing instead to do public interest law right out of law school and marry a man with great political ambition.
A Ruptly producer had their handbag stolen live on camera, after being surrounded by a group of youths, as they filmed a protest over the death of Freddie Gr...
Our bubbled mainstream media got a serious crash-course in reality this week with the revelations that Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio don’t hate gays, and that Bruce Jenner, who is in the process of transitioning into a woman, remains a
NEW YORK (AP) — In a story April 23 about a gender bias lawsuit, The Associated Press erroneously reported the name of a Columbia University spokesman. He is Robert Hornsby, not Roger Hornsby.
Here’s a story you haven’t seen for a while: Congress is working — well, sort of. Better than it had for the previous six years, anyway. The difference? Harry Reid is no longer running the Senate —...
Excesses in capital, labor and commodities are challenging some of the basic principles of conventional economics.
Sec. Hillary Clinton responds to a question about the role of U.S. government supporting access to safe abortion, contraception, maternal health care and edu...
A Post analysis found that Bill Clinton has received &u0024;26 million in speaking fees from groups that are also major donors to the Clinton Foundation, putting an unusual twist on Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
The owners of the Out Hotel sparked outrage when they met with Senator Ted Cruz.
She has accomplished nothing, but she’s a woman (who’s a liberal), and that’s all that matters to the Left.
Baltimore (AFP) -- Protesters smashed police cars and shop windows in downtown Baltimore on Saturday when the biggest demonstration over the death of a young African-American man in police custody turned violent.
Hillary (drop the Clinton) has hit the campaign trail in her bid to become the next President of the United States. Sally Peck, a registered Democrat herself, is furious
In 2013, the senator tried to persuade conservatives to back an immigration bill. He failed. Now he, too, opposes it.
If you thought it would end with small town pizza parlors in Indiana and Oregon cake bakers, you would be wrong. The enforcement of militant liberal orthodoxy, having claimed a few scalps from moderate-income Christian business owners, now sets its sights even higher.
Nato is taken more seriously in Russia than in the West. Here, Nato is largely seen as yet another international bureaucracy, as useless as the rest of them. But to… Read more
MRCTV's Dan Joseph asks college students if they recognize Ronald Reagan.
One of the basic responsibilities of the executive branch is to execute the law faithfully. The Obama Administration, however, has no problem ignoring this duty to create its own rules.
The Gaystapo takes no prisoners, brooks no dissent, and offers no mercy. All in the name of “tolerance.” Everybody will be made to care.
The chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Trey Gowdy (R-SC), has asked former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to appear before his committee twice during the weeks of May 18 and June 18, according to a report at NBC News.